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After work the next day, Miao Jiaojiao went to Widow Liu's house. As soon as she entered the hospital, Miao Jiaojiao smiled and said, "Aunt Liu, I heard that your pickled radishes are delicious. I have 2 eggs here. Can I exchange some pickled radishes with you?

  " Covered by hair, this will bend over to clean the yard. Seeing Miao Jiaojiao coming over, she was stunned for a moment, then nodded stiffly: "I'll give you food directly, you don't need to change it."

  Since an accident at home, her face was disfigured, she seldom interacted with people. The little girl took the initiative to come to the door to chat with her.

  Miao Jiaojiao put the two eggs in her hand in the enamel cup on the table, and said,

  "Auntie, this is not good, our educated youth courtyard eats a lot more, I want to exchange some more eggs with you. I still have to accept it."

  Seeing this, Widow Liu did not refuse any more: "Then wait a moment, I'll go to the kitchen to get it for you."

  After that, she plunged into the kitchen.

  Seeing people leave, Miao Jiaojiao immediately stood up and looked in the yard.

  There are some vegetables on the left side of this yard, and a few chickens on the right side.

  The house looks small, with only 3 rooms, a living room, a room, a kitchen, and a dry toilet on the far left.

  Although the house is simple, the ground is clean and all kinds of things are neatly arranged, and at a glance, you know that he is a person who can live.

  I heard that after the accident in Liu's house, the fire destroyed all the savings, and this house was built brick by brick by Widow Liu herself.

  As a woman, she not only has to bear the pain of the passing of her relatives, but also has to endure the gossip about her relatives, which is really not easy.

  Miao Jiaojiao remembered the honest look of the other party just now, and her heart moved slightly. Such a diligent and simple woman should have nothing to do with Wang Dahu.

  After a while, Widow Liu came out of the kitchen with a large bowl of pickled radishes.

  She took out an egg from the enamel cup and handed it to Miao Jiaojiao: "I only have these pickled radishes at home. I only need one egg for these. You can take the other one back."

  Miao Jiaojiao smiled and nodded: "Okay. I'll go back first."

  Stuffing the eggs in her pocket, she just went out from Widow Liu's house with pickled radishes when she saw a short uncle not far away.

  The other party was looking here, looking at Miao Jiaojiao, he immediately turned around and slipped away to the side road.

  Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows, feeling a little weird and didn't think much about it.

  He brought the pickled radishes home all the way, distributed some to Lin Ju and the others, put the rest in his room, and returned the bowl.

  When the bowl was returned, the uncle I had just met was also at Widow Liu's house.

  When he saw Miao Jiaojiao, his face flushed and he stood up and hurriedly explained: "I'm here to find Liu Meizi to exchange some eggs, don't get me wrong!"

  Miao Jiaojiao: ...she still I didn't ask anything, why is this man so nervous.

  Miao Jiaojiao smiled awkwardly: "It's okay, uncle, I also asked my aunt to exchange some pickled radishes just now. I'll be here to return the bowl. You talk, I'll go first." As soon as the

  bowl was put down, she thanked Widow Liu . With a sound, Miao Jiaojiao hurried out of the yard.

  As soon as the uncle looked like he knew that he was interested in Widow Liu, she would not stay as a light bulb.

  As soon as she entered the door, Widow Liu just came over from the kitchen with a smile and brought water to the uncle to drink. It seemed that the two of them should be very familiar.

  In this way, it is very likely that the relationship between Widow Liu and Wang Dahu has nothing to do with each other.

  It seemed that her plans had to change.

  Just thinking about it, Miao Jiaojiao noticed a figure in front of her, that person was Wang Dahu.

  Seeing him coming, Miao Jiaojiao hurriedly hid in the hay.

  She saw the other party pass by the door of Widow Liu's house, turned into the side road, and disappeared suddenly.

  Miao Jiaojiao hurriedly chased after him. Fortunately, she ran fast and could still see him from a distance.

  She followed Wang Dahu down the path, then continued into a small forest, turned left and right for 10 minutes, and came to a reed bush.

  There, a plump middle-aged woman was standing there.

  As soon as she saw Wang Dahu, a smile appeared on the woman's face.

  Miao Jiaojiao took advantage of the situation to hide behind a rock, and when she looked out, she saw a scene of hot eyes.

  I saw Wang Dahu hurriedly pulling the woman's trousers, and then pressing the person in the reeds to do a shameful act.

  Although the line of sight was blocked by the reeds, the man's breathing and the woman's screaming, one after another, couldn't help but make people think about it.

  Miao Jiaojiao couldn't help but blushed, coughing, she was only 18 years old in her two lifetimes, she was still a little girl, where have she seen such a scene.

  She couldn't help but take a peek again, my dear, the battle is still quite intense, and the woman's exposed face seemed to be foaming at the mouth.

  Just as she was watching with relish, a big frog jumped over Miao Jiaojiao's feet: "Quack~"

  Miao Jiaojiao suddenly shivered.

  I feel like there is a cold gaze watching me from behind!

  She turned around in a daze, and suddenly met a pair of dark and deep eyes that were as deadly as black holes.

  ! ! !

  Isn't this the big brother who killed the wild boar and gave her the pheasant last time? !

  The other party glanced at her strangely, and when he noticed the movement in the distance, his face suddenly froze.

  Seeing him like this, Miao Jiaojiao couldn't help but want to cover her face and run away.

  What a coincidence!

  She really wanted to find a hole to dig into!

  Woohoo, how to explain this! !

  Her innocence was ruined like this! ! !

  Han Lingzhi's mood is a bit complicated now.

  He just wanted to come to Reed to catch some frogs and go back to eat, but unexpectedly, he ran into this fat girl again.

  Well, he knew this girl.

  SHe chased away his wild boar half a month ago, and beat a big man to tears. 

  The other party seems to have lost a lot of weight and whiten during this time, but he still recognized it at a glance.

  But these are not the key, the key is why every time he sees her, he can encounter bad things.

  Hearing the movement in the distance, Han Lingzhi couldn't help frowning.

  This little girl is not very old, and her lust is not small, so she hides here to watch this kind of scene.

  Before the meeting, the eldest brother looked at her with more and more wrong expressions. Miao Jiaojiao smiled guiltily:   "Cough cough... Then what, I said I just happened to pass by and bumped into it, do you believe it?"


  Just happened to be passing by? Wasn't it exciting to peek just now?

  It seems that this fat girl is not only impulsive, but also cunning.

  Han Lingzhi glanced at her silently, and said coldly, "I'm just passing by."

  After speaking, he grabbed the frog beside him and put it into the snakeskin bag, and left without saying a word.

  Miao Jiaojiao: ...? ? ?

  Does this explain her loneliness?

  Also, what does he mean, is he mocking her?

  Miao Jiao squeamishly wants to beat the ground.

Rebirth 70: Fat Girl Educated Youth Has Spiritual Spring SpaceWhere stories live. Discover now