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 As expected.

  The Yunshan County Art Troupe, where Miao Jiaojiao belongs, won the competition by surprise.

  When the members of the group heard the news, everyone was excited and happy.

  Everyone hugged excitedly, and the cheering and boiling sound almost overturned the entire backstage.

  The performers of the other groups next to them all looked at them enviously, with bitterness in their eyes.

  Especially the members of the art troupe in the city, there are several little girls who wiped away their tears in sadness.

  Originally thought that their win was a certainty.

  Who would have thought that a dark horse would appear in the middle of it!

  The thought of them being robbed of the limelight by an unnamed small county group made them feel aggrieved.

  If this is known by other city groups, it must not be a joke!

  But there is no way to do this, who told them to be inferior to others.


In front, Director Wei and several teachers were already surrounded by many people.

  "Congratulations, Lao Wei, your show this time is simply too wonderful!"

  "Yes, it's dazzling, I was stunned by watching it!"

  "By the way, who came up with the idea of ​​this show? The style is completely different. Is it a newly recruited teacher? Why don't you bring it here and introduce it to everyone?"

  Director Wei smiled and said mysteriously: "I'm talking about this person, you probably can't think of it at all. "

  Who is it??" Everyone looked over curiously.

  Director Wei raised his chest proudly: "Just now, several teachers asked me about the little comrade who danced at the end. Her name is Miao Jiaojiao, and she is the pillar of our group! Most of the creativity in this performance is Ah, she suggested it! How's it going, great! ! "

  Listening to this, many people present were a little surprised.

  "Is that little comrade?" I didn't expect her to dance so well, but she still has such an idea? !"

  Does she look so young, so smart?" Really terrifying! "

  " She sang a few lines on the stage just now, the voice is absolutely amazing, this little girl is really amazing! "

  "Old Wei, why didn't you see this little girl last year? You just recruited it this year, right?" Director Wei proudly showed off: "

  Yes, she is very talented, she has never learned dancing or singing systematically, and she has become so amazing in just a few months after joining the group!" "

  As soon as these words came out, many people present felt that their teeth were sour for some reason.

  This old guard really had a bad luck to recruit such a talented girl.

  Some people were curious about Meng Baobao and asked, "That allegro round The little girl with a face looked at the eyes, and she was a new trick, but her voice was quite good.

  Director Wei cast an admiring look at Teacher Wang Rong, nodded and said: "

  Yes, that little girl is called Meng Baobao, and she is with Miao Jiaojiao. They are all good seedlings that our group's teacher Wang found in the countryside. . "

  Hearing this, someone immediately asked: "Hey, which country did you find it, or should I try my luck?" ! "

  "Pfft!" "Other people couldn't help laughing and laughed.

  If this good seedling is so easy to find, then they don't have to worry so much.

  They really want to pry these two little girls over, but it seems that apart from the city group, other The county troupe probably didn't like it either. No, the teacher from the city troupe also spoke out from the side at the command of the leader:

  "Director Wei, these two girls are very talented, especially the one named Miao Jiaojiao. .
You can't bury talents here, either, or I'll find time to have a good chat with them later, what do you think? "

  The meaning of this is to be open and upright to ask for someone in front of him.

  Director Wei was not annoyed, and continued to smile.

  But what he said made the teachers of the city troupe angry enough: "Okay, you want to talk to them, I don't have any opinion.

  But I will give you a breath in advance. These two girls are very ambitious. They're going to take the Beijing Military Region Cultural and Art Troupe exam next year. So, people may not..."

  -- People may not like your city troupe.

  He did not continue to say the second half of the sentence.

  All the people present are fine, and they all know what they should know.

  Having said that, I heard Director Wei speak like this.

  Others couldn't help but feel a trace of contempt in their hearts.

  Is the Beijing Military Region Art Troupe so good?

  Although these two girls are really good, they can't talk like this.

  However, contempt is contempt, but it cannot be reflected on the face.

  Perhaps these two girls might have entered.

  In fact, they are more envious.

  If it was them, it is estimated that they would be reluctant to let people go just like Director Wei.

  After all, I haven't seen such a good seedling in many years.

  Hearing Director Wei's words, the teachers of the city regiment were indeed a little annoyed. 

  But in order to complete the task, she still smiled reluctantly: "It's really good to have ambitions, but I still have to talk to them."

  "Okay, I'll make arrangements." Director Wei turned his head Facing Wang Rong: "Mr. Wang, go to the backstage and call those two little guys." The city group teacher suddenly thought of something, and said again: "Oh, by the way, let's come with the one named Xiao Xiao."

  Last year she I talked to the other party, but unfortunately was rejected.

  In today's show, that girl did a good job.

  It's just that most of the people's eyes were on Miao Jiaojiao and Meng Baobao, so they were ignored.

  Wang Rong nodded: "Okay, wait a moment."

  It was less than an hour after the 6 programs were played, and it was almost 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

  Some distant county groups have already retreated and are ready to go out and take the bus back.

  There were only two nearby county groups left at the scene, and one of them was from Yunshui County, the one who had been whispering in Director Wei's ear before.

  The way he looks at Director Wei now is simply envy, jealousy and hatred.

  How embarrassed he was before, how much he slaps his face now.

  Although in today's competition, their group score did not come to the bottom.

  But he wasn't happy at all, and he didn't feel as good as the penultimate time before.

  Hey, when you find people who are on the same starting line.

  Suddenly ran first, while he was still standing still.

  That feeling is really a bitter tear.


  Miao Jiaojiao and others communicated with the city group teacher and the result came out soon.

  Except for Xiao Xiao who agreed to join the city group in September, the other two refused.

  The reason is exactly as Director Wei said, they want to take the Beijing Legion Exam in the coming year.

  Although the city group teacher also promised them, they can also help them write recommendation quotas at that time, just stay in the city group for half a year.

  But the two still refused.

  There are three reasons.

  One: Miao Jiaojiao and Meng Baobao are very grateful to Teacher Wang Rong.

  Without her, they might still be farming in the countryside.

  So the two of them thought before that, in any case, they must stay in the county team for a full year, which is also considered to repay Teacher Wang's kindness.

  Second: It's only half a year now, and if I go to a new environment, I won't be able to get used to it.

  It might be better to stay in the original environment and train hard.

  Third: Miao Jiaojiao is concerned about the old man in the grass shed and the people in the educated youth compound, and Meng Baobao is concerned about the uncle's family.

  At that time, if you go to the city group, it will be far away, and it will be inconvenient to go back and forth.

  If you stay in the county group, it is much more convenient to do anything.

  After learning about Miao Jiaojiao and Meng Baobao's thoughts, Teacher Wang Rong was very relieved.

  She really did not see the wrong person, these two girls are really good!

  So far, after this game in the city.

  Yunshan County Cultural and Art Troupe completely broke the curse of the last place and became a popular county troupe!


  and soon, days passed by.

  And Miao Jiaojiao and others finally ushered in the moment to go to the provincial military region to perform.

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