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111. Wedding Banquet

 "Aunt Liu, congratulations!"

  Lin Ju held Miao Jiaojiao's hand and walked into the yard with a smile, with 2 pounds of brown sugar in her hand, followed by others.

  "Ouch, Lin Zhiqing, Jiaojiao is here, welcome all the educated youths!!"

  Widow Liu specially dressed up today.

  For more than ten years, she has lived alone in this small yard. She usually works very actively and gets the highest work points every time.

  She is also very frugal and does not eat much food, so she can get a little extra money when she distributes food at the end of the year.

  After so many years of accumulation, the family also has a small savings.

  And Uncle Li often ran into the mountains since he was young, and often sold game on the black market in town.

  In addition, he is also active in earning work points, and he has saved a lot of money for more than 20 years.

  After the two opened up their hearts, they also revealed their family background, which is a few hundred in total.

  So for this wedding banquet, the two of them are not stingy, how to come as appropriate.

  A few days ago, when the two went to town to register their marriage, Widow Liu and Uncle Li went to the supply and marketing agency.

  The three most important things to get married in the 1970s were bicycles, watches, and sewing machines.

  Uncle Li had been in the black market many times before, and he happened to have industrial coupons and bicycle tickets in his hand.

  Originally, he thought that he would buy these three major items, but was rejected by Widow Liu.

  Uncle Li has taken care of her all these years, she has seen it, how can he let him pay so much money to buy it alone.

  So she suggested that she buy a sewing machine as a dowry, and Uncle Li should just buy a bicycle.

  As for the watch, it's something that young people like to wear, and it's not appropriate for them to go to work every day with that thing.

  After finalizing the idea, the two won the two biggest guys in the supply and marketing agency in the eyes of many envious eyes.

  Then I tore a foot of red cloth and a few feet of army green cloth and bought some cotton.

  After returning, Widow Liu sewed two sets of clothes with needles and threads without stopping.

  One set is hers, with a red festive cotton jacket on the upper body and army green cotton trousers on the lower body.

  The other set is Uncle Li's, and the upper and lower body are all military green cotton padded clothes.

  This year, everyone has a special sense of admiration and love for military green.

  Wearing army green clothes for marriage is the most appropriate.

  There was still some leftover from the red cloth, so she sewed two more red silk flowers, both of which were pinned to her chest.

  As the afternoon approached the evening, she was almost busy. She and Uncle Li both took a bath and quickly changed into new clothes. Only then did she stand beamingly at the door to greet the guests.

  Lin Ju said with a sweet smile, "Aunt Liu, you are so beautiful today!"

  Because of the burn on the left side of her face, Widow Liu always covered half of her face with her hair on the left and only exposed half of her left eye.

  On the right, the whole hair is combed up, but the overall look is a bit gloomy.

  This time, under Uncle Li's persuasion, she also combed her left hair for the first time.

  Although the burn scar on the left side of the face is a little scary, before that, she deliberately asked an experienced aunt in the village to flick her face with a string.

  In the afternoon, I also rubbed clam oil, sipped my lipstick with lipstick paper, and combed all my hair back.

  In addition to the smile on her face, the whole person looks refreshing and happy, but those scars have no effect at all.

  Miao Jiaojiao also smiled and nodded: "Yes, auntie, you are really beautiful today!"

  "Thank you, thank you!" Widow Liu blushed, and the smile in her eyes couldn't stop.

  Uncle Li, wearing a military green cotton padded jacket, came over in high spirits.

  Holding a pack of cigarettes in his hand, he took out a few and handed them to the male educated youths present: "Welcome, come, have a cigarette."

  It is rare to smoke cigarettes these days, and many young guys are secretly pooling money to buy cigarettes. Smoke sneakily.

  "Uncle Li, no need, we don't smoke!" Wang Gang and others quickly refused.

  Miao Jiaojiao glanced at Han Lingzhi, and saw that he was unmoved, and felt a little satisfied.

  Well, it's best not to smoke.

  I smoke too much, my teeth turn yellow, and my mouth stinks.

  At that time, kissing will have a strange smell...

  (Little Goldfish complains: I haven't officially dealt with the object, so I thought of kissing, so anxious?)

  Uncle Li looked up and saw the village chief's family coming, and quickly said: "Please feel free, I'm going to entertain others."

  "Okay, you can go." Everyone walked to a table in the courtyard and sat down.

  "There are melon seeds, peanuts and happy candy on the table, you can eat whatever you want, don't be polite to me!" Widow Liu came over with a pot of brown sugar water in her hand, and after filling everyone's bowls with warm brown sugar water, she said: "Dinner is expected to take a while. If you are hungry, drink some brown sugar water first."

  Everyone nodded with a smile: "Got it, go get busy."

  After a while, some people from the next village came. 

  Among them is Meng Baobao and his uncle's family.

  Meng Baobao came to the yard, and as soon as he saw Miao Jiaojiao, he ran over: "Jiaojiao! I'm here!"

  Ma Fang was sitting next to Miao Jiaojiao, but he quickly moved to the side.

  "Thank you!" Meng Baobao thanked him, sat down and hugged Miao Jiaojiao's arm and said, "I'm so nervous today."

  Miao Jiaojiao smiled and looked at her: "Everyone is a little nervous, it's alright, just try to sing well. It 's over."

  Lin Ju: "Yes, today is mainly to make the atmosphere a little more lively."

  "Mmmm!" Meng Baobao looked around curiously, "Wow, the red window grilles on the windows are very beautiful, today It's really lively."

  Originally, Widow Liu invited 2 tables of people, but she was afraid that there would be too many people, so she deliberately opened 3 tables.

  The table on the far left was full of people in the educated youth compound. The table in the middle was the main table. The village chiefs of the two villages and some male elders were sitting. The table on the right was mostly women and children.

  The meeting is almost here, all three tables are full, and the yard is full of the sound of melon seeds eating peanuts.

  After a while, some helpful neighbor aunts started serving dishes from the kitchen with a smile.

  The dishes at today's wedding banquet were all bought by Uncle Li at the town's supply and marketing agency early in the morning (and also went around the black market), not only fresh but also good dishes.

  Each table is full of 10 bowls of dishes: stewed duck with radishes, braised potatoes, steamed sea bass, fried bacon with carrots, eggs with green peppers, chicken soup, etc.

  When the dishes were served, everyone's eyes were dumbfounded.

  This... most of these are meat! !

  They only eat a little bit of meat foam for half a year.

  Seeing so much meat in an instant, I was ecstatic.

  It seems that Widow Liu and Cripple Li have saved a lot of money, and they will definitely have a good life.

  With excitement and joy, with Uncle Li's greeting, everyone started eating with chopsticks.

  For a time, the whole scene was extremely quiet.

  Only hear the sound of "bahahahaha" fast food..

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