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191. No one Knows this Secret

Although there was a big fight.

  But the breakfast that should be eaten has to be eaten.

  on the breakfast table.

  The old woman changed her gloomy expression, and smiled and handed a poached egg to Miao Ziliang's bowl: "Xiao Liang, eat it quickly, grandma specially fried it for you."

  "I don't want to eat it, I eat eggs every day, and I vomit! "

  14-year-old Miao Xiaoliang was in adolescence, and his character was arrogant, but now he is even more rebellious.

  He doesn't like what his family likes, and he doesn't do what he asks him to do. Anyway, he likes to do it the other way around.

  Before, he liked to eat candied omelette the most, but now he dislikes it and doesn't even look at it.

  Li Qin deliberately said with a fierce look: "You kid, you don't eat such expensive things as eggs, what else do you want to eat?"

  Although her son is her baby, she can't be used to it all the time, otherwise it will be lawless all.

  "Anyway, I don't want to eat it!" Miao Ziliang hula hula and drank a few mouthfuls of white porridge, then threw the tableware and chopsticks on the table:

  "After eating, I'm going to bed. It was so noisy in the morning that I didn't sleep well."

  As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the three people present froze.

  Li Qin and his wife looked at each other and turned their heads in disgust.

  Miao Ziliang looked impatient, stood up and walked straight to the room.

  With a bang, the door slammed shut.

  Li Qin took a mouthful of green vegetables and frowned, "This stinky boy..."

  Miao Wei sighed: "Mom, wife, you should quarrel less in the future.

  The final exam is coming soon, and now is the key to Xiao Liang's study. You can't quarrel with him anymore."

  Mrs. Miao felt a little aggrieved in her heart: "Well... I got it..."

  She could still handle the matter related to her grandson.

  Li Qin snorted: "As long as no one deliberately quarrels with me, I won't."

  Hearing this, Mrs. Miao's face darkened, and she didn't respond.

  Seeing that his mother and daughter-in-law finally stopped fighting, Miao Wei breathed a sigh of relief.   He changed the subject and said, " Xiaoqin

  , I just saw that the rice at home is running out. You should go to the supply and marketing agency to buy some back later." The old woman glanced at it:

  "I just went to buy it some time ago. There are only so many people in this family. I really don't know who can eat so much."

  She has always had a good appetite and can eat anything.

  It may be that the hard times have been too long before, and now life is better, and the grains are still willing to eat.

  The daughter-in-law here is talking about her brightly.

  She didn't want to quarrel anymore, she could only sigh: "Oh, I'm old, I can't be trusted, anyone can bully me..."

  This made Miao Wei's face flush, he had always been filial to his mother.

  But he couldn't control his own wife being too sturdy.

  I feel very guilty.

  "Xiaoqin, don't say a word, Xiaoliang is still sleeping." Only his son can talk about things, and his wife can stop the meeting.

  "I don't know if you're not home!" Li Qin snorted and suddenly rolled her eyes: "Hey, Miao Jiaojiao hasn't written to her family for a long time. She doesn't eat much, or I'll send her a letter . A letter, let her send some of the food."

  Anyway, people are going to die, so if you don't send it, it will be a waste.

  "This is a good way! The dead girl can't eat much, so hurry up and write to her!" Mrs. Miao agreed.

  The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law agreed on Miao Jiaojiao's treatment.

  However, Li Qin just likes to torture her, while Mrs. Miao prefers sons to daughters and thinks Miao Jiaojiao is a loser and not worth it.

  Miao Wei frowned: "This is not very good, I heard that the educated youths who go to the countryside work very hard, and Jiaojiao's body is so bad, what if I don't eat a little bit and my body is exhausted...

  " Influence doesn't like this daughter very much, but after all, she is his own flesh and blood, so she can't bear it.

  Li Qin rolled her eyes: "She's so fat, she's full of meat, and she can't eat enough to lose weight!"

  Mrs. Miao also said: "That's right, son, don't worry about it, that dead girl is an unfilial one. , I haven't thought about my family for more than a year, and I haven't come to write a letter. What do you care about her!"

  Miao Wei was about to say something when his mouth moved, but his wife Li Qin interrupted him:

  "If you really If you want to help her, then you can use the money to buy food, and I won't care about the family in the future!"

  "..." Miao Wei was a little speechless, his salary was handed over as soon as it was paid, where is the money?

  Seeing her husband's aggrieved look, Li Qin pouted.

  Miao Jiaojiao is not her own.

  No one knows this secret except her.

  She also knew her husband's temperament. If he said it nicely, he was kind, and if he didn't, he was weak and cowardly.

  If the truth of the matter is told to him, it may be leaked one day.

  Besides, this matter also involves the emotional disputes about her many years ago, and it is said that it will inevitably affect the relationship between husband and wife.

  It is also fortunate that her husband listened to her words, otherwise she would not be mad if he really favored that fake.

  Now her precious daughter is enjoying the happiness in the Miao family in Beijing, and she feels refreshed just thinking about it.

  I don't know how shocked Li Jie's expression will be when she knows that she has helped others raise their daughter for more than 10 years.

  Hey, when she thinks of this, she wants to be a good daughter again.

  She really wanted to visit her in Beijing.

  But for the sake of her daughter's future, she could only give up this idea.

  More on that later.

  One day, their mother and daughter will meet.


  after breakfast.

  Mrs. Miao packed up the dishes and went to the kitchen.

  Li Qin went back to the room to write a letter.

  Miao Wei went out to find friends.

  He made an appointment with a friend to rest today and go fishing by the lake, and it is estimated that he will come back in the evening.

  Miao Jiaojiao followed her memory and brought Han Lingzhi to the Tongzilou.

  A group of aunts are sitting at the gate downstairs chatting.

  Among them, the concierge mother-in-law in her 80s is also there.

  Before, in order to earn tuition, the original owner often went to her place at night to help with work and make headgear.

  The mother-in-law is very kind and treats her very well, and sometimes the other party will give her bubble sugar water for her to drink.

  As soon as the two approached, they heard these people gathered around and whispered:

  "Hey, did you hear it before, this old Miao family is arguing again early in the morning, it's really a few days."

  "I heard it . , this voice is so big, it seems to be fighting, tsk tsk tsk."

  "My God, this Granny Miao is so sturdy, she dares to fight against Li Qin, but she must not be scolded!"

  "It really doesn't stop in the morning, this Lao Miao is too useless to let a woman ride on her head to make a fortune."

  "That's right, I'm not afraid of being laughed at so loud..."

  Hearing this, Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows.

  In her memory, the so-called mother and grandma quarreled at most, and they never fought.

  It is estimated that the contradictions have been accumulating over time, and it broke out after it was really unbearable.


  She came just in time.

  Then let the contradiction be a little more!

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