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71. Bai Yan Pushes Ma Fang

 Seeing that Public Security Chen didn't respond for a long time, Ma Fang thought he was shy, so he lowered his head and blushed and said, "Brother Chen...don't get me wrong..." 

 The appearance of wanting to talk, is what anyone can see.

  Chen Sheng frowned slightly, and his tone was a little cold: "Comrade Ma Fang, I have no misunderstanding, don't think about it too much."

  He didn't like hanging around others, so naturally he wouldn't give her any chance to think too much.

  "Ah...you..." Ma Fang raised her head blankly, unable to understand what he meant.

  Seeing his indifferent expression, Ma Fang's heart clicked, biting his lips and saying, "Are you...do you despise me..."

  He must have despised her when he saw the scene where she was being held under him. .

  But that person didn't treat her very much. He clearly showed up to save her. How could this be...

  "No, you think too much." Chen Sheng continued with a serious face: "I mean, we are even friends. I don't even know you, I'm not familiar with you, so there's no need to be so intimate."

  "But..." Ma Fang wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Chen Sheng: "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well and need to rest. Now, thank you for visiting me."

  The meaning of these words is self-evident, that is, to drive Ma Fang away.

  How could she not understand, and immediately blushed in anger and carried the cake out of the ward.

  Humph, since he is so ignorant, of course the cakes bought with money can't be cheap for him!

  Until returning to the educated youth compound, Ma Fang's anger has not dissipated.

  She finally opened her heart to treat a person like this, never thought that person was completely ignorant.

  After returning to the room to drink some water and calm down, Ma Fang looked at the cakes on the table again, and Ma Fang felt a little regretful.

  No matter what, it was a fact that he saved her after all.

  This pastry was obviously given because of her thanks to the other party, so why did she get it back in a moment of confusion?

  Hey, forget it, Ma Fang sighed and shook his head. He took it all back, why don't you just keep it for yourself and eat it slowly.

  This time, the girls' room was not locked, and Ma Fang just picked up a piece of cake and put it in his mouth.

  Outside the door, Jia You peeked in, and said yin and yang strangely: "Oh, I'm back, I went out so early in the morning, why would I hide in my room depressed and eat cakes?

  " Fang glared at him, picked up the cakes and took a bite, showing off: "My cakes are all from Brother Chen, he gave me, of course I have to enjoy it all by myself."

  She felt uneasy now, This person came up to talk again, of course she wouldn't give a good face.

  Anyway, since Chen Sheng wasn't here, she could do whatever she wanted.

  As soon as he heard Ma Fang's words, Jia You's expression darkened immediately.

  That night, the two of them had a skin-to-skin kiss, and they ran for their lives together for so long, so they all had different feelings.

  But she didn't expect that she didn't take those things to heart at all, and even thought about that little Chen Gongan.

  "As you like!" Jia You pursed his lips and left directly.

  Seeing him like this, Ma Fang was a little confused.

  Could it be that he was angry because he didn't give him pastries?

  Hehe, what a man with a small belly!

  A few days later, after Chen Sheng recovered, he bought several cakes and candies in the county town and came to Shishui Village.

  It was just after work at noon, and Miao Jiaojiao was closing the door to cook when there was a sudden knock on the door.

  When I opened the door, I saw Chen Sheng standing outside the door with a smile on his face: "Comrade Miao Jiaojiao, I'm here to thank you for your life-saving grace!"

  "Come in!" Miao Jiaojiao greeted the person He came in, brought a glass of brown sugar water, and said with a smile: "Come here, why do you bring these things?"

  "These are all thank you gifts, of course you have to bring them." Chen Sheng didn't dare to look at Miao Jiaojiao's face carefully, only Sneak glance.

  On that night a month ago, he glanced at it in a daze, and a mark was branded in his heart.

  But I didn't expect that the face-to-face contact during the day would make her more beautiful and moving than that night!

  Just a glance, Chen Sheng saw the deer in his heart rushing around, and his face turned red.   The straight daughter Miao Jiaojiao

  saw his strange expression, and asked concerned: "What's the matter with you, Xiao Chen, are you not feeling well?"

.. No... Maybe it's a little hot..."

  Miao Jiaojiao:... It's the middle of December in the cold winter, and it's just hot?

  Miao Jiaojiao: "Then you should drink more sugar to quench your thirst."

  "Okay, thank you." Chen Sheng lowered his head and took a sip of brown sugar water, feeling sweet in his heart.

  The conversation between the two at the gate of the backyard was all heard by Ma Fang, who rushed over after hearing the news.

  She was stunned in the back door of the living room and did not show up. Behind Bai Yan's mouth, a trace of disdain was raised, and she whispered in her ear: "Look at that Miao Jiaojiao, who seduces people with her beauty, this little Chen. The public security had a good relationship with you before, but now she's deliberately scolding you, and they ignore you when they come!"

  Since the last time she was humiliated by Han Lingzhi, Bai Yan felt resentment in her heart.

  No wonder he didn't want to be with her, because he just saw Miao Jiaojiao's beautiful face.

  The person she almost got, how could she cheapen that slut!

  If that's the case, then she has to find a chance to ruin that bitch's face! !

  During this time, she has been thinking about how to destroy the other party. After thinking about it, she felt that it was not wise to do it herself.

  It's best to find a scapegoat to do things, so that if something goes wrong, you can't blame yourself.

  She quickly chose Ma Fang for this person. This person has an impulsive personality, and his head is not very good. It is understandable for being confused for a while.

  Originally, she was still thinking of using some kind of aggressive method to make the relationship between the two more contradictory. No, the opportunity has come.

  Seeing that Ma Fang didn't seem to react, Bai Yan added lightly: "Since this Miao Jiaojiao moved out, the relationship between everyone in this educated youth compound has not been as good as before.

  Lin Ju and others treat me and you all the same. They are often sarcastic, Miao Jiaojiao must have secretly said something to them behind their backs, and I really don't understand why this person is so hostile to us.

  " In the distance, Chen Sheng's brightly smiling face was even more blocked in his heart.

  When she went to visit him a few days ago, his expression was quite indifferent, not as gentle and smiling as he is now.

  Thinking of this, she felt angry, gritted her teeth and said, "It's not because we are envious, jealous, and hateful from us from Beijing. Hmph, she came from a small southern city, so proud of it!"

  Hearing this, Bai Yan A glimmer of satisfaction flashed in her eyes, and she added another fire:

  "She was fine when she was dark, fat and ugly, but now she's thinner and more beautiful, and a face is popular wherever she goes." 

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