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81. Uncontrollable Sense of Loss

 Ice cube face? Did you mean him?

  Han Lingzhi looked down at the pheasant in his hand.

  After hearing about her situation in the village in the afternoon, he originally wanted to come and visit.

  She had said before that the two of them were acquaintances, and it should be nothing to come and see.

  But he also felt that it was not good to come empty-handed.

  When thinking about what to give, Han Lingzhi suddenly remembered the scene when the two first met and parted.

  Although her sudden appearance was a bit annoying, he never owed any favors, so he gave her the pheasant in his hand.

  He still remembered that she looked at the pheasant's eyes, and her eyes narrowed into a line of laughter under her fat round face.

  (Miao Jiaojiao: ... Can we forget about this dark history??)

  Then, she probably likes eating pheasants.

  It took him an afternoon to finally catch a pheasant in the forest. When he tied the wings and feet of the pheasant, Han Lingzhi couldn't help but slightly raised his mouth.

  Last time, when Xiao Chen went to thank her, she stayed for a meal.

  This time he deliberately caught pheasants for her, so she should have kept him for dinner too.

  Thinking of this, he couldn't contain the excitement in his heart.

  As soon as he got out of the forest, he rushed over in a hurry.

  He didn't expect to approach the door, but heard her say: "Forget it, I'm not interested in that kind of ice cube face."

  He didn't know how to describe that feeling.

  Stuck all over? Chilled inside?

  An uncontrollable sense of loss spread over me.

  Since people are not welcome, there is no point in his coming.

  The light in Han Lingzhi's eyes dimmed, he quietly placed the bound pheasant at the door, and turned to leave...

  Inside the house, Meng Baobao was still pestering Miao Jiaojiao.

  The two had no idea that someone outside had heard their conversation just now.

  Meng Baobao put his hands on his hips and pretended to be angrier: "Hmph, Jiaojiao, you are a big liar, I have found a suitable one with you, but you said you are not interested!"

  Miao Jiaojiao held her forehead, her head hurting a little.

  She originally deliberately fooled this girl, so the conditions she said were exaggerated.

  Those who can match her appearance, with a dozen skills, have a good background in Beijing, have money, are similar in age, or are single.

  Adding up these conditions, it is very few.

  But I didn't expect that Meng Baobao really found Han Lingzhi with ice cube face.

  To be honest, she actually had a good impression of Han Lingzhi.

  This kind of good feeling is purely a kind of appreciation.

  This person speaks and does things neatly and neatly, which suits her very well.

  Although the two sometimes get along awkwardly, they somehow feel very comfortable, and it's good to be friends.

  But if it further develops into a relationship between men and women, she never thought about it.

  This person is not only outstanding in appearance, but also has a huge family background. She is really not suitable for a little commoner who is used to being unfettered and unrestrained.

  After what happened to Bai Yan last night, Miao Jiaojiao also thought about how the two of them got along.

  Although they have always been a bit tit-for-tat before, the other party has never made any drastic actions.

  Since the last time in the forest, Han Lingzhi insulted Bai Yan's face in public, and after turning around and calling her to go back with her, Bai Yan always looked at her with a sinister look in her eyes.

  Thinking back to the previous situation when Bai Yan confessed to him in the reeds and was rejected, so she was sure that Bai Yan was unable to transfer her resentment to her because of courtship.

  But the two of them had nothing to do with each other, they were just ordinary friends, which could be remembered and hated, and Miao Jiaojiao was speechless.

  Han Lingzhi is so excellent, there must be many peach blossoms around him.

  If the two are really together, and there will be multiple "Bai Yan" incidents, then she will be exhausted and tired to deal with it.

  Miao Jiaojiao was most afraid of trouble, so in order to avoid trouble, let it go.

  Besides, people may not like her.

  The two of them are chatting vigorously here, and if they are heard, they will not die of laughing.

  Miao Jiaojiao: "I said I'm not interested because there are many factors involved. I'm not suitable for him, so stop talking about it."

  Meng Baobao was just quick to talk for a while. If Jiaojiao and Han Lingzhi were really together, She's not doing it yet.

  That ice cube face was gloomy every day and didn't speak, she was afraid, how could Jiaojiao come into contact with him.

  "Okay okay, hehe, I'm actually just joking." Meng Baobao blinked his eyes in a guilty conscience, then patted his chest seriously and said, "Don't worry, I have all the conditions you mentioned in my mind. I will definitely write a letter to tell my mother and ask her to pay attention to me!"

  Miao Jiaojiao's mouth twitched slightly: ...it's not necessary!

  The two were chatting when Lin Ju's carefree voice sounded outside the door: "Oh, why is this pheasant placed here, Jiaojiao, come out quickly!"

  Miao Jiaojiao just walked to the door when she saw a pheasant not far away. with a bound pheasant.

  Her heart skipped a beat: "Sister Lin, who sent this pheasant?"

  "Comrade Han Lingzhi sent it here just now. He came to visit you on purpose. I even said hello to him in the front yard."

  Lin Ju wondered: "Really Strange, why did he put the pheasant at the door without mentioning it in your house, have you seen him?"

  Miao Jiaojiao's eyes were stunned, but she didn't respond for a long time.

  At this moment, Meng Baobao heard the voice and came out.

  After seeing the pheasant and hearing Lin Ju say this, she stared at Miao Jiaojiao with wide eyes in surprise, her face filled with embarrassment.

  No, so that ice cube face heard all their previous conversations? !

  Wouldn't he just sneak away angrily because he heard Jiaojiao say he wasn't interested in him?

  I have to say, Meng Baobao said the truth.

  But Miao Jiaojiao, the straight girl of steel who has come to her senses, doesn't think so.

  Judging from her previous experiences with Han Lingzhi, he was not curious about anything.

  Maybe it was because they were not interested in hearing that they were discussing such embarrassing topics, so they put down their things and left.

  However, people kindly brought gifts to visit her, but she didn't notice it at all, and it was indeed a bit inappropriate.

  Miao Jiaojiao: "He probably has something to do. I'm stewing this pheasant now. When the time comes, I'll make some soup for him."

  Then add some diluted spiritual spring water to it, it must taste very good. It just so happens that it can also slightly nourish the body of the old people in the grass shed.

  "I guess so." Lin Ju said with a smile: "Otherwise, I'll help you boil water and pluck your hair, and then I can drink half a bowl of chicken soup."

  Miao Jiaojiao smiled: "Okay, then let's start now. Let's go."

  Meng Baobao also smiled and leaned over, she raised her paws and said, "Then I will help you wash the pot and the dishes, and then Jiaojiao, you will also score me half a bowl of chicken soup!"

  Miao Jiaojiao was amused by her appearance . If you can't get it: "Good, good! You are indispensable."

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