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 President Wang's perception of foreigners is not very good.

  His old friend, Han Lingzhi's little uncle's family, was once wrongly convicted for a foreign famous book.

  This led to the death of the family, the dispersal of the family, and the destruction of the family.

  Lingzhi had written letters to them who were far away in the countryside before, clarifying the truth of everything.

  Only then did they know that all this was done by the enemy, Lin Dongliang, who colluded with foreigners.

  Last night, because of an unknown virus incident, he suspected that this was also a conspiracy by foreigners.

  So even though Aaron in front of him was polite, he didn't reach out to shake his hand.

  He didn't even respond to the other party's questioning.

  Instead, he turned his head to Vice President Wu and said coldly, "Vice President Wu, what do you mean?"

  As the President of the Beijing First Hospital, President Wang's ability is obvious to all.

  If he hadn't been betrayed by his many years of friends, he wouldn't have spent so many years in the countryside.

  Vice President Wu had a bad relationship with him before, and he had been secretly fighting behind his back.

  Before he resumed his post, Vice Dean Wu served as Dean on an interim basis.

  When he came back, the position of dean naturally returned to him, and the other party had long complained.

  So it goes without saying that this Vice President Wu was deliberately looking for someone to come over to block it.

  As Dean Wang of the old rivers and lakes, how could he not know this truth. https://www.hei66.com

  and Miao Shuze's situation, he discussed with a few old friends with excellent medical skills on the phone last night.

  At present, everyone has no other way but to wait for the results from the research institute.

  It would be better if the people brought by Vice President Wu were domestic doctors.

  But it happened to be a foreigner, which made Dean Wang even more angry.

  So he immediately scolded: "Miao Shuze is my patient, you brought this person here without my consent, are you questioning my medical skills?"

  "Oh, what is President Wang talking about! You really misunderstood!"

  Vice President Wu had a big belly and said with a smile:

  "I was looking for Dr. Aaron in a hurry last night after seeing you research for a long time without results, but he was approved by the leaders above. Yes."

  This means that the leaders agreed that he came to see a doctor, what are you talking about here.

  Dean Wang understood what he meant, and his nose was crooked with anger, and he was really annoyed.

  "Vice President Wu, isn't it? Grandpa Wang has actually figured out a solution, so don't bother you."

  Miao Jiaojiao of course stood up to help when she saw her close grandfather being bullied.

  "Is this true?" Vice President Wu's eyes were startled.

  This person, who was in a hurry last night like ants on a hot pot, suddenly thought of a way.

  He also wanted to take this opportunity to mock the other party. Miao Jiaojiao's face was cold: "It's none of your business if it's not true. Please go out with this Doctor Aaron, and don't disturb my brother's rest."

  And she didn't like this Aaron very much.

  She went to the infirmary with a foot sprain before and came into contact with each other.

  She always felt that this person was a little haunted.

  Wherever she went several times, this person suddenly appeared there.

  Every time the other party is a fake smile, the more he looks at it, the more panicked he feels.

  This person is also very thick-skinned, and it is useless to say anything.

  Sure enough, as soon as she said these words, Aaron immediately said with a sad face:

  "Oh, miss Miao, we are friends. You chased me out without saying hello. I am so sad."

  "I'm not familiar with you." Miao Jiaojiao responded coldly, then looked at Miao Shubai:

  "Third brother, I'm tired, can you let someone who is irrelevant go out?"

  Miao Shubai saw the bottom of Jiaojiao's eyes at a glance. Feeling impatient, he said in his mind:

  "Vice President Wu, Dr. Aaron, please please, please don't bother you."

  "Okay, if you need to find me in time." Still smiling in response.

  Even if he did not deal with President Wang, he would not dare to offend the Miao family easily.

  Aaron's face was a little ugly.

  He raised the corners of his stiff lips, his dark blue eyes looked at the beautiful figure, and slowly said:   "Miss Miao, we will meet again if we are destined."

  Vice President Wu quickly followed.

  "Hey! Is there something wrong with this foreigner?" Miao Shubai was a little confused.

  Miao Jiaojiao's eyes were cold: "This person has a hole in his head, don't care about him."

  Then, she called her home from the hospital.

  Soon, everyone else rushed over.

  After hearing that the virus in Shuze's body dissipated a little, everyone was overjoyed.

  "That's great!" Bao Yulan burst into tears and couldn't wait to ask: "President Wang, will my son wake up soon?"

  "I'm not sure yet." President Wang looked at the inspection data again and said. :

  "According to how the virus dissipated last night, he would be able to wake up in about a month, but only if everything goes well."

  "I hope God bless Shuze's safety!!" .

  Seeing this scene, Miao Jiaojiao felt very sour in her heart, and hoped that Ozawa would get better soon.

  She didn't dare to increase the dose of spiritual spring water, otherwise it would be a little too weird.

  In the next few days, Miao Jiaojiao would look for various opportunities to come to the hospital.

  When no one was around, she put the spring water into Shuze's mouth.

  During this period, Han Lingzhi also came to the hospital to visit Ozawa once.

  During this period of time, he was very busy in charge of the training camp in the army, and he finally came here after taking a leave of absence.

  In addition, the Miao family and the Han family finally caught the person who secretly injected Shuze with the virus a week later.

  This man was a notorious second-rate in Beijing, who often made a living by stealing and robbing.

  I went to the police station and went through labor reform many times, but I still did not repent.

  When he was caught, he was lying in a dilapidated house, dying from his illness.

  After interrogation, the man became delirious and lethargic after stealing a stranger's meat buns a month ago.

  Every time in the middle of the night, I start to tremble and chill, and I can't control the vomiting and pain.

  After 3 days of suffering like this, a man with a tightly wrapped body suddenly appeared.

  The other party claimed to be able to help him heal, but he needed to do one thing.

  He didn't believe it at first, but the sudden onset of pain was torturous.

  Until the man handed over a pill, and he swallowed it immediately, his whole body felt much more relaxed.

  Later, the man rescued him several times, and he was completely convinced and depended on the other party.

  When the man asked him to inject Miao Shuze with the virus, he didn't object and just did it.

  After a hospital inspection, a drug called dam was spread in the body of this second-rate, and it was estimated that someone had used it.

  As for this behind-the-scenes hand, there is simply no way to find it.

  When the Miao family heard the news, they were very angry, and immediately expanded the scope to find the culprit!


  That night, Miao Jiaojiao and Li Jie accompanied Ozawa together.

  While her mother fell asleep in the middle of the night, Miao Jiaojiao hurriedly fed Ozawa with spiritual spring water.

  However, halfway through the feeding, a strange laughter suddenly sounded from behind:

  "Miss Miao, I knew it was you, you seem to have a lot of secrets..."

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