The Carnival

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After 30 minutes of driving and arguments they had finally reached the carnival. It was very busy and when they walked in trying to find Kat they had walked into fezco.

"Hey fez what's up" Jayden said doing a handshake with him

"Nothin much just selling" Fez said "you?" He asked

"Oh just tryna find Kat speaking of have you seen her" Jayden asked

"Last I saw her she was near a shop were ashtray is" pointing towards ashtray "anyway who are they" fez asked tryna be nice

"Oh well I think you can introduce yourselves" Jayden says opening her phone to text Kat we're they were and also to see where the boys were

"I am Oscar Jayden's brother" Oscar said. It was a known thing that if Oscar trusts you he will tell you his real name but if not he will say spooky. Even though they had just met Oscar felt like he could trust fez.

"Oh she has told me about you" fez says "and you are" he says pointing to sad eyes

"Antonio Jayden's boyfriend " sad eyes said. It was the same thing as Oscar as for him for some reason they felt like they could trust Fez

"Dang I thought you would be single forever Jayden but thank god I am tired of you complaining about being single to me every day " fez answered

Shut the duck up you enjoy my company without me you would have a boring life" Jayden said "Ok I gotta go but I will see you later I'm gonna go get Kat and the boys but see you later" Jayden says doing a handshake with fez this time in her hand was money and in his was three blunts.

"Aight see ya" Fez replied

They started walking to go meet the rest of the gang Antonio with Jayden, Cassie third wheeling Maddy and Oscar. Then Maddy got a text from Nate.

"Look I gotta go Nate wants to see me so I am going to go meet up with him bye" Maddy says in an annoyed voice. Oscar was a bit upset but he didn't let it show

"I thought you guys broke up" Jayden and Cassie said in unison

"Nah which I am tired of he keeps being fucking toxic and each time I try break it of or he breaks up with me I want him back so I don't know what to do" Maddy said

"You my dear best friend need to find a new guy it doesn't matter who but who ever this man is you need to make sure he is better than Nate" Jayden says bringing Maddy into a hug

"ok see ya later. Love you" Maddy says before walking off

They said goodbye to Cassie aswell which they didn't even notice she was gone until they met up with Kat and the boys.

"Hey Jayden" Gavin said walking up to her and doing a handshake while having mini donuts in the other hand

"Hey what's up" Jayden said "OooOoo what you got" she said noticing the food

"Mini donuts" Gavin Said and she took one without asking " yo stop always stealing my food" Gavin complains

"Oh shut up I will buy you more" Jayden says "Anyway guys this is Oscar and Antonio and this is Gavin, Jaden, Landon and you already know Kat" Jayden says introducing them to each other. Before they could say anything Jayden cut them off "which by the way kat your outfit is amazing" Jayden compliments Kat

"Yo what about us" Landon asks in a joking way

"Don't have an unborn baby to be worrying about" Jayden replied raising an eyebrow

"Shut up" Landon says

"Jokes aside your outfits look amazing" Jayden said before turning and to see ashtray already looking at her "look you guys stay here and get to know each other I'll be back" Jayden said to them which they all turned to her and were a bit suspicious but didn't ask

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