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Hearing this, Miao Jiaojiao was slightly taken aback: "I'm sorry."

  "It's okay." Sheng Fei's face brought up a bitter smile: "It's been a long time since I said it, But I really can't forget her...

  "Big sister, wait a minute. "Xiao Nuannuan turned around and went to the kitchen, and when she came back, she handed her a bowl of water in her hand:

  "I added a piece of candy here, my mother said, it's good to drink more sweet water when you are sad, so that It won't be painful. "

  This is the candy that Sister Jiaojiao gave her last time, and she didn't want to finish it.

  The little guy doesn't know what death is at all.

  Whenever mother and brother mention the dead father, they will cry.

  Xiao Nuan Nuan is quilted. The atmosphere was dizzy, and they would also howl together.

  Every time they cried, my mother would make them some sugar water to drink, but it was delicious.

  That's why she thought about using sugar water to coax her big sister.

  Listening to this soft and cute voice.

  Sheng Fei didn't know why, but her mood suddenly became happy.

  "Okay, thank you Nuan Nuan. "She took the bowl and took a sip, and then handed it to the little guy's mouth: "You can drink it too, it's so sweet." "

  "Hmmmm! "Xiao Nuannuan bent the corners of her mouth, took a small sip, and said obediently, "Sister drink again!" "

  Okay~" Sheng Fei's eyes were stained with a star-shattered smile, and her heart was warm.

  Miao Jiaojiao watched the interaction between big and small, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

  At this time, Mother Gao took Gao Yang out of the room. Step out: "I found it! Jiaojiao, look!
Miao Jiaojiao got up to take it and took a closer look. This is a yellowed piece of paper, which generally explains the previous purchase of the yard and the reason why the owner was not able to transfer it. Both parties have signed at the bottom.

  Miao Jiaojiao nodded: "Okay, when the public security comrades come, let's confront those two people outside. "

  The evidence is there, but if you really want to transfer the house, it is estimated that it will take a long time, and it will be a bit difficult.

  So, at that time, she estimated that she would have to ask her elder brother to help.

  Soon, there was movement in the yard.

  Two public security comrades walked in with serious faces and said, "Who reported the case?"

  Before waiting for the crooked woman to complain, Miao Jiaojiao took the lead to explain what happened.

  In the end, she also defended herself:

  "I beat people for a reason. Everyone present can prove that it was the man who did it first."

  After that, she glanced at the people watching the show. .

  Most of these people were onlookers last time, and they had the cheek to ask Miao Jiaojiao for candy.

  They scolded by Miao Jiaojiao last time, but today she is so ruthless and generous with her money. In addition, she also knew the captain of the public security, who would dare to say a word. But she didn't tell lies, and there is no need for everyone to lie. 

  "Yes, we have all seen it." Everyone nodded unanimously.

  Upon hearing this, the crooked woman's mouth became even crooked, and she glared at everyone fiercely.

  As for the middle-aged man with crooked melons and cracked dates, he was still lying on the ground and screaming.

  Gao's mother came out at the right time and handed the paper to the front:

  "Comrade Public Security, you see, this is the evidence that my husband bought the house.

  I have lived here for almost 4 years, and the neighbors all know about these two things. People didn't come before, but I came here to find fault after my cousin passed away, obviously it was intentional." The two public security comrades, one is older and the other looks younger.

  The two stood together after reading the records on the paper.

  The young public security comrades are about to say that they will investigate this matter and ask them to wait patiently.

  The old public security comrade spoke first: "Okay, this evidence is sufficient, I believe you."

  After speaking, he turned around and stared at the crooked woman and the middle-aged man with a serious face:

  "The two of you are involved in occupation . If you own other people's property, please come to the bureau with us!"

  "Comrade, we are wronged!" The crooked woman became anxious and quickly retorted:

  "The house is obviously owned by my old man, and this property is the old man's name!"

  " This is clearly stated above, it was obviously bought by the Gao family, but the name has not been changed for the time being." The old public security comrade snorted and said in a threatening tone:

  "If you dare to argue again, When the time comes, the guilt will be even greater!" 

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