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161. Test Xiaoxiao's Attitude

 [What should I do if I find out that my good friend's boyfriend has cheating intentions? ]

  In modern times, Miao Jiaojiao would really like to search for this passage on Baidu.

  She is not good at interpersonal communication, and has only a few close friends.

  I've never encountered this kind of situation before, and I really don't know how to deal with it best.

  She is only suspicious of this kind of thing, and it is impossible to tell Xiao Xiao directly.

  According to her many years of watching TV and novels, there are many girls who are generally reasonable and generous.

  But whenever there is a relationship problem, it will become a love brain and do something demented.

  Miao Jiaojiao is not sure what will happen when Xiao Xiao knows about this.

  If you tell her, in case something goes wrong with their relationship.

  If she loses her mind and puts all the blame on her, then she will not be human inside or out.

  But if she didn't tell her, she would feel sorry for her.

  After all, they are friends, so they can't just watch each other be kept in the dark.

  At the end of the tangle, Miao Jiaojiao thought that she should check Xiao Xiao's attitude first.

  When the three of them went to the cafeteria to eat together in the evening, Miao Jiaojiao deliberately came here: "Didn't I receive a letter from my family a few days ago?

  He said in the letter that the uncle in their cafeteria had an affair with a floor sweeper. , After being discovered by his wife, he made a big fuss in the cafeteria. 

  made everyone in the team know about it, and in the end, the two of them were criticized and they were directly fired. Except.

  I think the uncle's wife is so inappropriate, she should talk about it in private, it's such a pity that her husband's job is lost, what a pity!"

  As soon as these words came out, Meng Baobao was stunned. : "Jiaojiao, are you kidding me?"

  Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

  Meng Baobao frowned: "I don't think Han Lingzhi is the kind of gossip person. He will tell you this in his letter?"

  Miao Jiaojiao's mouth twitched.

  It seems that this girl is quite sophisticated, and she immediately guessed that it was made up.

  But this topic has to continue, after all, the purpose has not been achieved.

  "He probably thinks that the content of the letter is too small, so he told me this."

  Meng Baobao still felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell the feeling: "But..."

  "It's nothing." Miao Jiaojiao Interrupting her, she turned her head to look at Xiao Xiao: "Sister Xiao, what do you think about this?"

  Xiao Xiao stopped his chopsticks and said, "The uncle's wife is very likely to be angry and make trouble. She suffered the most, and I can understand what she did. Of course, she was a little too impulsive, and it is best to deal with this kind of thing in private."

  Miao Jiaojiao pretended to be curious: "If you are her friend, You discovered this first, will you tell her, or choose to let her find out?"

  "Jiaojiao, you seem a little strange today..." Xiao Xiao tilted his head to look at her and said, "You When did you gossip like this?"

  "Uh..." Miao Jiao scratched the back of her head, thinking of a reason:

  "Damn, I'm not a little worried that this kind of thing will happen accidentally in the future, so I want to talk to me about it. Let's discuss it."

  "Oh yes." Xiao Xiao said slowly: "If it was me, I would definitely tell her, it's best not to hide it when you see such a thing, otherwise that person is so pitiful."

  "I think so too!" Meng Baobao snorted: "If I find out about this kind of thing, I will definitely blow the man's head!"

  Miao Jiaojiao: "But if you tell the truth, instead of thanking you, people will blame you for making a mistake, so what about you."

  Xiao Xiao frowned deeply: "This kind of friend who doesn't even have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, it's worth nothing.

  Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows, and she quite agreed with her statement.

  Since Sister Xiao thinks the same as her, then she doesn't have to worry about it.

  Miao Jiaojiao: "So what, Sister Xiao, let me tell you something, you should not be anxious first."

  "Well, what's the matter?" Xiao Xiao looked at her.

  Miao Jiaojiao first quickly talked about what she saw at noon today, and then she talked about the practice room in the afternoon.

  Finally, he said, "I think Senior Brother Zhang and Zhou Xiaofang are a little too close, you should pay attention to yourself."

  After listening to what Miao Jiaojiao said, Meng Baobao stared at her big eyes, a little afraid to believe:

  "Usually Isn't Senior Brother Zhang Teng nice to Sister Xiao, how could he..."

  Xiao Xiao's face was a little dark and ugly.

  She sighed and said, "Actually, I've noticed it these days. I thought it was just my illusion, but I didn't expect..."

  Seeing his secret interaction with Zhou Xiaofang, how could she be indifferent?

  Maybe it's just self-deception.

  Hearing this, Miao Jiaojiao was a little surprised.

  She didn't expect that Sister Xiao found something wrong long ago.

  Sure enough, all women are Sherlock Holmes. Is the sixth sense so accurate?

  Miao Jiaojiao: "Sister Xiao, then what are you going to do?"

  Xiao Xiao looked at the gate with narrowed eyes: "I'll have a good chat with him later. If he doesn't empathize, and he can promise me , I'll give him another chance. But if he really betrays me, then I won't spare him lightly!"

  Although she likes him very much, she is also dignified.

  If he fucks with other people behind her back, she will definitely not be able to bear it!

  "Okay, then you two have a good chat." Miao Jiaojiao: "If you encounter any problems, you can come to me and Baobao, we all support you!"

  "Yes, Sister Xiao, don't worry, we are all standing behind you!" Meng Baobao raised his fist to assure.

  "Well, thank you." Xiao Xiao forced a smile.

  After dinner, Xiao Xiao went to the boys' dormitory to find Zhang Teng.

  Miao Jiaojiao and Meng Baobao didn't even bother to practice, so they simply took a walk on the playground to digest their food.

  Meng Baobao shook his head and sighed: "Jiaojiao, why do you think Zhou Xiaofang is like this? If it's true, it's not a disrespectful behavior.

  If the leader of the regiment finds out about this kind of thing, he must be fired, right?" How can you be so stupid!"

  Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows: "Perhaps people are willing, this kind of thing is uncertain."

  Meng Baobao shook her arms and said, "Hey, I saw Zhang Teng very well before. Yeah, I didn't expect him to be like this, so I don't dare to deal with people in the future."

  Miao Jiaojiao pinched her little face: "You, you, other people's affairs are different from you, think so What more.

  Besides, this matter has not been finalized yet. For the time being, it's just my suspicion. Let's see what Sister Xiao has to say."

  Meng Baobao nodded: "Okay, that's true." The two were chatting, and the front Suddenly there was a girl's scream:

  "Ahhhh! Help! Someone fell into the river!!"

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