I love you

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The next day Jayden woke up to the smell Antonio and lifted her head to see him looking back at her. The time was 9:30 somewhat early.

"How long have you been awake" Jayden asked

"Not long" he replied before turning back to his phone

"Ok well I have nothing to do since I am suspended so what are you doing today" Jayden asks

"How about I take you out on a drive and we can go shopping in downtown LA" Sad eyes suggested

"Oh thank god I miss going downtown LA" Jayden said getting excited

"Ok you get ready and I am going to sort some things out with some santos then I will be back in 2 hours" Antonio said getting up and putting his clothes on

"Ok I will be ready" Jayden tells him before grabbing her phone to see what's new. She saw that she got a text on the groupchat with all her friends.

Landon: Quietkid🤐

Foodie🍔🍟🍕: Jayden you have a lot of explaining to do

NateJacobslover🤮: yeah how you gonna fight someone and not tell me

Newkid😳: Another fight seriously

Vapegirl😶‍🌫️: oh Jayden beat the shit outta that girl

Quietkid🤐: wait who was the other girl

Vapegirl😶‍🌫️: pretty sure her name is Monse

NateJacobslover🤮: isn't she dating Cesar


Instagramfamous📸: jeez basically Cesar's friends were trying to get Cesar out of the Santos and cause it didn't work she blamed me and I beat the shit out of her

Newkid😳: Damn wasn't expecting that

Quietkid🤐:how long you suspended for

Instagramfamous 📸: 2 weeks speaking of aren't y'all at school what are you doing texting in class

Foodie🍔🍟🍕: at least were actually at school

Instagramfamous📸: Don't judge me anyway gtg I have plans

NateJacobslover🤮: what posting on instagram and staying in the house all day

Instagramfamous📸: Actually for your information I am going shopping in Downtown La and may take some Photos

Vapegirl😶‍🌫️:the things I would do to be you

Instagramfamous📸: well that is sad and I feel terribly sorry for you all but I am going to go love you all and have a good day at school 😘😘😘

Foodie🍔🍟🍕: No don't go you were my only entertainment I am tired of listening to miss jones

Instagramfamous📸: I'll text you later ok bye love you 😘😘😘

Midway texting her friends sad eyes kissed Jayden bye and left so he was already gone. After she was finished texting the she grabbed her towel and went and took a shower.

Jayden DiazWhere stories live. Discover now