Getting ready

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After 2 hours she decided to start getting ready . She took a 1 hour shower and washed her hair for 30 minutes.

After her shower she put on a top that she took from sad eyes and a pair of shorts. She dried her hair for an hour and added in the products that she always added to her hair before starting her makeup.

Halfway through doing her makeup she decided to invite Maddy to go out with her cause she didn't want to go alone. She called Maddy which unsurprisingly she answered but surprisingly she was with Cassie.

"Hey what up" Maddy asked

"Hey I was just wondering if you wanted to go to this party with me" Jayden asked doing her eyeliner

"Is that even a question" Maddy said "of course text me the address and I will be there"

"Ok wait come get me on your way so it will be easier" Jayden says

"Ok" Maddy says "Cassie is asking if she could come"

"Sure be ready in two hours and text me when your here" Jayden said. Although Jayden didn't like Cassie she had to say yes cause if she didn't Maddy would be upset and Jayden wasn't bothered to argue with Maddy.

"Ok cool bye love you" Maddy says

"Love you to bye" Jayden repliesn before hanging up

Jayden spent 30 minutes doing the rest of her Makeup before starting to did her hair. She decided to just put her hair back in a sleek ponytail which didn't take her long.

Since she had a 1 and a half till Maddy got to her house she decided to order some food. Since it was only Cesar, sad eyes,Oscar and some random girl that Oscar is 'dating' (Bethany) at the house she decided to order them some food aswell.

"Hey I'm ordering in n out do you want anything" Jayden says walking in to Cesar's room to see Cesar and Monse making out on the bed. When they heard the door open they jumped up to there feet to see Jayden who Cesar gave her a pleading look and Monse gave her a look like she was disgusted. "What the fuck is this bitch doing here"

"Don't call me a bitch my name is monse" Monse told Jayden with a hint of attitude

"Who the fuck is talking to you" Jayden asked

"Well your the one calling me a bitch" Monse replied

"Cause you are a bitch" Jayden told her. Oscar, Antonio and Bethany all heard this and started making there way to where Jayden was standing to see what she was seeing and once they saw that Oscar quickly grabbed a packet of crisps/chips before getting ready to watch what happens.

"Can you tell your sister to stop calling me a bitch before I —" monse started talking before she was interrupted

"Before you what" Jayden said walking up in Monse face

"You best back the fuck up before I beat the shit outta you" Monse said

This made Jayden start laughing at Monse which made all of the others scared of her cause this laugh sounded like she about to murder someone.

"Try it, come on hit me" Jayden told Monse. Which Monse slapped Jayden across the face.
"Is that all you got"

Monse didn't says anything cause she was now officially scared. Jayden quickly punched the Monse on the nose which made ,monse drop on the floor, and dragged Monse by her hair out of the room and kept going until they were on the sidewalk and finally let go. Some santos that she didn't realise were there stood up watching her.

Jayden DiazWhere stories live. Discover now