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46. Famous in the First Battle in the Village

Wang Daniu was a little frightened at first and didn't know how to start.

  As soon as she heard Miao Jiaojiao's encouraging voice, as if she had found the backbone, her eyes immediately became ruthless.

  Gritting her teeth, she rushed directly to Wang Mazi, squeezed her fist and smashed a few punches at Wang Mazi's waist.

  Wang Mazi's brain was occupied by alcohol, and he was beating the big girl's mother with a fierce face, but he didn't notice the big girl's action.

  When he reacted, he felt his thighs suddenly go numb, his legs were paralyzed, and the hair he was pulling in his hands spread out.

  Seeing this, Miao Jiaojiao hurriedly stepped forward to help Da Niu's mother up, and Da Niu Wang followed along with the crying Er Niu.

  The group of four walked out of Wang Mazi's house and walked to the side road.

  Maybe it was the first time that Wang Da Niu attacked the pockmark on her father's waist, which was relatively unfamiliar and not very strong.

  Wang Mazi recovered quickly, and he hurriedly chased him out, swearing while chasing: "You bastard loser, you dare to beat Laozi, don't kill you!"

  He ran up to hold Wang The big girl's body fell to the side, and Miao Jiaojiao was supporting the injured big girl's mother before she had time to pull out her hand.

  When Wang Da Niu was thrown by Wang Mazi, the two children fell to the ground together. 

  Big girl's body smashed to the ground, almost dizzy.

  Er Niu was not injured much in her arms, but she was so frightened that she cried.

  Seeing this scene, Miao Jiaojiao's eyes immediately burst into anger.

  She quickly put the big girl's mother aside, and kicked Wang Mazi into a dog's feces.

  This was all when the villagers were having dinner, and everyone had heard the movement of Wang Mazi's house.

  Everyone has become accustomed to the noise in his house, and the village chief and other enthusiastic aunts have come to persuade him before.

  When Wang Mazi doesn't drink, he is still a good person, and if he speaks well, he must stop drinking.

  But Nai He couldn't keep his mouth shut every time, and he didn't know where the wine came from. Once he drank it, he was like a different person.

  So over time, everyone can't control it, but if there is too much noise, someone will come to the door to persuade. After all, it's not good if people are killed.

  Just now, there was a circle of people watching the noise at Wang Mazi's house. Everyone was stunned when they saw Miao Jiaojiao's kick.

  Wang Mazi was stunned for two seconds when he was kicked to the ground, then stood up unconvinced, waving his fists and hitting Miao Jiaojiao, "You bitch, I'm going to kill you!!"

  Miao Jiaojiao's face was cold. SHe went straight to the front, leaned down and quickly punched Wang Mazi's stomach a few times, and another right hook hit his chin.

  "Bang!!!" Wang Mazi was smashed and fell to the ground, lying on the ground holding his stomach and kept ooh ooh.

  "His--" Everyone present couldn't help grinning, and all of them widened their eyes.

  I didn't expect this normally smiling girl to have such a ruthless temperament? !

  And she seems to be able to do some tricks, but everyone didn't see it before.

  The onlookers were pale.

  If she really married someone back, and they quarreled one day, wouldn't he be beaten to death by her?

  Immediately, all the boys felt the chrysanthemum cool, and shivered all over.

  I'm scared, they don't dare to ask for such a violent wife!

  Miao Jiaojiao ignored everyone's strange eyes, she stepped forward to help the eldest girl and the second girl up and sent them to the eldest girl's mother.

  Then he turned to look at everyone, and said, "I don't care about Wang Mazi's family affairs today, but I really can't bear to have a big man bullying his wife and daughter like this.

  And we are a new society now, how can we engage in feudalism ? The society's patriarchal preference, when I first went to Wang Mazi's house, I heard him scolding money losers or something.

  If this is heard by the leaders of the commune, one batch will be approved, and then our selection of advanced villages will be affected. Do you think he did it right? ! Hearing this, the
onlookers became anxious.

  Although most people in the village have this idea of ​​valuing sons over women, they will not say it on the face of it.

  They never thought about this idea . , so when Wang Mazi beat people before, although they didn't think it was good, they didn't stop them too much.

  But after listening to Miao Jiaojiao's reminder, everyone will wake up a bit. The current society is not the same as the old society. It 's different.

  If you say the wrong thing and do the wrong thing, you will be arrested and condemned to parade in the streets!

  Moreover, everyone values ​​the collective sense of honor. As soon as they hear that the village will have an influence, they immediately shout:

  "This must be wrong . ! Wang Mazi, you are so inappropriate! In the future, you are not allowed to hit your woman again because of this. If you hit her, I will be the first to refuse! "

  That's right, if you go back and talk about corrections, there will be no corrections once. If you do this again, we will directly tie you up to see the police comrades!" "

  "Wang Mazi, look at what you have done, if it affects everyone, I will not stop with you!" "

  Everyone present, reprimanded one by one, and directly said words that Wang Mazi's face flushed.

  Miao Jiaojiao's beating made him sober, and when he heard everyone's words, he was even more annoyed. .

  He stammered and said, "I...I won't next time...I promise I'll never drink again!

  Miao Jiaojiao sneered: "Who believes this, how many times have you said it? " As soon as
she said these words, the villagers immediately looked at Wang Mazi with contempt. Even if everyone was staring at him with contempt, Wang Mazi said seriously, "I swear I will never drink again!" If I drink it again, I will be struck by lightning and die! "

  "When the big girl's mother heard what he said, she screamed out in fright.

  Although her husband often beats her when she's drunk, it's good to treat her when he's not drinking. She doesn't want her husband to be in trouble.

  "The sky is struck by thunder..." Miao Jiaojiao read this word, and suddenly thought of the last moment she was struck by thunder in modern times when she was reborn and crossed into this world.

  Ahem, I don't seem to feel anything, I don't feel any pain at all~o_o....

  But people in this era still value poisonous oaths. She doesn't think Wang Mazi's words are credible, so she has to seriously emphasize:

  "Today, everyone is doing a certification here. Next time you get drunk and beat someone because of this kind of thing, then we will send you to the commune leader and let him judge!"

  A bold aunt patted her chest. Said: "Don't worry, little Miao educated youth, Wang Mazi and I are next door, if he does this again, I will be the first to report him!"

  Others also echoed: "Yes, Wang Mazi almost got killed several times, we can't let him continue!"

  Seeing everyone's support, Miao Jiaojiao felt a little more at ease.

  Although the drunkard's words are not credible, and this kind of domestic violence man is even more hateful, but this is someone else's family business, and she can't get involved.

  She may be scolded for being nosy if she manages too much. At most, she can only lend a hand to help when she encounters it.

  As for those family chores, only when the person concerned wakes up will they finally make changes, and she will also talk to the big girl's mother at an appropriate time.

  In the end, Wang Mazi apologized to his wife and daughters with guilt in the eyes of the villagers' crusade, and the family went to the barefoot doctor to see the body together as usual.

  This is the end of the matter, but Miao Jiaojiao became famous in the village because of this incident.

  I heard that she pretended to be kind before, but she was actually very cruel.

  Anyone who provokes her will be beaten up, even more violent than Lin Ju in the educated youth compound!

  Now that no young man sees her, she can't walk anymore, which is exactly what Miao Jiaojiao intended.

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