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341. Ask Gangzi for Help

Time flies by.

  Soon, the ship arrived at a port in country m and docked.

  Miao Jiaojiao can sense the situation outside in time.

  It was just in the evening when the boat was docked, and it was already dark when the people were almost finished.

  Miao Jiaojiao took Han Lingzhi to sneak out of the space.

  The two took advantage of the dark night to go to a nearby convenience store.

  Before going, they disguised themselves in the space to avoid Aaron's men from reconnaissance nearby.

  Miao Jiaojiao disguised herself as a man, with a mustache and a peaked cap, dressed as a proper little brother.

  Han Lingzhi wore a curly wig and had a beard attached to his chin, just like a bearded man.

  The two entered the convenience store together, and a middle-aged foreign aunt was taking a nap at the counter.

  See the strange combination of the two of them.

  The foreign aunt said "Welcome" lightly in English, but she didn't say anything, obviously she didn't care at all.

  Miao Jiaojiao looked around the store and found no one else.

  So he came to the foreign aunt, unbuttoned the watch in his hand and handed it over.

  She looked at her vigilantly: "My brother and I haven't eaten much for two days. This is a mortgage. Please give me some money.

  " to take something.

  The social order in country m these days is also a bit chaotic, and the economy is very depressed.

  In this case, it looks like something was robbed from somewhere, with a gun in his pocket.

  The foreign aunt's face changed immediately.

  If only Miao Jiaojiao was alone, it would be fine, but there was a big man standing beside her.

  She took out 20 dollars from her bag and handed it over with a trembling voice, and said, "I only have so much on me."

  The money in the store is not hers, so she can't move it.

  Miao Jiaojiao put her watch on the counter, held the $20 in her hand, and pointed to her wallet: "Give me a few coins." The foreign aunt could only do the same.

  After the two took the money and left, she immediately called the police station and talked about the characteristics of the two.

  However, what the aunt didn't know was that as soon as the two went out, they entered the space at the corner.

  I ate dinner in the space, and didn't come and go until almost midnight. Naturally, my dress changed into another look.

  The reason why he used his watch to exchange money with aunt was because Han Lingzhi was going to the public phone booth to call the contact person.

  There is only this convenience store nearby, and they don't have any dollars on them, so they can only resort to this.


  12 am.

  Dilapidated apartment.

  A strong man was falling asleep on the bed.

  "Jingle bell! Jingle bell!"

  The landline hanging on the wall suddenly rang.

  The strong man put the quilt over his head and ignored it.

  But the landline in the living room was still clamoring.

  He finally impatiently lifted the quilt and walked over to pick it up: "Hey, who is it, it's the night!" The other end of the phone hesitated for a while, and then said, "Brother Gangzi, I'm Han Lingzhi from the Pioneer Team..."

  30 minutes Later, a taxi stopped at the door of the apartment.

  A figure descended from his body, making Gangzi's eyes lit up waiting at the door.

  He strode forward and hugged Han Lingzhi's shoulder with a bear:

  "Good boy, why did you come to M country? Is there a mission?!" The voice just fell, after seeing the beautiful woman next to him.

  He asked again curiously, "Who is this?"

  Han Lingzhi took Miao Jiaojiao's hand and introduced, "This is my fiancee, her name is Miao Jiaojiao."

  "Hello, Gangzi." Miao Jiaojiao greeted.

  "Hey, brother-in-law!" Gangzi patted Han Lingzhi's back and said with a smile,

  "You're a genius, you have found such a handsome wife.

  Come on, let's go inside, it's too cold outside!" The three of them together After entering the room, Gangzi asked the two of them to sit down on the sofa in the living room. He went to the kitchen and poured two glasses of orange juice:

  "It's too late at night and there's nothing to eat. I'll go to the supermarket early tomorrow to buy some more food for you."

  Han Lingzhi and Miao Jiaojiao Thank you: "Thank you, Brother Gangzi." Gangzi   touched the back of his head and smiled: "Sorry, what are you thanking me for? You finally came here, i should."

We have something very important to tell you..."

  20 minutes later, waiting to hear all that happened.

  Gangzi's whole person was furious:

  "His grandmother! What the hell dares to persecute us Chinese people, Laozi will not let him go."

  Just after scolding, his face suddenly improved, and he stood up happily at Miao Jiaojiao Thumbs up:

  "Brother-in-law, you are really brave and resourceful, the two shots you fired really relieved the hatred!"

  When Han Lingzhi explained the situation, he erased the part of Miao Jiaojiao's space.

  It is said that Miao Jiaojiao took the opportunity to hide her pistol and hit Aaron, and hid under the ship.

  Later, when Han Lingzhi went to find her, the two met, and then hid on the boat for so long.

  Miao Jiaojiao pursed her lips and smiled: "I've won the prize, it should be."

  Gangzi sighed, "Then you have worked so hard on the boat, so you have to make up for it!"

  "We are in good health." Han Lingzhi took over the words and said, "Now The most urgent task is to find out all the information about Aaron. Then we have to sneak into the laboratory and destroy all the information ourself!"

  The reason why he persuaded Jiaojiao to stop assassinating Aaron was mainly because he was worried that Aaron had left behind in the laboratory.

  In case a person is killed by them, but many confidential documents are still left and cannot be found, it is also a trouble.

  So they have to go into the laboratory to see the situation in person before they can take the next step.

  "I see." Gangzi nodded solemnly: "It happens that I know a computer hacker, so I can let him find out."

  Han Lingzhi nodded: "Okay, then I'll trouble you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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