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231. Miao Shuyu is Beaten with a Cane

 Miao Shuyu was so frightened that her legs went weak and she collapsed to the ground.

  She raised her pitiful face: "Grandpa..."


  Miao Shuyu didn't finish her words.

  SHe was hit with a stick by Mr. Miao's crutch.

  Miao Yinghao, who was sitting beside him, frowned.

  The old man didn't hit him so hard just now.

  You can see how angry the old man is.

  With this stick, Shu Yu's back is estimated to be blue and purple.

  Subconsciously, Miao Yinghao wanted to come forward and say a few words.

  He was stopped by the cold eyes of his wife.

  Yes, he hasn't converted yet.

  Shu Yu is not his daughter, but the poisonous woman Li Qin!

  Thinking of this, Miao Yinghao's complexion sank, and he directly watched from the sidelines.

  Originally, their family, apart from Li Jie and Miao Shubai, had a little patience with Miao Shuyu.

  Others have long been consumed by Miao Shuyu's previous series of brainless behaviors.

  The reason why everyone had tolerated it before was that Shu Yu was the charming daughter of the Miao family, and it was okay to be self-willed.

  But now, everyone knows that it is not biological, and the little affection in my heart has disappeared.

  "Uuuuu...Grandpa...Why did you hit me..."

  Miao Shuyu lay on the ground, crying so badly.

  "You still have the face to ask?!" The old man Miao's face turned purple with anger:

  "You obviously know your life experience but hide it from us, in order to deliberately find someone behind your back to hurt Jiaojiao! You girl is really cruel, Where is the Miao family sorry for you, to do this?!"

  "Uuuuu...I told my mother just now that I was just confused, I didn't mean to..." 

Miao Shuyu doesn't know what to say except crying now something. Knowing that Xiao Liu was so useless, she didn't cry to him on purpose. It made her become the biggest victim now, and she was so angry.

  "I don't care if you did it on purpose or not!" Mr. Miao slapped her hard on the back again, and said angrily, "It's true that you hurt my own granddaughter!"

  Their Miao family was really in trouble.

  In the early years, his son Yinghao went on a mission and disappeared for several years.

  For this reason, his wife became ill and died soon after.

  After finally finding Yinghao, the family finally reunited in Beijing.

  Unexpectedly, the granddaughter of the Miao family was exchanged again!

  Fortunately, God blessed them to find Jiaojiao in their lifetime.

  "Shu Lang, did Jiaojiao have any requirements?" Old Man Miao said solemnly:

  "We owe this child for so many years, we must meet all her requirements!"

  His Miao family's good granddaughter should enjoy the best !

  Miao Shulang glanced at Miao Shuyu, who was crying bitterly, and said, "Jiaojiao said that she doesn't want to see Miao Shuyu again."

  "Well, it's natural." Mr. Miao nodded: "This child is too cruel. It's a scourge to stay, and arrange for someone to take her back to her hometown."

  Miao Shuyu immediately got up regardless of the pain when she heard this.

  Her eyes were red and swollen and she cried out, "Grandpa! I'm not going back! Please let me stay in Beijing!"

  "I live in the dormitory of the art troupe, and I will never disturb Jiaojiao again, please!!"

  " Just based on what you have done, you still want to stay in the art troupe?"

  Miao Yinghao said indifferently, "Looking at the relationship over the years, it's good that I didn't send you to jail." The head of the family has already spoken, which means that there is no room for maneuver.

  "No... woo woo..." Miao Shuyu also understood this truth in her heart, so she could only sit on the ground again and cry bitterly.

  "Lock her up in the basement! Crying is so loud!" Mr. Miao was angry when he saw her like this.

  In the past, he only thought that this granddaughter acted like a baby and cried a few times, very cute and cute.

  Now that I know that it is not my own, I just feel very annoying. Miao Shubai, who had been silent for a while, sighed and stepped forward to help Miao Shuyu up:

  "Let's go, if you do something wrong, you will have to bear the consequences. You should understand."

What to do down.

  In the end, it was decided that Miao Shulang would take someone to Ning City and personally escort Li Qin to Beijing.

  At that time, they will punish Li Qin severely and make her life worse than death!

  As for Miao Shuyu, she will be sent back to her hometown after Li Qin's judgment is made.

  After the discussion was over, Miao Shulang immediately set off to pack up and prepare to leave.


  the suburbs of Beijing.

  Early in the morning, everyone is running.

  Meng Baobao bumped into Miao Jiaojiao's arm and said in a low voice,

  "Hey Jiaojiao, did you notice that Commander Miao is always looking at us these two days. I don't know who he is looking at, his face is very dark. , I was scared to look at it, so I didn't dare to relax."

  (Miao Shukai: I just had a dark face, thank you.)

  Miao Jiaojiao looked up.

  Miao Shukai's line of sight just looked over.

  The two looked at each other.

  Miao Shukai immediately clenched his fists and coughed a few times, then turned around as if nothing had happened.

  Miao Jiaojiao's mouth twitched: "It's okay, let's run."

  Since the day before yesterday, Miao Shukai has always been paying attention to her from time to time.

  Every time she was caught by her bag, she deliberately turned her eyes away.

  She could understand that he should want to care about her and worry about what happened to her.

  But the guy seemed to see her too weakly.

  Yesterday afternoon, we all had a training camp to climb mud pits together.

  Everyone else crawled, and it was her turn to crawl.

  The second brother appeared by coincidence, and then interrupted the training to let everyone practice other things.

  Miao Jiaojiao: ...she likes to climb mud pits to play! Old exciting!

  There are still 3 days of training, and it is also the busiest time for everyone to practice.

  Among them, several projects are very difficult, and Miao Jiaojiao can look forward to it.

  But she felt that Miao Shukai would stop her secretly.

  So while taking advantage of lunch today, Miao Jiaojiao blocked Miao Shukai in private.

  Miao Jiaojiao: "Cough, let's fight!" After the fight, you will know my level, so don't hinder me from practicing happily.

  Miao Shukai's face was startled, and he was about to speak.

  Miao Jiaojiao said quickly, "Don't refuse, you may not have won me."

  These words aroused Miao Shukai's competitive spirit very well.

  Men can't say no.

  What's more, in front of his sister.

  Miao Shukai still had some doubts: "Have you practiced?"

  He hadn't paid much attention to her before.

  After knowing his life experience, he has been paying attention to her for the past two days.

  Surprisingly, she was very good.

  But he was still worried about her accident.

  After all, the biological sister who just got back.

  What if something happened under his nose.

  Grandpa and parents will definitely not forgive him.

  "Well, try it and you'll know!" Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows and smiled.

  Seeing her so refreshing, Miao Shukai was inexplicably very happy:

  "Okay, then let's go to the practice room..."

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