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221. Squatting and Deliberately Fainting

Miao Jiaojiao's face froze.

  She suddenly discovered just now that there was a barb on her right index finger.

  Obsessive-compulsive disorder, she can't wait to get rid of it when she rests.

  So I was going to secretly use my right thumb to pick it up.

  Originally, I wanted to stand in the middle, and there were people all around.

  She moved her fingers a few times so quickly that the instructor in front of her probably wouldn't have noticed.

  How could he have thought that the eyes of this new instructor were so vicious.

  Zhang Dali's face was gloomy: "Come forward and be punished!"

  "Yes!" When Miao Jiaojiao came out, her thumb quickly pulled out the barb.

  Usually the punishment is push-ups or sit-ups.

  She doesn't care, she just needs to exercise.

  After walking to the front, Zhang Dali pointed to the side and said,

  "Go, squat for 30 minutes! Don't rest in the middle, if you fall, you have to start over!"

  Miao Jiaojiao's black eyes moved.

  Most people who have never practiced squatting can last for at most 10 minutes.

  This person came for 30 minutes, and he was not allowed to rest.

  Could it be that Miao Shuyu came to block her?

  Xu Kai, who was on the side, obviously felt that the punishment was a bit heavy.

  He hurriedly said: "Instructor Zhang, let's change it. The average person can't hold on for so long at one time."

  Even after they practiced for a week, they could only squat for half an hour at a time.

  Zhang Dali glared at him: "I'm lecturing, what are you saying, go aside!"

  This guy is really confused.

  To come forward for a person of bad character.

  I really don't know what's going on in his head.

  (Miao Jiaojiao: Talking about what other people are doing! Your head is only used for heightening, and there is no other use for it!)

  Xu Kai frowned when he heard Zhang Dali's words.

  She wanted to say a few more words when she saw Miao Jiaojiao walking straight to the side and squatting.

  He didn't want to offend Zhang Dali either, so he closed his mouth.

  Zhang Dali saw that Miao Jiaojiao was so obedient, some surprise flashed in his eyes.

  He thought she would make a fuss.

  That just gave him a reason to increase the punishment.

  Unexpectedly, this man was punished silently.

  Okay, then look at it and see how long she can last.

  There was a glimmer of pride in Zhang Dali's eyes.

  Deliberately walked up to Miao Jiaojiao and reminded: "Remember not to move or rest, or you will have to start all over again."

  Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyes and glanced at him, just to capture the expression on his face.

  Immediately, he responded loudly: "Yes! Instructor!"

  Want to see her make a fool of yourself? There you go.

  She is the best at squatting.

  Not to mention 30 minutes, she is not afraid of 3 hours!

  This time, she was the one who let the other party take advantage of it, but she won't do it in the future.

  Undoubtedly, this person must be found by Miao Shuyu.

  Otherwise, no one would be punished like this for no reason.

  Thinking of this, Miao Jiaojiao was suddenly very excited.

  Miao Shuyu finally made a move!

  But this trick is a bit too low-level, and it doesn't have any lethality.

  Miao Jiaojiao raised her head and glanced at the big fool in front of her again.

  A sly look flashed in his eyes quickly.

  Now that she has come, she has to make good use of it.

  in the next time.

  Zhang Dali kept staring at Miao Jiaojiao.

  He just wanted to find out the mistake and then punish her. 

  However, 10 minutes passed, and Miao Jiaojiao didn't move.

  And she didn't know what was wrong.

  Always staring straight at him with a pair of innocent, clear eyes.

  It made him feel a little hairy all of a sudden.

  "Cough cough..." Zhang Dali turned his back and coughed twice, took the water glass and took a slow sip of water.

  Xu Kai took the opportunity to run over and asked, "Comrade Miao Jiaojiao, can you still persevere?"

  Miao Jiaojiao gritted her teeth (acting), sweating on her forehead: "I'm fine, I can persevere!

  " When she was like this, a trace of shame flashed on Xu Kai's face, and he glanced at Zhang Dali dissatisfied.

  This Miao Jiaojiao didn't make a big mistake, what happened when she moved her finger twice.

  Zhang Dali is also true, he has no idea of ​​pity Xiangxiyu at all.

  Another 10 minutes passed... and saw that Miao Jiaojiao was still squatting there.

  Zhang Dali's eyelids jumped.

  Xu Kai was a little anxious.

  Because he saw something wrong with Miao Jiaojiao's pale face.

  But because of Zhang Dali, he couldn't make any moves, and he complained more in his heart.

  The last 10 minutes finally passed.

  "It's 30 minutes, Comrade Miao Jiaojiao, you can rest!" Xu Kai quickly ran to her side.

  "Okay, thank you..." Miao Jiaojiao forced a smile and stood up trembling slightly.

  However, just as she stood firm, she suddenly rolled his eyes and fell back gorgeously.

  "Be careful!" Xu Kai quickly held her back and shouted in his ear, "Comrade Miao Jiaojiao! Are you alright?!"

  At this moment, Meng Baobao is following everyone in the steps.

  Seeing this scene, she rushed forward and hugged her head and cried,

  "Jiaojiao! Jiaojiao! What's wrong with you! Don't scare me!!"

  She howled.

  The effect of triggering on an empty playground is great.

  Not only the art troupe, but even several members of the team who were training next door looked curiously here.

  Seeing that the time was right, Miao Jiaojiao suddenly opened her eyes.

  She coughed weakly and said intermittently:

  "Captain Xu, baby, don't blame Instructor Zhang, he punished me like this for my own good, I'm fine!" She tilted her head and said, "Dizzy again. "Go past.

  For a time, the playground was suddenly quiet.

  Zhang Dali's face turned black.

  There is still a little bit of red.

  Miao Jiaojiao was angry.

  "What are you still doing, sending someone to the infirmary!!" Miao Shukai suddenly came over with a sullen face at some point.

  "Oh, okay!" Xu Kai quickly asked Meng Baobao to help, put Miao Jiaojiao on his back, and the three of them went to the infirmary together.

  Miao Shukai instructed the crowd next to him, "Take a 5-minute break!"

  "Wow~" Upon hearing this, everyone immediately disbanded.

  Those who drink water drink water, those who go to the toilet go to the toilet, those who watch a good show watch a good show.

  When the crowd dispersed, Miao Shukai turned around and scolded

  Zhang Dali, "Zhang Dali, you let an untrained woman squat for so long. You can handle such a severe punishment! You have everything in your head. Is it all water?!"

  Zhang Dali's face flushed red after being scolded.

  He bowed his head and said: "I...I..."

  After talking for a long time, he didn't say a word.

  No way, who asked him to do this with personal emotions and was caught.

  Miao Shukai gave him a cold look: "Since you like punishment so much, I will punish you for squatting for an hour.

  If you move in the middle, you won't be allowed to eat at noon!!"

  Zhang Dali's family and Miao's family are a military compound of.

  The two families are not very familiar, but the children are about the same age and have grown up together.

  Zhang Dali's temperament has always been very upright and kind, and he has never deliberately targeted people in this way.

  As for the other party's thoughts on the little sister Miao Shuyu, the Miao family knew a little about it.

  There was a conflict between Shu Yu and Miao Jiaojiao before, and the third brother Miao Shubai also told him.

  Judging from today's events, the smart Miao Shukai could guess at once.

  It is estimated that Zhang Dali vented his anger for Miao Shuyu and deliberately embarrassed Miao Jiaojiao.

  Thinking of this, Miao Shukai frowned tightly.

  The little sister Miao Shuyu is too inappropriate.

  I actually put my hands into the army...

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