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The next day Jayden woke up alone in her bed and she was confused and walked out of her room to see Oscar in the kitchen cooking.

"Your friend left 30 minutes ago" Oscar told her

"Oh ok" Jayden says walking towards the kitchen "what are you cooking" Jayden asks

"Food for myself" Oscar replied serving his food on a plate

"Wow ok" Jayden says acting hurt "you know what it's fine I will just order breakfast" Jayden says walking into the living room to take all of her clothes and shoes into her room but struggling. "Can you help me" She turns and asked him

"Yes just wait a minute" Oscar says trying to add the finishing touches to her food. Then he finally went to help her grabbing all her bags and two pairs of shoes. While she was holding 4 boxes of shoes. And put it down before walking back to get the last 2.

"Thank you" she says as Oscar walked out of her room closing the door. She opened her closet to see 3/4 of her clothes were gone "they really ruined most of my clothes"

After a few minutes of sorting out her clothes in her closet she decided to order breakfast. She decided to order Dunkin' donuts and she got a bunch of glaze donuts and a Charli ( A/N I didn't know what other drink to say and this was the first thing that came in my head).

After 5 more minutes she heard a knock on the door and she went to go answer it to see the delivery guy with her breakfast.

"Thank you" Jayden said taking it and closing the door and walking into the kitchen to see Ceaser looking for something to eat and Oscar sitting there eating the food he made. "Ceaser if your hungry I have donuts"

Hearing that made Ceaser instantly turn to her with a smile on his face as he walking towards the donuts and taking one out and went to go sit opposite Oscar.

"Hey are any of you two going to the carnival" Oscar asks them

"I'm going" both of them said in unison

"Why do you wanna go with us" Jayden asks sarcastically

"I mean I wouldn't mind who are you going with" Oscar asks

"Ok first I was joking second I am going with Maddy and Cassie then we are going to meet up with Kat and the boys" Jayden replies drinking her coffee

"Well since I have nothing to do and none of the santos are coming over except sad eyes we will go with you and your friends" Oscar says knowing the reason he wanted to go was because of Maddy

"Never saw the day were you would meet my friends" Jayden says grabbing her coffee before walking towards her bedroom

"Neither did I" Oscar replies

" Also be ready by 4:00 because we going to eat before we get there" Jayden said closing her door.

"Quick question" Ceaser said and Oscar nodded "what's the real reason your going because I know you hate carnivals or anything in that category so you wanna tell me or not" Ceaser asks

"What are you talking about I am going so I can spend time with Jayden" Oscar said somewhat lying cause he did want to spend time with Jayden but he also wanted to get to know Maddy.

"Now that's not a lie but it's not the full truth." Ceaser said trying to think about why he would want to go "the last time you did something like this was when you like one of her friends" Ceaser said and he started thinking about it for a second "you wouldn't like Cassie cause she not your type neither is Kat. You don't know Bb so that leaves and the rest of her friends are guys I mean unless you gay but I don't think so that means the only person left is ..." Ceaser whispered to himself " you like Maddy" Ceaser whisper shouted at Oscar

"Maybe maybe not" Oscar said finishing his food

"Oh my god ok do you understand how angry Jayden will be" Ceaser told him

"Why would she be pissed" Oscar asked really confused

"Cause you just probably want to fuck her and Jayden won't allow you to do that to her especially with Maddy's past relationships" Ceaser said to him

"No I don't just wanna fuck and I wanna get in a relationship with her. I am tired of sleeping around" Oscar said

"Well good luck talking to Jayden about that cause she is going to be pissed" Ceaser told him walking into his room

"Whatever" Oscar whispered to himself.

Oscar was as very confused on why I was against him getting together with Maddy. For once in life he found someone who he actually wants to date not mess around with actually just date her take her out, treat her well everything but everyone is so against it. He couldn't ask Jayden because he was scared of what she was gonna say and he couldn't ask Maddy cause that means he would have to tell Maddy that he likes her and he couldn't ask Ceaser or sad eyes because they wouldn't tell him but he knew he would have to talk to Jayden at some point.

He just walked into his room trying his best not to think about it but he couldn't get Maddy out of his head. So he decided to just take a nap seeing as though he didn't get much sleep last night and he had 4 hours until they were leaving.


What do you think about this chapter?

Do you think Ceaser will tell Jayden that Oscar like Maddy?

Should Maddy and Oscar date?

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