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61. Gives Him a Lesson


  Jia You's butt was hit directly, his head hit the ground and a dog ate shit, and the small stones on the ground scratched his face with several bloodstains.

  Hemp rod angrily slapped Bai Yan again, and the slap was so loud that the whole cave could hear it.

  Bai Yan's fair skin was directly red and swollen, she bit her lip and tears fell down desperately.

  "It seems that I won't teach you a lesson, you don't know how powerful I am!" Hemp rod pulled Bai Yan's collar and dragged it to the entrance of the cave, and instructed the others: "Drag these for me too!! "

  Okay, Brother Hemp!" Xiao Lalo immediately pulled the collars of the others and dragged them out.

  Ma Fang was so frightened that she screamed, Jia You was paralyzed, Bai Yan's eyes were full of despair, while Meng Baobao's big eyes had lost their light.

  Brother Huang, the eldest brother, was sitting at the entrance of the next hole, smoking a cigarette, and when he saw this scene, he immediately frowned: "What's the matter?"

  Hemp rod stepped forward and said respectfully: "Boss, this bitch is somehow trying to push other people to escape. , if you want to break these people directly, teach them a lesson!!"

  Big Brother Huang stopped smoking, squinted at Bai Yan's pretty face, and suddenly felt a sudden change in his heart. A wicked fire started.

  "Okay, why don't you just stay at the entrance of this hole, and let me show you how your big brother and I are showing off our majesty!"

  "Okay! The boss is mighty!!"

  When the other people in the cave heard the movement outside, they all ran out to watch the show.

  When Bai Yan heard this, her face turned pale with fright, and her lips trembled.

  She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, thinking in despair: As long as this person dares to touch her, she will bite her tongue and kill herself! !

  The second brother Ming pursed his lips and walked up, whispering to Brother Huang: "Brother, the time is urgent now. Those militiamen will definitely bring people over before. It is best to leave early."

  Brother Huang frowned and was hesitating when Brother Gang, the third brother on the side, came out of the cave.

  He had been bruised by a bullet on his arm during a fight with the militia, and had been resting in a cave.

  Hearing the movement outside, he stepped out impatiently, and he quickly stepped forward to explain the current situation to him.

  Brother Gang has the most brutal and impulsive temperament. He is very strong and powerful, and he is the strongest fighting force in this group of gangsters.

  As soon as he heard what Ma Jian said, and then saw a few figures huddled in a ball next to him, he glared:

  "Humph! These people have injured labor and management and want to escape now, I can't swallow this. Sigh! Big brother and second brother, we should be able to play for ten minutes or so!" As he said that, he stepped forward with his eyes fixed, and glanced at the four people who were sitting on the ground.

  His gaze passed directly over Bai Yan, Ma Fang, and Meng Baobao, and then stopped at Jia You.

  The tone is quite bold, but the voice is like a devil in hell: "Haha, this little white face is quite delicate, it should be good to play~"

  Boom -

  Jia You's brain was shattered in an instant, and he stared at him dumbfounded.

  What does this man... mean?

  What does it mean to play well?

  Why doesn't he understand at all? ? !

  Bai Yan, Ma Fang, Meng Bao Bao and others on the side were also confused.

  They have only heard of the kind of thing between men and women, how can men be with men?

  At this moment, a new door seemed to be opened in their hearts, completely forgetting that they were also in danger.

  The third brother Gang didn't say hello to the eldest and the second child, and directly dragged Jia You, laughing, and prepared to drag him into the cave.

  As soon as he arrived at the cave, Brother Gang fell Jia You to the ground, and while unbuttoning his trousers belt, he instructed, "Kneel for me and puke your ass!!"

  After seeing someone suddenly appear a big guy, he understood in a split second! !

  The blood on his face disappeared, and he directly screamed: "No! You can't do this!! I can't!!!"

  What kind of devil is this!

  Please someone show up to save him! !

  Meanwhile, outside the cave.

  Brother Huang, the eldest brother, heard the movement in the cave, and glanced at the second child. Seeing that the other party did not respond, he was full of joy at the moment.

  So he no longer hesitated, and directly pursed his fat lips to kiss Bai Yan.

  Because he had not been properly groomed for many days, there was a strong sour odor on his body.

  Bai Yan couldn't be smoked, and she vomited while dodging her face: "Ouch! Go away!!"

  At this moment, her vomit just sprayed Brother Huang's face.

  "Fuck you! How dare you spit saliva!!"

  Brother Huang wiped the saliva from his face, slapped her angrily, and directly bleed the corners of Bai Yan's mouth.

  As he spoke, he roughly ripped off Bai Yan's coat, and a greasy face with a pig's head gnawed directly on Bai Yan's neck!

  Seeing this scene, Meng Baobao was so frightened that her pupils were dilated.

  She never thought that she was just going to the foot of the mountain to pick some wild mushrooms to honor her aunt and uncle, but she was suddenly arrested by a group of people.

  Along the way, the elder brother Ming who was wearing glasses always looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

  Until a fat man wanted to take advantage of her, the man named Ming threw him away with one kick, and put down his harsh words and no one was allowed to touch her, and the others stopped.

  Meng Baobao thought that he might be a good person who went astray, and begged the other party to let her go halfway.

  But it was such a gentle and polite man, but his words of refusal made Meng Baobao fall into an ice cave.

  He said: "You know, you look like an old friend of mine, she is my first love, I went to study abroad with her, but she betrayed me. I'm not willing, so I cut off her and the adulterer's flesh with a fruit knife, knife by knife, how terribly they screamed, and how happy I was!"

  "Then," he looked at her with a smile, the bottom of his eyes With a strong sense of possessiveness, he slowly said, "If you want to leave me if you don't obey me, then I don't mind doing it again."

  From then on, Meng Baobao was completely frightened and lost her voice.

  She is usually lively and bold, and she will bravely call for help when encountering such emergencies.

  But all afternoon, she huddled in the corner and said nothing.

  And the man's eyes followed her like a poisonous snake. As long as he looked at her, Meng Baobao trembled with fright.

  However, the more she was afraid of something, the more she came.

  At this moment, the man suddenly evoked a gentle and polite smile and looked at her, and walked towards her with elegant steps:

  "Don't be afraid, as long as you are obedient, I will not hurt you..."

  In addition On the other hand, Ma Jian picked up Ma Fang's collar with a lewd smile at the corner of his mouth and walked to the side of the empty space.

  Ma Fang was so frightened that she screamed out of her body: "Ahhhh! Don't touch me!!"

  At this critical moment, a figure suddenly rushed out.

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