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 Near noon, Miao Jiaojiao felt hot and smoking all over her body, and her back was sore.

  This body is of poor physique, and it will kick in anger after a while. If it hadn't drank the spiritual spring water, it would have been paralyzed long ago.

  Although tiring, the results are still gratifying.

  A normal farmer can hoe half an mu of land a day and earn full work points.

  After a busy morning, Miao Jiaojiao completed one-fifth of an acre of land, and with half a day in the afternoon, it would be nearly half an acre.

  This speed is not bad, 7 work points should be able to get it.

  Thinking of this, Miao Jiaojiao felt a sense of pride in her heart.

  Not to mention, working and earning food by yourself is different, and the sense of accomplishment is full!

  Looking at Ma Fang and Bai Yan again, they were still grinding behind them.

  Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows, I'm afraid she would have to blame Lin Ju again.

  Sure enough, when it was time to eat at noon, Lin Ju reminded at the dinner table: "Ma Fang, Bai Yan, if you are faster in the afternoon, you must get 7 work points today."

  Ma Fang complained with a flat mouth: "Sister Lin , the blisters on my hands have burst, and I will definitely not be able to work fast in the afternoon..."

  She eats with chopsticks now and it hurts, why is this person so unsympathetic.

  Bai Yan's hands are not bad, but her back is very sore: "Sister Lin, I'm also a little uncomfortable, why don't you let us rest for a few more days."

  This month, I've been used to grinding foreign workers, and I can't stand the sudden acceleration of the pace. .

  Lin Ju frowned: "The food you eat now is borrowed from the brigade. At the end of the year, you will have to deduct work points, and you will have to pay for next year's food in advance.

  If the work points are not enough and you owe the brigade, other villagers will have opinions at that time. If you want to be lazy, you can cry if you don't have enough money."

  Although Lin Ju was scolding the two of them, she was also telling Miao Jiaojiao in disguise that if she didn't work diligently Point, the future will not be easy.

  At the end of the month, the autumn harvest is the busiest time, and it is also the best time to earn work points. If you don't practice your speed in advance, you will miss it by then.

  The old educated youths won't say anything because they earn less work points at the beginning. After all, everyone comes here like this.

  But if this has been the case, then if the work points are less, the food will be less, and who will be happy if they still eat a big pot of rice together.

  When Ma Fang heard that the work points were not enough and he had to buy it with money, his expression changed immediately.

  She only has more than 30 yuan in her pocket now, which she keeps to buy a new gown and vanishing cream in the future.

  She also knows what's going on in her home. At most, she can send some cotton-padded clothes and pants to keep out the cold, and she won't give her any extra money.

  She looked at Bai Yan and was embarrassed to say something, so she could only nod her head sullenly: "Sister Lin, I understand."

  Bai Yan also responded in a timely manner: "Thank you, Sister Lin, I know what to do."

  Anyway, her family is rich, and if she doesn't have enough work points at the end of the year, she will use the money to buy food, it doesn't matter.

  "That's right, it's not easy for everyone. Besides, if you earn enough food for the work points, you can also share the extra money."

  If it wasn't for understanding that they were new educated youths, Lin Ju would not be able to educate them. .

  Ma Fang and Bai Yan looked at each other, helplessness flashed in their eyes.

  The workers earned from the work points were not enough to eat food, so it was Lin Ju who comforted them.

  Miao Jiaojiao on the side ate the meal without saying a word.

  Anyway, she will go out to eat separately from tomorrow, and she has no idea.

  After eating, Miao Jiaojiao didn't take a lunch break and went directly to the utility room in the backyard.

  The backyard is quite large, and a large area in the middle is a vegetable field grown by an old educated youth, such as Lin Ju.

  On the far left is a simple shower room and a dry toilet, and on the far right is a large utility room, which is filled with various sundries.

  To go to the backyard, you can go out directly from the back door of the house lobby, or go around on both sides of the courtyard wall.

  Miao Jiaojiao stood in the utility room and looked around. The room was about 15 square meters, and the space was enough. https://www.hei66.com

  But because there are no windows and no one to take care of it, it looks very dark and humid, and there is an unpleasant smell in the air.

  Miao Jiaojiao stood for a while, and after deciding on the rectification plan, she went back and took a pen to write down the key points.

  Looking at the full records on the paper, she had to sigh that the amount of work tomorrow will be quite large.

  In the afternoon, Miao Jiaojiao got seven work points as she wished.

  In order not to deduct money, Ma Fang also took seven work points for working hard.

  As for Bai Yan's six work points as always, before anyone could ask, she smiled and said that she would use the money to buy food by the end of the year.

  Seeing this, Lin Ju and the others couldn't say anything.

  After dinner in the evening, Miao Jiaojiao packed half a catty of brown sugar from the space and wrapped it in newspaper to go to the village chief's house.

  Although there is no need to tell the village chief about the educated youth compound, she still has to ask the village chief for some things.

  The village chief of Shishui Village is also the team leader, and the people are very enthusiastic. The family is eating at this time.

  As soon as he saw Miao Jiaojiao coming over, he immediately stood up and greeted her: "Comrade Xiao Miao is here, have you eaten dinner, do you want to come and have something to eat?"

  Miao Jiaojiao smiled and put the things in her hand on the table: "No need , I have already eaten the village chief, and I have something to ask you when I come back."

  "Oh, come here, why don't you bring something with you?" The village chief's wife is shrewd, she accepted the things with a smile, and said, "You just do it. Whatever it is, my old man can help."

  Miao Jiaojiao explained: "That's right, I'm going to move to the utility room in the educated youth compound, but I still lack some things and I don't know who to ask for help, my aunt wants it. Why don't you introduce me?"

  "Sorry, what's the matter? Why did you live apart? Did you have a conflict with someone?" Although the village chief's daughter-in-law was concerned, the gossip in her eyes couldn't stop.

  Miao Jiaojiao responded perfunctorily: "Nothing, auntie, don't think too much, I just want to have a private space to be more convenient." The

  village chief's daughter-in-law: "Okay, you want to fight something, right? The carpenter, he lives next door to Blacksmith Liu. If you need anything, just ask, and say I introduced it, and the price will definitely be fair to you."

  Miao Jiaojiao replied with a smile, "Thank you, auntie, and I'll go right away. Ask." The

  village chief's daughter-in-law replied with

  a smile: "Go, go." As soon as they left, she hurriedly opened the newspaper and found that it contained brown sugar.

  Putting a finger in his mouth, smacking his lips a little bit, he didn't know what to do, and after weighing it again, he said to his old man:

  "My darling, this little girl is really willing to touch half a catty of brown sugar, so I came over and asked a question. It's not a matter of words, isn't this a panic of burning money?" The village chief drank huchihuchi and porridge, then raised his head and said, "What do you know, this little girl is exquisite."

  He went to find someone to make something under the name of his wife. , This price aside, people who do things must do their best.

  Moreover, this girl lives alone in the utility room. If the villagers find out about it, they will have to gossip. When the time comes, no one will dare to talk nonsense if he moves out of the name he agrees with.

  The village chief's wife glared at him: "I don't understand anything, I know that this girl is a generous girl, but since she gave brown sugar, it's okay to help with something." The village chief glanced at the package of brown sugar and said He lowered his head and drank the porridge again: "I see, I still need you to say it."

Rebirth 70: Fat Girl Educated Youth Has Spiritual Spring SpaceWhere stories live. Discover now