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91. Let's Try It

 Miao Jiaojiao blinked: "Then why do I want a scarf?"

  Han Lingzhi pursed his lips, and there was a dark light in his eyes: "Didn't you say that the scarf is tied to the neck, if you don't like it, don't wear it." He had given her a gift before, and he felt uncomfortable.

  For the rest of his life, he must buy a lot of things for her, so that others have no chance!

  Miao Jiaojiao held back her laughter and said deliberately, "Then I like it again now." There was a hint of slyness on the girl's face, which Han Lingzhi caught at once.

  He was in a good mood for a moment, and his lips curled slightly: "Buy it if you like it, I don't care."

  Since she likes it, he can also compromise.

  "Let's talk about it, I don't want to go to the county for the time being."

  Miao Jiaojiao will go shopping in the county with Meng Baobao and Lin Ju at the end of the year.

  She hasn't decided to date Han Lingzhi yet, so naturally she can't accept gifts indiscriminately.

  The two continued to walk forward, and when they passed the reeds, Han Lingzhi said, "Jiaojiao, I'm sorry, I lied to you."

  Miao Jiaojiao was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

  Han Lingzhi: "Grandpa Wang didn't say he was looking for You, I deliberately lied to you and said this."

  Miao Jiaojiao's mouth twitched a few times: "I don't like others to lie to me, next time you won't do this again."

  Han Lingzhi nodded obediently: "Well, good."

  Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows and looked at him: "Is there anything else?"

  Now give him a chance to clarify, otherwise it will be serious in the future.

  She just asked the same question, but she didn't know that Han Lingzhi suddenly said: "If I confess now, you won't go back on what I said just now?"

  Miao Jiaojiao: ...My dear, is it that the ice cube face is slapped again ? what lie?

  Miao Jiaojiao rubbed her back molars: "You say it first, I have to look at the situation."

  If it is a matter of principle, she will definitely not back down.

  Han Lingzhi thought about it and decided to tell the truth: "My father is not an ordinary military officer, I lied to you about this."

  Miao Jiaojiao was taken aback: "Then his official position..." 

  "Commander-in-chief of the Beijing Military Region." Han Lingzhi looked at her: "I hope you don't feel pressured or restrained because of this. My father is a very good person, and he will definitely accept the person I like!"

  Miao Jiaojiao at this moment A little confused again.

  There is a world of difference between such an ordinary officer and the commander-in-chief.

  Don't want to use it, the Han family must be a big family with a strong background in Beijing.

  From ancient times to the present, the rich and powerful have inevitably had intricate interpersonal exchanges and intrigue.

  She is used to such a free and loose temperament, can she really adapt?

  Miao Jiaojiao felt a little regretful, and just raised her eyes to say that it was fine.

  But when he saw Han Lingzhi's eyes full of hope and sincerity, her heart suddenly stopped.

  Han Lingzhi has been staring at Miao Jiaojiao's face since he finished speaking just now.

  Judging from the previous experience, her temperament has always been free and easy and bold.

  Seeing the hesitant look on her face now, it's not hard to see that she doesn't want to be restrained too much.

  He didn't want to force her, but he didn't want her to refuse.

  This opportunity is rare, and he doesn't want to miss it.

  "I know what you're worrying about, don't worry, my affairs are all up to me, and no one can decide."

  "Also, my family members are really simple, and other people who don't matter don't need to care. In the future, if If you don't want to negotiate, it's all up to me!"

  This was to show her his determination that as long as they were together, he would definitely protect her and not cause her too much trouble.

Speaking of this, Han Lingzhi said very seriously: "If there is something I do not do well, you can always bring it up. If you really don't like it, you can leave at any time." Listen to your heart.

  He didn't expect that he would make these promises before they even started, and you can imagine how much he values ​​them.

  Since she is worried, he will deal with it.

  Then... give it a try.

  Anyway, she is not afraid, the Lingquan space is in hand, there are materials and money tickets, and she is full of confidence!

  If there is any problem in the follow-up, she can retreat completely.

  "Okay, let's get in touch and see. If I don't think it's suitable for me, let's forget it, and you're not allowed to entangle."

  She doesn't have any one-of-a-kind ideas. scattered.

  Hearing this, Han Lingzhi's tense expression loosened: "Well, okay, I promise you." The
promise is yes, but there will never be such a day.

  SHe is the person Han Lingzhi identified, and he will definitely try his best to satisfy her!

  Now that the words are over, Miao Jiaojiao doesn't need to go to the grass hut next door.

  Now that they are seeing their parents before they are really together, it always feels a little weird.

  Miao Jiaojiao: "Then I'll go back first, I still have to exercise."

  Han Lingzhi's eyes darkened: "Can we stay a little longer?" The two talents chatted for less than half an hour, and he wanted to spend more time with her. .

  Miao Jiaojiao snorted: "No, you lied to me twice today, I don't want to see you anymore."

  Han Lingzhi:

  "Sorry, not next time."

  "Then I'll take you back..."

  Miao Jiaojiao waved her hand to refuse: "No, I'll go back by myself, how troublesome it is for you to go back and forth."

  As she spoke, she turned and left, with Han Lingzhi following far behind, and he was relieved until she saw her entering the educated youth compound.

  When we returned to the grass hut, it was also dark, and the three old people were standing at the door waiting.

  As soon as they saw Han Lingzhi's return, several people immediately stepped forward and asked,

  "How is the stinky boy, what does Miao Wazi say?"

  "Let's tell Miao Wazi clearly about our family's situation, and let her not be under pressure. We all like her." Grandpa Wu said slowly, but his face was extremely serious.

  "What does Jiaojiao say, is she willing to date you?" Grandma Wu persuaded with a kind expression on her face: "If she doesn't want to, you can chase after her more, but don't let the girls think you don't care."

  Wait for them to say one by one. After finishing, Han Lingzhi hooked his lips and said, "She promised to try to find out first. Whether it will work or not will have to be seen later."

  "Success, why not!" Afterwards, he deliberately said with a straight face: "If you don't succeed, you are not a man!"

  Han Lingzhi: ...

  Grandpa Wu was a little dumbfounded: "Okay, old man, we Lingzhi is measured, don't you believe him? ."

  This time, from childhood to adulthood, I have a strong temperament, and every time I go to the military camp for training, I am much better than my peers, but it is a pity that these three years have been delayed.

  Grandma Wu's eyes were full of smiles, and she patted Han Lingzhi's hand in succession: "Okay, as long as you are tender and tender, you will take care of her more in the future, so that the relationship can be settled early."

  Han Lingzhi nodded heavily: "Well, I will. " 

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