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141. Vests

[Ah~ beautiful hometown~

  the hardworking people are sweating~]

  As the voice of Zhang Teng of the singing team rang out, the members of the musical instrument team sitting beside them began to play their instruments.

  Dizi, harmonica, organ, erhu and other sounds converge together.

  In an instant, the atmosphere of the whole scene was ignited.

  Dance team leader Yang Yi, with a towel around her neck, jumped out briskly in the appearance of a country girl.

  Followed by the other dance members, they came swooping over.

  Miao Jiaojiao appeared at the back of the middle.

  When she was halfway through the jump, she changed her position to the left of the first row in front of her.

  The girl smiled like a flower, and her Miaoman figure swayed briskly with the music, just like a wonderful woman walking out of a dream.

  Most of the members of the musical team are boys.

  Seeing this scene, I almost caught my breath and messed up the rhythm.

  Seeing this, Teacher Wang Rong, who was standing next to him, couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

  Miao Jiaojiao's appearance is really too eye-catching.

  Most girls these days have rosy cheeks and slightly rough skin.

  The skin of this girl is not only delicate, but also white as snow.

  Standing in the crowd, you can be seen at a glance.

  There are many beautiful girls in this art troupe, but they are not as beautiful as hers.

  However, Meng Baobao with her also has good skin and looks very delicate and cute.

  Wang Rong's mood was very happy when she thought that she accidentally returned to the country and found 2 treasures.

  She is really lucky...

  The next few days of training will be as usual, and soon, it will be the weekend.

  The art troupe will have a day off on Sundays every week. Those who are close to each other will go home, and those who are far apart can only stay in the dormitory to rest.

  After Miao Jiaojiao and Meng Baobao finished training on Saturday afternoon, they packed up and hurried back to town by bus.

  They didn't reach the village until it was almost dark.

  Just arrived at the entrance of the educated youth compound, Lin Ju in the living room heard the movement and quickly greeted her with a smile:

  "Jiaojiao is back, I guessed you would be back at this time!" The others also smiled and walked out to greet Yiyi.

  "I'm back, how about training in the art troupe? Are you tired?"

  "It feels like I haven't seen you for a week, and Jiaojiao seems to have lost weight."

  Miao Jiaojiao smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm not thin, it's still the same."

  Huang Daidi came out of the kitchen He brought out a bowl of thick porridge, covered with some green vegetables and pickled radishes, and said,

  "Jiaojiao, come and have dinner, I specially warmed it in the pot for you, and it's still warm."

  "Okay, thank you, Sister Daidi . "Miao Jiaojiao took the bowl and chopsticks and sat down at the table to eat.

  After eating, Miao Jiaojiao went to wash up first, and then joined the atmosphere of reading at night with the lights on.

  When sleeping at night, Miao Jiaojiao and Lin Ju squeezed together under the blanket.

  Lin Ju whispered in her ear: "Hey, I'm telling you a secret, you can't tell others." https

  Miao Jiaojiao was curious: "What's wrong."

  Lin Ju blinked Blink: "Two days ago, I was going to pick up some firewood in the forest, and found that Ma Fang and Jia You actually held hands..."

  Miao Jiaojiao choked on her saliva: "Pfft... Really?"

  Lin Ju raised her eyebrows and said softly, "Of course it's true... I never thought that these two would be able to get together."

  Miao Jiaojiao sighed, "I didn't expect it..."

  The two of them One is selfish and timid, the other has no brains.

  No major problems, just a bunch of small ones.

  It was beyond her expectation that the two of them could come together.

  The "vest" combination sounds quite pleasing to the ear.

  Lin Ju smirked, "You didn't pay attention to your rush back today, but if you take a closer look tomorrow, you'll be able to tell a clue."

  Miao Jiaojiao glanced at her: "You should tell Sister Daidi your secret as well. "

  Lin Ju has the best relationship with Huang Daidi, it is impossible not to say.

  Lin Ju nodded: "Of course, I was the first to tell her, and you were the third to know."

  Miao Jiaojiao: "...So you also told Brother Wang Gang."

  Lin Ju nodded again: "Yeah . , he is the oldest and calmest among the educated youth, I believe he will not talk nonsense."

  Miao Jiaojiao: "...Then only Cui Dazhuang doesn't know about them, but I guess Brother Wang should have told him too. "

  The two are often inseparable together, and Wang Gang probably couldn't help but say it.

  Lin Ju shook her head: "I don't know about this. Even if I tell it, it shouldn't matter. Anyway, we won't talk nonsense."

  Miao Jiaojiao: ... The whole educated youth compound knows it, Need to say something.

  When eating at noon the next day, Miao Jiaojiao deliberately paid attention to it at the dining table.

  Jia You first picked up the green vegetables with chopsticks, and then he didn't want to eat it, so he went to prepare the pickled radish.

  Ma Fang hit him with chopsticks and said dissatisfiedly: "What are you picking up? Take away the green vegetables you just picked up. It has your saliva on it. Who will eat it!"

  Jia You's mouth shriveled. , but still obediently went to pick up the green vegetables: "Oh, good."

  Ma Fang snorted proudly, then lowered her head and took a big mouthful of rice.

  Lin Ju winked at Miao Jiaojiao, meaning to let her see the situation just now.

  The Huang Daidi, Wang Gang, and Cui Dazhuang next to them were all eating, and their faces were expressionless, but the uncontrollable smile on the corners of their mouths betrayed them.

  Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows and smiled without saying a word.

  After dinner, Ma Fang and Jia You did not take a lunch break.

  One of the two said they were going to pick up firewood in the forest, and the other said they were going to pick some mushrooms to eat at night.

  It happened that they went to the mountain forest together with an open and honest company.

  Watching the two of them leave, Cui Dazhuang drank a large gulp of water and said, "I almost didn't hold back. When will these two go public? They're suffocating me to death."

  Wang Gang laughed aside: "More Wait a minute, these two are probably thin-skinned, so they're probably embarrassed."

  Lin Ju chuckled: "Just the two of them are still thin-skinned, and they are the thickest-skinned people in the entire educated youth compound..."

  Huang Daidi covered her mouth and smiled Said: "Sister Lin, what you said... I really want to laugh."

  Cui Dazhuang raised his head: "Hahaha~ I also want to laugh~"

  Seeing everyone laughing together, Miao Jiaojiao couldn't help laughing out loud.

  I just don't know what the vest group will look like knowing that they have already been exposed.


  in the mountains.

  Jia You complained aggrievedly: "You were too cruel to me just now."

  Ma Fang: "If it's not like this, wouldn't it mean that other people think we're dealing with someone?"

  Jia You became anxious when he heard this: "But we Why can't you tell them?"

  Ma Fang glared at him: "What are you in a hurry, wait until our relationship is stable, otherwise we will break it up so that people won't laugh at it."

  "How can you break it!" Jia You looked anxious: "Last time, you said you were responsible for me, and I won't allow you to leave me!"

  Ma Fang raised his eyebrows: "How dare you say it! Who told you to pick a mushroom and walk erratically and almost fell!

  I'm kind enough to pull you, and it's not my fault that I accidentally pulled off your pants.

  I've agreed to deal with you to save your reputation, what else do you want!"

  A trace of guilt flashed in Jia You's eyes, and his tone was a little softer: "Well, I don't blame you.

  We have been in contact for so long these days, and I feel a little bit about you, so I want to make it public earlier.

  " Fang heard this, her ears blushed, and her voice became weak involuntarily:

  "Then you should have said it earlier, in another month, we will make it public, okay."

  Hearing this, Jia You's eyes flashed with joy, Nodding: "Okay, I promise you!"

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