New kid

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New Character:
Douglas Ferrari as Jaden

All the girls went there separate ways

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All the girls went there separate ways. Maddy went to find Nate, Bb and Cassie went to the bathroom and kat went to find a place to skip. Jayden went to find Ceaser to ask him for something.

"CEASER! Hey do you think you can cover for me while I go see fezco for something?"
She asked while eating some of the edibles.

"First what the hell are you eating second what do I get out of it." Ceaser had a confused look on his face

"First I think it is pretty obvious and second I won't tell your friends about you a—."
Ceaser quickly covered her mouth before she finished her sentence.

" ok I'll do it bye love you see you later." He was rushing for her to leave.

She laughed at him and waved his friends goodbye and walked off with a smile on her face. Which quickly turned into a face of anger when someone bumped into her.

"Hey watch were you are going" they said in sync

"Hey your new aren't you?" She questioned

"Yeah is it really that obvious" the boy replied

"Pretty much I mean everybody knows everybody so yeah it's easy to spot a new face. What's your name by the way?"she looked at him with a smile on his face.

" oh sorry my name is Jaden.what your's" he looked insanely nervous but she gave him a smile trying to say that he shouldn't be nervous.

" funny thing my name is also Jayden but you can call me Jd if you get confused." She gave a small chuckle.

They looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds until they got interrupted bye the bell.
"Hey do you know where Science is Mr Preston?"

"Seems like me and you are heading to the same place let me see your schedule" they start heading to Science and he hands her the schedule. She looks at it and looks back at him with a smile on her face " Welp me and you have the same classes except for PE instead I don't go I skip and get high I mean unless you want to join."

"Sure I mean I think I would rather get high than do PE so I will join you." They reach the class.

"Good cause I want you to get to know my friends I think th—"

"Your late miss Jayden and who might you be mr..." he looked at Jaden confused.

"Jaden" he finished his sentence.

Everyone in class started whispering to each other and some girls started waving at him. Which made Jd get a little jealous.

"Ok well you and miss Diaz can sit next to each other over there." He started pointing to two seats in the back of the room next to each other.

As they walked to the back one of the girls started talking to her friend " did you hear that jd's brother came out of jail. I wonder who is going to be next most likely Jd seeing as those she is the most —"

She quickly stopped when she realised that her friend was staring behind her "what? What is it?"then she looked behind her to see a furious Jayden staring at her.

" what cat got your tongue. Finish your sentence. I mean you brave enough to talk to your friend about me why can't you say to me" she crouched down to her level.

"Uh..I..I..uh...umm..I'm...i.. please.. I didn't mean—"

"Uh..Uh..uh..I..I...What can you not finish your sentence go on" the whole class was looking at the interaction even Mr Preston was intrigued.

The girl stayed quiet " oh what's your name"Jayden asked with a grin on her face.

"Uh..Avery" she answered nervously (no offence to to anyone called avery)

"Oh Avery, I am going to say this one time and one time only you talk about me or my family again. I will make sure that pretty little face of yours turns ugly got it?" Jd looked at Avery dead in the eye.

"" she stuttered

"Okay good"

Everyone turned and looked at Jayden as she went and sat at the back next to Jaden. "What are you all looking at" she asked annoyed

The whole class turned around and stopped looking at her except Jaden. He looked at her confused but also looked at her with a a smile on his face. Jd turned to her side and they started making eye contact with one another for about 5 minutes.

"Am I interrupting something" mr Preston asked cautiously

"No" they both said quickly. They looked at each other and started to laugh

What do you think about Jaden and Jayden

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