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Miao Jiaojiao trotted all the way back to the educated youth compound.

  As soon as she got home, she immediately closed the door and stepped into the space.

  Looking at the pheasant flapping its wings on the kitchen floor, Miao Jiaojiao smiled until her eyes narrowed.

  Well, in the end she still accepted the pheasant.

  Don't do it for nothing, anyway, didn't that person catch a big wild boar, enough meat!

  Later, she helped the man make a stretcher together, and the other man dragged the wild boar and left without saying a word.

  This can be considered a brave act for her, although the process is not so beautiful, but the result is not bad!

  I just ate fried spicy shrimp at noon today, Miao Jiaojiao didn't want to eat meat again, otherwise I'm sorry for her weight loss these days.

  The autumn harvest is just two days away, and she will be busy for about half a month. She will roast the pheasant when the busy work is over.

  After leaving the space, Miao Jiaojiao turned on the fire and cooked a bowl of porridge, fried a plate of wild mushrooms, and dinner was over.

  After eating, when she closed the door and was about to go for a walk at the foot of the mountain, Jia You stopped her again at the corner of the yard.

  The other party looked at her with a dissatisfied expression: "Miao Jiaojiao, you should know that enough is enough!" Miao Jiaojiao, who was completely incomprehensible, was confused: ...? ? ?

  Seeing her stupefied appearance, Jia You's heart was even more angry.

  It all seemed to have changed since the last time they had an argument in the yard.

  First of all, she not only stopped sticking to him, but also often sneered at him.

  In the middle of the way, he deliberately asked her for hard candy, and he was directly attacked again, obviously it was not like this before!

  At first, he thought that the other party was trying to get hold of him, but slowly he felt that something was wrong. Her attitude was that she didn't take him seriously at all!

  Furthermore, because of her remarks, others misunderstood him a little, so everyone's attitude towards him is lukewarm now, which is really annoying.

  The culprit of all this is her - Miao Jiaojiao!

  He couldn't sleep well these days, and he was holding his breath, just waiting for her to bow to him.

  Who would have thought that half a month has passed, and this person is still silent like a fool.

  "Enough is enough, enough is enough, don't always be so stubborn!"

  He had seen several things in her house long ago.

  What a girl buys so much for, it's better to give it to him.

  But I didn't expect her to dress so plainly, her family was in good condition, and she still had money to buy so many things.

  On second thought, she is so fat, she must be eating a lot of oil and water at home, and the conditions are good.

  Forget it, just get fatter, he doesn't dislike it, as long as she is willing to be soft.

  "As long as you apologize to me, our affairs will be written off, and we will still be good classmates!"

  Miao Jiaojiao became impatient when Jia You stopped her from talking to herself for a long time.

  Hearing this last sentence, she was directly smirked, co-authoring this person is over-brained, and can't understand human words at all!

  The two times when she tore her face and asked for hard candy, she said it so clearly that this person didn't listen at all.

  Alright, this kind of person doesn't make sense, so why don't you just beat him up.

  Convince people with fists, she will beat him until he is convinced!

  Miao Jiaojiao rolled her eyes and said, "Okay, let's go to the foot of the mountain and have a good chat for a while." You have to find a place where no one is around, and even if he goes to sue, she just doesn't admit it.

  When Jia You heard this, he felt a little proud, so he left first: "Well, you can follow me, go early and come back early."

  He didn't want to walk with this fat man, so as not to be misunderstood by others. .

  Miao Jiaojiao didn't understand what he meant. She stared at his back with a gloomy smile on the corner of her mouth: "As you wish, it's better... if you go and never return."

  After 15 minutes, the two of them came forward After a walk to the foot of the mountain.

  At this moment, the villagers' houses could not be seen clearly, so Jia You slowed down and waited for Miao Jiaojiao to come up.

  He looked at her with a familiar smile and said, "Okay, if you have something to say, just say it here."

  "Go to that small forest, it's quieter there." No one will come to rescue you. 

  Jia You heard this and thought she would say something unspeakable to him, such as confession or something.

  At the moment, he was a little proud, but his face curled his lips: "Okay, women have a lot of things." The two walked to the small forest together, Jia You said: "What do you want to say, you can say it now."

  "Of course, There was a mischievous smile on the corner of Miao Jiaojiao's mouth, and her eyes slowly turned fierce: "I want to say - I'll send you to death, how about that?"

  "What do you mean, Miao Jiaojiao! You still take Qiao with me." ....."


  Miao Jiaojiao didn't give him time to talk nonsense, and immediately punched his abdomen with both hands.

  Her fists were trained through more than 100 jins of sandbags and wooden piles.

  Smashing it down with a fist, the weight is not light!

  In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Miao Jiaojiao didn't slap him in the face, but only hit the most painful part of his body.

  In less than 10 minutes, Jia You, who was unable to resist, was beaten to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and his whole body shrank together in pain.

  He cried in a low voice and begged for mercy: "Woo woo woo... Please don't fight! Let me go! I was wrong! I was wrong!"

  Miao Jiaojiao had a devilish smile on her mouth, and she lowered her head and asked. Said: "What's wrong with you? If you can't tell me, I'll beat you~"

  Jia You's pupils shrank in fright, and he carefully probed: "I was wrong... I should not scold you behind my back..."

  "What else?" Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows.

  "I...I shouldn't always pester you...Jiaojiao, I was really wrong this time. As long as you let me go, I won't dare!" Jia You's snot and tears were blurred from crying. 

  "You just don't have a long memory!" Miao Jiaojiao kicked him and said viciously, "I said before that you can only call me by my full name! Remember?!"

  "Remember...remember! "Jia You nodded like pounding garlic.

  Miao Jiaojiao glared at him and threatened: "Also, I hate you very much! You will have to take a detour when you see me in the future. If you don't know how to block my way, it won't be as simple as today! This is the end of the matter, don't even think about filing a complaint in your heart, no one will believe you if you file a complaint, do you understand?"

  "Got it, got it." Jia You nodded vigorously, annoyed in his heart not.

  After this beating, he finally saw the true face of this woman.

  She didn't like him at all. Before, she was all acting, and she made him want to be affectionate but begged for a beating. He was simply aggrieved!

  Miao Jiaojiao rubbed her wrists and glanced at him: "Okay, think about what to say when you go back, I'll take a step first."

  Jia You's whole body was completely relaxed after everyone left.

  He slowed down, but couldn't help crying again.

  Woohoo, this woman is so scary, he has to stay far away from now on!


  Not far behind a large rock.

  Han Lingzhi stood there quietly, his black eyes calm.

  He just came back to pick up the fallen bow and arrow, but he didn't expect to see such a scene. But none of this concerned him, nor was he interested.

  Han Lingzhi carried the bow and arrow behind him with a cold face, and turned back to the forest without a sound

Rebirth 70: Fat Girl Educated Youth Has Spiritual Spring SpaceWhere stories live. Discover now