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Antonio was on top of Jayden making out and giving her hickey's on her neck and down her body. While there having there moment Jayden's phone rang. She answered it and Antonio continued with what he was doing.

"What!" Jayden answered

"Ok first calm down second someone got shot around the block and I sent cesar out and he isn't answering my calls or texts" Oscar explained

"What!" Jayden said pushing Antonio of off her and putting her phone on speaker phone so she could put clothes on. "Where are you now"

"Uh down the road but meet me at Ruby's house" Oscar told her

"Ok coming soon also Antonio is coming" Jayden said

"Cool whatever see you soon" Oscar told her as he hung up

"What's happening" Sad eyes asked

"Oscar sent Cesar out and apparently someone got shot around here and he isn't replying to calls or texts" Jayden told him

"Ok well let's go then but you owe me" sad eyes said

"Yea yea whatever" Jayden answered

Jayden's outfit:

They made there way out of the house and ruby's house wasn't far away they just walked

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They made there way out of the house and ruby's house wasn't far away they just walked. When they got there Oscar was at his car waiting for them to come.

"You took way to long" Oscar says walking towards the front door

"We'll be grateful we're even here" Jayden answered back following him

Sad eyes just rolled his eyes at the two and followed behind not saying anything cause he knew what they were both like if he did.

Oscar stood there and Jayden looked at him like an idiot cause he wasn't knocking on the door. Sad eyes looked at him with a questioning look but slowly realised what he was doing.

Not even 10 seconds Jamal opened the door and slammed it seeing Spooky and Sad eyes at the door cause he didn't see Jayden who was standing at the side. Jamal opened the door again and that is when Oscar finally spoke.

"Someone shot one of the homies. Have you seen Cesar? He ain't answering his phone." Oscar explained

"His phone ain't working." Jamal said and oscar looked at Jayden "not that anyone broke it or anything. It just died...of natural causes" Jamal added

"If you see him, tell him I'm looking for him." Oscar told Jamal

"Yes sir" Jamal answered. And the trio walked of and Jamal closed the door

"If he ain't there where is he" Jayden asked

"I don't know" Oscar answered

"Where did you send him" Sad eyes asked

Jayden DiazWhere stories live. Discover now