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  On the way to the cowshed.

  Ma Fang asked Bai Yan: "Xiaoyan, how come I don't know your friend? We haven't heard of you in high school for 2 years."

  Bai Yan glanced at her: "Well, he is a friend of my junior high school classmate. How many times have you met?"

  As for the complicated relationship that that person was her classmate's ex-fiancé, she didn't want to tell him.

  When she was talking about it in front of Miao Jiaojiao and Meng Baobao, she said it quickly and regretted it later.

  She has always hidden her thoughts very deeply, and if she wasn't too excited at the time, she wouldn't show her emotions.

  The thought of seeing the person whom she was thinking about it day and night soon made her nervous.

  Miao Jiaojiao walked beside Bai Yan and raised her eyebrows when she saw that her face was blushing and pale for a while.

  Sure enough, her guess was right, this person seemed to like the boy very much.

  In her heart, she became more and more curious about the boy's appearance.

  When the group of four walked to the foot of the mountain, they had to pass by the gates of some farmers.

  Whenever he saw someone at the door, Meng Baobao would greet him warmly:

  "How are you, Uncle Liu!", "Have Aunt Zhang eaten?", "Aunt Li, I'm going to play at the foot of the mountain!"

  Those uncles and aunts are all She responded to Meng Baobao with a smile on her face. It seemed that everyone liked this lively and cute little girl.

  Seeing this, Miao Jiaojiao smiled and said: "Meng Baobao, you seem to be very popular."

  Meng Baobao raised her chest proudly and proudly: "That must! I am the most popular in Shitu Village, no matter if it is a child. Adults like to play with me!"

  Miao Jiaojiao teased her deliberately: "Your uncle is both the village head and the team captain, so everyone probably wants to flatter you to play with you."

  "No!" Meng Baobao said a little Not annoyed, she said mysteriously, "I have a secret!"

  Miao Jiaojiao was curious, "What secret?"

  A hint of slyness flashed in Meng Baobao's eyes, and he smiled: "Every time I go out, I bring a handful of candy in my pocket. I will give candy to anyone who is nice to me. They are all willing to be nice to me, haha."

  Miao Jiaojiao : ...... This girl is really stupid.   

Ma Fang's eyes lit up, and she immediately answered, "Then you are very generous, can I come to play with you often in the future?"   

"Okay, you can come together when Jiaojiao comes over!" Meng Baobao responded with a smile.   

Ma Fang's happy face froze, she didn't want to be with this fat man.   

But when she thought of the delicate pastries and sweet candies, her drool overcame her dignity.   

She immediately took Miao Jiaojiao's arm and said with a smile, "Okay, Jiaojiao and I must come here often!"   

Miao Jiaojiao did not expect this person to be so thick-skinned, and even for the sake of a little food, she would abandon her past grievances. . She directly pulled out her arm without giving face, and said coldly, "I don't know you well, don't get in front of me."   

Ma Fang's face sank and looked at Bao Bao Meng with aggrieved expression: "I'm sorry Baobao, I didn't expect Miao Jiaojiao will say this, then I won't come in the future." 

She thought that Meng Baobao would sympathize with her, and then scolded Miao Jiaojiao.  However, Meng Baobao, who has always been neurotic, doesn't play cards according to the routine, and directly nods:   

"Okay, since Jiaojiao doesn't like you, you don't use it, so as not to make her unhappy! "   

Ma Fang: ...   

Ma Fang turned her head to look at Bai Yan to get some comfort, and said aggrievedly: "Xiao Yan..." Before she finished speaking, Bai Yan said coldly: " I'm actually not familiar with you either."   

Rebirth 70: Fat Girl Educated Youth Has Spiritual Spring SpaceWhere stories live. Discover now