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281. Miao Shuyu Dies

 Jiang Man's face froze, and his voice sharply said: "Ask her what she is doing, who knows where she died."

  Lin Yunyun frowned, always feeling that something was not right.

  My mother had been very good to Miao Shuyu before, how could such an indifferent attitude be.

  "When will I send her back to her hometown?" Lin Yunyun asked again.

  Jiang Man pursed his lips: "When her face is almost healed, I'll go to the hospital to remove the stitches." It's been so long since the facial suture surgery, in fact, it's time for the stitches to be removed.

  But she wouldn't be so kind to send that bitch to the hospital.

  She planned to torture Miao Shuyu for a while to relieve the hatred in her heart.

  As for the follow-up of the other party, she communicated with Lao Lin, either sending it back to her hometown or arranging to marry someone with a bad reputation.

  No matter which method it is, it is terrible for a woman who has been disfigured and lost.

  They were not worried that Miao Shuyu would go to the Public Security Bureau to report the case.

  There is no evidence, are you talking big?

  Besides, Miao Shuyu lost her virginity when she was unmarried, they could just bite back and say that she was doing it outside. 

  Thinking like this, Jiang Man felt much more relaxed in his heart.

  These days, she is also reluctant to pay attention to Lin Dongliang, and sometimes she doesn't want to pay attention to her intentional gestures.

  But in the end, it was a husband and wife affair. The main fault was Miao Shuyu, a white-eyed wolf. She could only comfort herself and let it go slowly.

  Jiang Man looked at her daughter's somewhat puzzled face and added: "You study hard, don't ask questions about other things."

  "Oh, it's best to send her away quickly anyway." .



  The suburbs of Beijing, the wilderness.

  The two figures were hiding in a cave and were talking.

  Black figure: "Recently, I found out that someone was following me. Today I finally got rid of him and came to see you."

  He said this sentence in English.

  The code name pa is a middle-aged foreign man, and he responded in standard English:

  "Poor guy, I see, I will arrange for someone to investigate who is following you.

  Oh, by the way, according to reliable sources, Han Wei is in In the general election at the end of the year, it is very likely that he will be elected as Minister Guofang."

  "What?" The black figure's face tightened: "This person is very difficult to deal with. If he is really selected, it will be detrimental to our plan to engage overseas.

  " pa: "Yes, it's mid-July now, and there are still 5 months to the end of the year. Time is urgent, you have to seize every opportunity to sabotage his promotion path. It's best to seize him."

  "Okay , I understand." The black figure nodded and said again: "I don't want to meet you recently, I'm worried that someone will follow me.

  " In the basement of the Lin family.

  Jiang Man held a kerosene lamp in his left hand and threw a thick bun in his right hand on the ground.

  Raising his nostrils, he said as if it were a reward, "Eat." The voice just fell.

  A unkempt, dirty girl ran over.

  She quickly picked up the buns on the ground and put them into her mouth.

  Even if she choked, she swallowed hard with her eyes wide open.

  This person is Miao Shuyu.

  A few days ago, she was still showing off her power in front of Jiang Man.

  But now, it was kneeling on the ground like a stray dog ​​to eat.

  Miao Shuyu has been locked in the basement by Jiang Man for three days.

  In the past few days, Jiang Man has only given her food and water once, and today is the second time.

  Because she was so hungry that her chest was against her back, she had no strength to cry, so even Lin Yunyun didn't know that she was being held here.

  Jiang Man has been coming over in the middle of the night these days, and then beat her with a stick.

  Every time Miao Shuyu was beaten with bruises all over her body, she cried out incessantly.

  She had thought about resisting.

  But her body is weak, and the wound on her face has not completely healed, so she is not Jiang Man's opponent at all.

  "Have you finished eating?" Jiang Man sat on the rattan chair on the side, tapped the ground with a stick in his hand, and said coldly, "Get over after eating."

  Miao Shuyu shrank her neck, the bottom of her eyes Showing a look of fear: "...my injury is not healed, let me go..."

  "Don't talk nonsense, don't let me say it a second time!" Jiang Man glared at her.

  This bitch has ruined her family, how can she recover.

  Miao Shuyu bit her lip and slowly got up and walked over.

  She knew that this beating was inevitable.

  "Bang!" The stick hit him head to head.

  Hit her on the shoulder, and a red mark appeared all at once.

  Miao Shuyu snorted, tears welling up in her eyes again.

  "Bang! Bang! Bang!" More sticks fell again.

  Shoulders, back, chest, back, thighs, everything hurts.

  Miao Shuyu was beaten and slumped on the ground, crying in pain.

  Woohoo... She has never been so humiliated in her life.

  I really regret it!

  Why is she so stupid to listen to that old thing!

  It makes people not like people and ghosts like ghosts.

  Ahhh! She hates it so much! !


  In the end, Miao Shuyu fainted from the beating.

  I don't know how long it took.

  Miao Shuyu was awakened by the movement around her.

  In the middle of the night, there were no lights in the basement, so she couldn't see each other's face at all.

  It just felt like a big hand was walking around her.

  Miao Shuyu's voice was hoarse and startled: "Who are you! Get away from me!"

  "Good daughter, it's me." A familiar voice came.

  Miao Shuyu froze all over, widened her eyes and said, "It's you! Lin Dongliang, you old man!"

  "Hehe... I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you so rude."

  Lin Dongliang whispered in her ear Take a breath.

  His hands slowly reached down, unbuttoning her clothes one by one.

  "Take off your dirty hands! Go away!!" Miao Shuyu burst into tears, desperately trying to hide.

  But her weak body couldn't resist at all.

  In the end... Lin Dongliang succeeded.

  " I will tell Jiang Man tomorrow!" Miao Shuyu put on her clothes and slowly got up.

  With blood and tears in her eyes, she gritted her teeth and said, "You disgusting scum, she will definitely not forgive you!"

  "Haha...Then you have to live until tomorrow." Lin Dongliang smiled grimly.

  This voice was madness and coldness that Miao Shuyu had never heard before.

  In an instant, Miao Shuyu had goosebumps all over her body: "You...what do you want to do..."

  Lin Dongliang looked at her and smiled, "You'll know right away."

  "Bang!! !" In the quiet basement, the sound of a stick hitting the head suddenly sounded.

  Then, a figure "thumped" and fell to the ground with the back of his head.

  Where it fell, there was a spike.


  Long Nail entered her head.

  The man... never woke up again.


  the next night.

  Jiang Man took the kerosene lamp and opened the door of the basement.

  As soon as she entered the door, she smelled blood.

  Her heart skipped a beat, and she slowly stepped forward with a kerosene lamp.

  I saw... Miao Shuyu lay unconscious on the ground.

  And under her head, there was a large pool of blood.


  His pupils shrank suddenly.


  Jiang Man was about to shout when a hand suddenly covered her mouth from behind.

  She turned around, saw the person coming, and slumped into his arms:

  "Lao Lin! Lao Lin! Miao Shuyu is dead! I killed her!!" 

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