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16. Meng Baobao

  Miao Jiaojiao followed the voice curiously and walked over.

  2 minutes later, she found the source of the sound - in front of a big tree.

  Miao Jiaojiao looked up and looked around, only to realize that there seemed to be a person sitting on the branch of this big tree.

  When the other party saw her coming, he immediately cried with joy, "Comrade! Comrade! Help me!" The voice was quite sweet, it should be a girl.

  But the girl's figure was blocked by the lush foliage, and she couldn't see the other person's face.

  "Uh, how can I save this, I can't climb trees." Miao Jiaojiao twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "How did you get up, can't you climb down by yourself?

  " Climbing...I can't climb down, my legs are shaking so badly, I have no strength..." Meng Baobao's nose was red, and the golden beans were pitifully dropped.

  She really regrets it, she should have known that she should not be greedy for the wild fruits on this tree.

  She was quite courageous when climbing a tree, but when she got to the top and looked down, she was so scared that her legs were too weak to move. https://www.hei66.com

  Hey, if mom and dad knew about her cowardly look, they would definitely beat her up.

  No, she has to be brave, not so cowardly!

  "Comrade, I don't want you to save me, why don't you stay with me for a while, and when I have some strength, I will climb down by myself!"

  Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows slightly, this guy is quite funny, it's all like this, and Mood chat.

  It suddenly occurred to her just now that as long as she went to the town to find help and ask someone to bring the ladder over, the girl could be rescued.

  But since the other party didn't want her to save her, she was too lazy to run back.

  It's still early for the meeting at 5 pm, and she's been busy all day today, so it's not bad to just lie here and rest for a while.

  "Okay, then let's talk." Miao Jiaojiao put down the basket, leaned against the big tree beside her, raised her head and asked, "Why did you run up there?"

  "Pick... pick wild fruits to eat." Meng Baobao blushed embarrassedly, she was really too greedy, hey.

  Miao Jiaojiao was curious: "Then have you eaten wild fruit?"

  Meng Baobao's voice was bulging: "Yes, it's not delicious at all, it's sour, I'm so sorry!"

  "Pfft!" Miao Jiaojiao couldn't help laughing: "Then how long have you been sitting there?"

  As soon as she mentioned this girl, she became excited: "It's been a while! Thankfully you came, otherwise I'd be too bored by myself."

  Miao Jiaojiao shook her head Laughing: "You are really brave."

  Meng Baobao smiled proudly: "No, I am the most courageous in the military compound, and I have loved climbing trees since I was a child!"

  Miao Jiaojiao: "The military compound?"

  Meng Baobao Sitting on the branch and shaking her feet twice: "Yes, I'm an educated youth who just arrived from Beijing. For the sake of a beautiful motherland, I went to the countryside to help build the countryside!"

  Miao Jiaojiao's eyes flashed with surprise.

  This little girl's ideological consciousness is quite high.

  But she felt... this person was a little too stupid.

  To be honest, at the beginning of the call for intellectuals to go to the countryside for construction, a large number of enthusiastic young people did respond to go to the countryside.

  But after everyone suffered from labor in the countryside, who would want to stay in this kind of place where every day faces the loess and backs to the sky and accomplishes nothing?

  In recent years, many educated youths deliberately retired from illness, ruined their bodies, and intrigued in order to return to the city.

  This year is 1974, and everyone knows the hard work of going to the countryside from the old educated youth before.

  If it weren't for the limited number of jobs in the city, the policies above, and the turbulent current situation, it is estimated that many people would not be willing to go to the countryside.

  Who knows when this is gone and when it will be a head!

  It is also fortunate that she came from later generations, knowing that the situation will improve in a few years, otherwise she would really have to find a way to get out of here.

  Unexpectedly, this little girl plunged into the countryside where many people wanted to escape.

  This innocent heart is really admirable!

  Miao Jiaojiao looked into the distance and sighed: "Then you are very good, a talent like you will shine wherever you go."

  Being praised, Meng Baobao couldn't be more happy: "Hehe, thank you, I also think so, by the way, comrade, why? What do you call me?"

  "My name is Miao Jiaojiao." Miao Jiaojiao's mouth curled slightly, her back was leaning against the big tree, her eyes were slightly closed, and she took a nap.

  Meng Baobao smiled and said, "My name is Meng Baobao! Comrade Miao Jiaojiao, you have a nice name and a sweet voice. I must be good-looking!" The other party had praised her, so she naturally had to return the praise.

  Hearing this, Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows lightly and smiled proudly: "That's necessary, I can't find someone like me in every mile and eight townships."

  Anyway, everyone can't see each other, and it is estimated that they will not meet in the future, so it's okay to brag.

  "Wow, that must be beautiful!" Meng Baobao fantasized about her beauty, and snorted: "I really want to see you, wait, I'll climb down now!"

  Her legs are no longer shaking, Scared or something, it's better to see beautiful women who are attractive!

  When Miao Jiaojiao heard this, she immediately opened her eyes.

  This scene of bragging being smashed is quite embarrassing, she has to run away!

  I could vaguely see the girl slowly descending from the tree trunk, and it seemed that she should be able to climb down smoothly.

  Miao Jiaojiao hurriedly stood up and said, "I have something else to do." As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately ran away!

  After running wild for a while, Miao Jiaojiao slowed down when she saw that no one was catching up behind her.

  She wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve, and the cow was sweating profusely, and she had to change clothes when she went back.

  Thinking about changing out of her clothes at noon today and having to wash two sets of clothes at night, Miao Jiaojiao couldn't help but cry without tears:

  Forget it, don't brag next time, it's not worth it at all.

  Back in the backyard room, she went to the blacksmith's house to buy a small iron pot and kitchen knife, and also bought a small iron pot with a lid for cooking porridge and rice.

  After arranging everything neatly, Miao Jiaojiao walked around the room three times proudly.

  This is like a home, and her little days will be better and better in the future!

  The mud stove and chimney I made in the morning are already dry, so I just came to try cooking!

  She still has half a bag of brown rice and half a bag of cornmeal left.

  Miao Jiaojiao rolled up her sleeves and hurriedly boiled the corn gooey in a tin can.

  Then I went to the space vegetable field to pick a handful of green peppers, took 2 eggs, and used a small iron pot to make a green pepper egg.

  With the fragrant beef sauce in the space, Miao Jiaojiao sat comfortably on the small bench and ate the most comfortable meal ever.

  Don't be sneaky! Don't be in a hurry! very nice!

  After finishing the meal and washing the dishes, the educated youths in the front yard got off work and there was a movement.

  Miao Jiaojiao locked the door, walked to the front yard and said to Wang Gang, "Brother Wang, borrow the iron axe, and I'll go to the nearby mountain to chop some firewood."

  Wang Gang said, "Let's go together, just the firewood in the kitchen. It's not enough."

  Cui Dazhuang also followed: "Let's go, let's go together."

  Seeing their kind eyes, Miao Jiaojiao knew that they wanted to help her.

  So he nodded with a smile: "Okay, let's go~" 

Rebirth 70: Fat Girl Educated Youth Has Spiritual Spring SpaceWhere stories live. Discover now