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201. She is not Biological

 Li Qin's face was pale, and she asked in disbelief: "...What did you... say?"

  Miao Jiaojiao's eyes were cold: "Deaf? Then I'll say it again. This water is for you to drink . It's just right, after all, you are more experienced."

  Want raw rice to cook cooked rice?

  How dare you use such disgusting tricks to deal with her? !

  Okay, then come on, it's okay to change someone to "cook".

  Don't say that this person is not her biological mother, even if she is related by blood, she can do this!

  She Miao Jiaojiao doesn't care about morality or immorality.

  With the way of the people, also treat the body of the people.

  Since you dare to hurt her, you must pay the price!

  Li Qin instantly collapsed to the ground in fright.

  She shook her head desperately and said, "No...no...you can't treat me like this!!"

  Miao Jiaojiao glanced at Liu Ying without looking at her, "Come here and give her this water. Drink it!"

  Liu Ying shrank his neck: "This...this is not good..."

  God, this is too scary.

  How could a biological daughter insult her mother so cruelly.

  Besides, her mother did this because she was married well.

  Unexpectedly, she didn't understand at all, and even wanted to fight back? !

  This Li Qin has a husband and children, all of them are so old.

  If you are spoiled, then play big!

  Terrible, really terrible!

  He really regretted provoking this person...

  "Huh??" Miao Jiaojiao snorted.

  Han Lingzhi immediately kicked Liu Ying.

  His eyes were as deep as a deep pool, and he threatened: "Give you 10 seconds! Hurry up!"

  How dare Xiao think about his Jiaojiao, just damn it!

  Liu Ying was frightened by his fierce eyes.

  She stood up tremblingly, took the enamel cup from Miao Jiaojiao's hand, and stepped forward to pour it into Li Qin's mouth!

  "Don't!...Go away!" Li Qin screamed and beat her hands and feet, rolling and crawling forward.

  After this interruption, one third of the water in the enamel cup was poured.

  Seeing this, Miao Jiaojiao ordered the gangsters who were lying on the ground and wailing, "Go and hold her down!

  " Dead on the ground.

  Li Qin was suddenly imprisoned, and angrily shouted at Miao Jiaojiao:

  "Miao Jiaojiao! You dare to treat your biological mother like this! Aren't you afraid of thunder?!"

  "My biological mother??" Miao Jiaojiao seemed to have heard something With a big joke, she sneered a few times: "You deserve it too?! Do you still think I'm the stupid and innocent girl from before? Don't think that no one knows what you did before! You are not my biological mother at all, You almost killed me, and when I come back this time, I will take revenge!!"

  Miao Jiaojiao said this on purpose, just to see how this person reacts.

  Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Li Qin's face suddenly became extremely flustered.

  She said in a stumbling tone: "Jiaojiao...you were born in my pregnancy in October...I didn't want to hurt you...you trust your mother..."

  "Haha You really know how to lie, and you really don't change your mind." Miao Jiaojiao sneered a few times and looked at Liu Ying: "What are you doing, hurry up and pour it down!"

  "Oh, good." Liu Ying heard The conversation between the two was still digesting what Miao Jiaojiao said.

  So he just misunderstood Miao Jiaojiao?

  If what this girl said is true, then the situation is much more complicated.

  Forget it, I can't manage that much anymore, it's more important to protect my own life.

  "Hoo~" Liu Ying took a deep breath.

  He stepped forward with a limp, pinched Li Qin's chin with one hand, and prepared to start watering with the other.

  "Uuuuu..." Li Qin shook her head desperately to refuse, tears were about to come out: "I said...I'm telling the truth...You let me go..."

  "Wait!" Going in, Miao Jiaojiao called to stop.

  Li Qin was overjoyed and took a deep breath.

  However, she didn't wait for her to find a reason to justify it.

  An indifferent voice sounded in her ears: "Feed all these pills to her, and then pour water."

  She looked up dumbly.

  Miao Jiaojiao took out 10 black pills from her pocket.

  ! ! !

  Isn't this the poison pill she sent to the other party before?

  It's okay to take one or two pills, but it's more than 10!

  If you eat it all together, you will have to lose Half-Life if you don't die! !

  Li Qin was in a hurry and wanted to explain like crazy: "Miao Jiaojiao, listen to me, I'll tell you the truth now! I'll tell you now!!"

  Hearing this, Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows: "Okay. Ah, tell me."

  She moved the stool over and sat lazily aside: "Don't say another lie, or you will end up miserably."

  "Yes, you are not my own." Li Qin gritted her teeth Said: "I didn't know about it at first, but I suspected it later when I found out that you don't look like us."

  "And then? How did you decide, and why did you want to hurt me?" Miao Jiaojiao sneered in her heart: Edit, you continue to edit.

  Li Qin's eyes flickered: "Isn't there a birthmark on your elbow, but I remember that I glanced at it when I gave birth to the baby, and it was obviously not there.

  Later, I found something wrong and went to the hospital to ask about it. I heard that several babies were born that day.

  But my parents' information is kept secret, and I can't see it, and it's been several years since I couldn't check it at all.

  I'm not reconciled to my own child being mixed up like this, and I feel that I have raised other people's children for nothing, so I have such a big resentment against you.

  But I really didn't want to kill you, otherwise why would I raise you so big and not make you die by accident when you were young.

  Jiaojiao, I'm just a ghost, please forgive my mother!   

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