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Today was Halloween and luckily for her she went shopping for her outfit last month. Maddy had skipped school and they spent the whole day together.

After school was finished all Gavin and Jaden came to Jayden's house with there costumes which Gavin was dressing as a 'uk road man' aka what he where's everyday , Landon wasn't going cause he got in trouble by his mom, Jaden was going as a skeleton, Maddy was going as Carrie and Jayden was going as female version of Freddy Krueger.

Jayden was in the middle of doing Jaden's makeup when Antonio came in with a bag of food. Jayden walked to him and kissed him before asking "what are you doing here" She asked

"Someone ordered food I am thinking it was one of you" Antonio said handing the food to Jayden

"Yes that would be me" Gavin said getting up and grabbing the food from Jayden. They were all staring at him while he was opening the food "what I bought y'all food aswell"

They all stopped staring at him and went to get there food and Antonio and Jayden went outside her door for a second.

"How you been" Jayden asked

"Stressing" Antonio answered

"Why? What's happening" She asked

"Just some santos business that is really stressing me" Antonio asked "Also those girls are really stressing they coming and asking me to aske you to get some extra days" He added

"I gave them two days extra they should be happy I am never this nice when it comes to stuff like this" Jayden told him "anyway if you need any help just know that I can help you" Jayden added

"Shouldn't I be saying that to you" he asked

"I mean if you do stereotypes then yes" Jayden told him

He laughed and they kissed before he walked of and she went back into her room. She started finishing Jaden's makeup and they were talking shit about everyone.

After Jayden finished Jaden's makeup she started getting herself ready and also helped Maddy with her blood. Gavin was already dressed so it was fine.

After 2 hours they were all ready to go to the Halloween party. Jaden had gone around the back because Jayden told him how they would make fun of him for no reason so it was just the three of them walking out.

Jaden's makeup:

Jaden's makeup:

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Maddy's outfit:

Maddy's outfit:

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Jayden DiazWhere stories live. Discover now