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 Miao Jiaojiao was a little confused.

  What's different?

  She took a closer look.

  Bright face, thick eyebrows and high nose.

  Handsome as always!

  She shook her head and said, "No, it's still the same face. But you probably didn't wipe it off when you were eating today. There is still a grain of rice at the corner of your mouth."

  As she spoke, she stood on tiptoe and took the grain of rice from the corner of his mouth . down.

  Then... a flick.

  With a swipe of rice biubiu, it disappeared directly into the grass in front.

  Han Lingzhi: ...

  I wanted to be handsome, but I was just seductive with beauty.

  How did the style change in the end? ?

  He awkwardly raised his forehead and sighed, "You girl..."


  "Why?" Miao Jiaojiao looked up at him.

  Hmph, don't think she doesn't know what he's thinking.

  I don't want to take advantage of her again.

  He deliberately seduced with beauty, so she can still do it!

  Thinking of this, Miao Jiaojiao blinked: "Then look at what's different on my face." As she spoke, she deliberately turned her face forward.

  Han Lingzhi lowered his head and looked at her smiling star eyes.

  The snow-white skin that can be broken by blows is smudged with a halo under the sunlight.

  Under the curved willow eyebrows, the long eyelashes fluttered, and a pair of smart and beautiful eyes dazzled.

  Under the delicate and small nose, a tender red mouth is moist and shiny.

  Seeing Han Lingzhi's breathing stagnates.

  My heart was also hot.

  His throat rolled, and he said slowly in a low, magnetic voice:

  "You are more beautiful than yesterday."

  "Haha!" Miao Jiaojiao raised her head proudly, "No, I drift every day. ......"

  Before he could finish speaking, his body was instantly bound into a strong embrace.

  "Han Lingzhi, let go..." Miao Jiaojiao blushed and tried to struggle, when she heard a hoarse and gentle voice above her head:

  "Jiaojiao, just for a while, okay..."

  This voice carried The ultimate tenderness has never been heard before.

  Miao Jiaojiao's heart trembled slightly, her heart was beating fast.

  There is an indescribable numbness.

  Slowly, she also gave up resistance.

  The two hugged quietly for a while.

  In the forest, the crisp chirping of birds came from the branches not far away.

  The breeze blew gently, blowing away with a hint of winter coolness.

  But Miao Jiaojiao didn't feel cold at all.

  SHe was surrounded by a warm chest.

  Not only is it not cold, but it is extremely hot.

  Miao Jiaojiao closed her eyes gently and took a deep breath.

  Hmm, it seems to have a sweet taste.

  Is this what it feels like to be in love?

  Was held for almost 3 minutes.

  Miao Jiaojiao pushed Han Lingzhi away: "It's almost done, it would be bad if someone came here to see it."

  "Well." Han Lingzhi was reluctant to leave Xiangxiang and then said, "Then let's go further into the mountains and forests. At one point, others won't see it."

  Miao Jiaojiao: ... still addicted...

  "No, hug me if you didn't ask my opinion, I'm angry!"

  (Insert a funny picture, are the girls' bangs and small horn braids cute~O(∩_∩)O haha~)

  Seeing the girl's eyes A sly smile flashed by.

  Han Lingzhi was a little dumbfounded.

  This girl deliberately teased him again.

  "It's me that's wrong." Han Lingzhi looked at her with bright eyes: "I'm about to leave in more than a month, will you miss me?"

  Miao Jiaojiao responded bluntly: "We talked about this topic before, Please contact me often, what do you want to think about."

  Han Lingzhi's eyes dimmed: "Yes."

  Miao Jiaojiao noticed the look on his face, and her tone softened a little:

  "We all have our own things to do, and we are too busy. I definitely don't have time to think about it when I have time, so when I have time, I will write a letter and miss it, time flies, and there will always be a chance to meet you."

  Han Lingzhi replied with a smile, "Okay."

  Miao Jiaojiao looked at the sky, it was almost evening So, he said, "Let's pick up some firewood and go back."

  Han Lingzhi nodded: "Okay, let's go." The two walked back, picking up some branches and trunks.

  There was a small hole in front of it, covered with fallen leaves.

  Miao Jiaojiao didn't look carefully, and accidentally stepped in when passing by.

  "Hey..." As soon as her foot was swollen, he rushed forward abruptly.

  Han Lingzhi hurriedly dropped the firewood in his hand, and quickly embraced his body in his arms.

  "Bang--" The world was spinning.

  The two of them were unsteady in their center of gravity and fell directly to the ground together.

  Han Lingzhi was put on the ground as a human flesh pad.

  Miao Jiaojiao lay her whole body on top of him.

  When they fell to the ground, the two were just one centimeter away from each other.

  The moment when four eyes meet.

  A strange feeling spread in my heart.

  Miao Jiaojiao's brain has completely shut down now.

  She had never been so close to Han Lingzhi before.

  This enlarged version of her handsome face made her breathing a little tighter.

  Ah ah ah, it is simply a beauty mistake!

  She didn't know where to put her hands and feet.


  The fragrance that blows on the face rushes into the tip of the nose.

  The girl's soft body hugged him tightly.

  The whole chest is beating.

  Han Lingzhi's eyes gradually became dark and flickering.

  Subconsciously, his arms wrapped her tightly into his arms.

  His eyes were as bright as a starry sky.

  Looking forward: "Jiaojiao, I want to kiss you, okay?"

  Hearing this, Miao Jiaojiao blushed instantly.

  This... how can she respond!

  "Plop! Plop!"

  Both hearts were beating violently.

  Miao Jiaojiao didn't know how to respond.

  I was so nervous that I didn't dare to look into his eyes.

  He could only turn his head away from him.

  Seeing the girl's self-evident action, Han Lingzhi's eyes filled with joy.

  Then he raised his head and kissed the delicate lips that he thought about day and night.

  "Hmm..." Miao Jiaojiao's mind went blank for a moment.

  It was like an electric current flowing through my heart.

  Crispy and fluffy.

  Trembling, excited.


  his kisses were affectionate and hot.

  Miao Jiaojiao couldn't resist at all.

  Can only be groggy and endlessly demanded.

  Halfway through, she pushed him away, blushing:

  "I... I'm almost out of breath..."

  Han Lingzhi's eyes were filled with strong lust and desire.

  Raised her cheek slightly.

  In a low and seductive voice, he said, "Good, I'll stop with one more kiss."

  Before she could respond, his kiss swept in again.

  This time, it was more violent than before.

  Miao Jiaojiao was almost knocked unconscious by the kiss.

  She opened her mouth slightly and was about to exhale.

  Han Lingzhi took the opportunity to enter, greedily and vigorously rampaged, grabbing the breath that belonged to her.

  The two mouths entangled their tongues and kissed, more and more intense and hot.

  At this moment, there was silence between heaven and earth.

  Everything around you is slowly blurring.

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