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211. Temper Tantrum

 Li Jie saw her daughter's red and swollen eyes and said worriedly,

  "Why are you crying, do you have such a severe headache, do you want your elder brother to take you to the hospital?"

  Miao Shuyu smiled reluctantly: "It's alright, Mom, I'm much better."

  She didn't want to go to the old house before, so she made an excuse of headache and discomfort at home.

  But after reading the letter just now, she now not only has a headache, but her heart is also blocked.

  But she didn't want to go anywhere.

  I just want to stay in the room and cry.

  Seeing her so well-behaved, Li Jie felt pity and touched her hair:

  "If there is anything uncomfortable, you should tell Mommy in time, do you know?"

  "Well..." Miao Shuyu's nose was sore, and tears almost stopped fell.

  Such a gentle and kind mother is hers!

  She will never let go! !

  "That's fine, I'll make dinner later and ask you to come down to eat, you can rest for a while."

  Li Jie said and was about to turn around and go downstairs.

  "Mom!" Miao Shuyu suddenly stopped her.

  Li Jie looked at her: "Huh? What's wrong?"

  Miao Shuyu hesitated before saying, "If...I mean if!...One day you find out that I am not your daughter...Do you love me?"

  "Pfft, what nonsense are you talking about!" Li Jie shook her head with a smile, and nodded her forehead:

  "You girl, you have read too many words, how could you not be your mother's biological child? Where's your daughter!"

  As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Miao Shuyu's strange expression on her face.

  Seeing this, Li Jie frowned slightly.

  So, the daughter really hid in the room and read the script, so she was so cranky?

  But I have a headache where can I read the script.

  Could it be that she did it on purpose today, just because she didn't want to go to the old house? 

  Miao Shuyu didn't notice her mother's expression at all.

  He was biting his lip with his eyes down, wanting to keep asking.

  But in the next second, Li Jie's voice was a little cold:

  "Xiaoyu, did you hide in your room and read the text book for a day today, and use the trick of pretending to be sick to fool me?

  You girl is too, your temper is always so willful. How good your grandfather has been to you since you are a child, he was very disappointed that you didn't go with everyone to visit your grandfather in the old house today. If you weren't my biological daughter, I couldn't help but want to beat you up sometimes. "

  Hearing this, Miao Shuyu was stunned.

  I suddenly felt a little breathless.

  The biological daughter...the biological daughter...

  Isn't a child who has been raised for 19 years inferior to blood relationship? !

  Seeing Miao Shuyu froze in place with her head down.

  Li Jie thought she knew something wrong, and sighed:

  "Xiaoyu, my mother doesn't want to talk about you, but sometimes you are so outrageous.
You are so old, you should know something. Your uncle and the others are here today . , I went downstairs to cook, you will remember to come and eat later."

  After saying that, she turned and left.

  Hear the voice of the other party leaving.

  Miao Shuyu raised her red eyes.

  She bit her lower lip so hard that she was almost bleeding.

  "He... After all, you just don't love me... Otherwise, why would you always talk about your own daughter..."



  Today, my uncle's family is also having dinner at Miao's house.

  Aunt Bao Yulan saw that Miao Shuyu didn't go downstairs until dinner time, and said in a strange tone:

  "Oh, Shuyu is at home, I thought you weren't here, why did you keep hiding upstairs and didn't come down. Could it be that she didn't want to see us on purpose when she saw us there. To us?"

  Bao Yulan was arrogant and spoke fast and hastily.

  I don't know why, she has never liked Miao Shuyu very much.

  "Aunt, what's the matter, I was just a little uncomfortable."

  Miao Shuyu smiled reluctantly, but she was very irritable.

  "Hmph, I..." Bao Yulan wanted to say a few more words, but was stopped by her husband's eyes.

  Miao Yingjie clapped his wife's hand with a smile, and said to Miao Shuyu,

  "Xiaoyu, if you're not feeling well, take a break. Your aunt only cares about you."

  Seeing that her daughter was not in a good state, the head of the family, Miao Yinghao, said:

  " Let's eat, everyone is tired after going to the old house today."

  Bao Yulan pouted and rubbed her arms with her hands.

  It's really tiring.

  This old man is really weird.

  Every time everyone goes to his place, they are asked to do farm work for a day.

  To be honest, if she hadn't been an elder, she really didn't want to go.

  This Miao Shuyu must have the same idea as her, so she was lazy to find an excuse not to go to the old house.

  "Come on son, eat a chicken leg!" Bao Yulan smiled and took a chicken leg and put it in Miao Shuze's bowl: "Eat more so that you can grow taller!"

  Miao Shuze didn't refuse, she picked it up and took a bite. .

  "You are so short, don't expect me to be tall."

  Miao Shuze, 15 years old, is 167cm tall this year.

  In fact, he is not short among his peers, and there is still room to grow taller in the future.

  His father, Miao Yingjie, is 182cm, but his mother, Bao Yulan, is only 152cm. The two make up the cutest height difference.

  If the height of the mother is inherited, it is indeed a bit hanging.

  "Hey you kid!" Bao Yulan glared at him angrily.

  This guy is really a pot that can't be opened and lifted.

  She clearly knew that she cared about her height the most, so she deliberately choked her every time.

  Really raised an enemy!

  Seeing that the mother and son started bickering every day again, and the others ate their meals with no surprise, they were obviously used to it.

  Li Jie smiled and took a piece of fish and put it in Miao Shuze's bowl: "Come to Xiao Ze, eat more."

  "Thank you, auntie!" Miao Shuze smiled at her, lowered his head and quickly cooked.

  It was the aunt who understood him and knew that he liked fish the most.

  Don't worry about your own mother, she's just a slut!

  Seeing this stark contrast, Bao Yulan snorted, but didn't say a word.

  The eldest brother's family treated them very well, except for not dealing with Miao Shuyu, he liked everyone else.

  "Xiaoyu, why don't you eat more dishes?" Miao Shubai was sitting next to her, seeing that there was no movement in her bowl for a long time, she couldn't help but worry: "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

  "Third brother, I'm fine." Miao Shu Yu was in a bad mood and swallowed the delicious food several times without success.

  Seeing her daughter's dejected look, Li Jie frowned and said,

  "Don't eat if you don't want to. Go upstairs to go to bed early."

  This girl is still arguing with her.

  She just said two words of reproach, which made her angry?

  This temperament is too spoiled.

  If I had known earlier, I would have listened to my father-in-law and sent her to the military camp to hone her.

  The elder brother Miao Shulang raised his head and glanced at Miao Shuyu when he heard his mother's slightly dissatisfied words.

  Thin lips parted lightly, and she said coldly, "Go to the hospital if you feel uncomfortable. Don't pretend to be dead or alive. Who owes you."   "Bang! If you don't eat, you won't eat!"

Throw the chopsticks on the table.

  His nose turned sour, and his eyes instantly turned red.

  She then ran upstairs with her arms over her face and crying.

  The person who stayed to eat was stunned: ......

  Bao Yulan looked up and wondered: "What's wrong? Why are you so angry?!"

  Although she didn't like this niece so much, But after all, the family is still concerned.

  The others looked at each other, a bit baffled.

  Li Jie glanced upstairs, frowned, and said, "It's okay, the child is just throwing a tantrum. I'll talk to her later." Could this girl really have a headache and no appetite?

  Thinking of this, Li Jie felt a little uncomfortable.

  After Miao Shuyu made such a fuss, the atmosphere at the dinner table became a bit awkward.

  A good family dinner can only end quietly at the end.

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