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241. Being Cared for

 The Miao family, in the living room.

  Li Jie took Miao Jiaojiao and introduced her uncle's family with a smile:

  "This is your uncle and aunt, this is your cousin Miao Shuze."

  Miao Jiaojiao nodded: "Uncle and aunt, hello Shuze. "

  Good!" My uncle Miao Yingjie responded cheerfully.

  Aunt Bao Yulan smiled and held her hand, and kept complimenting:

  "Oh, Jiaojiao is handsome, I like it very much."

  This girl not only has a great appearance, but also has very clear eyes.

  Compared to the arrogant Miao Shuyu, it looked much more pleasing to the eye.

  "Hello, Sister Jiaojiao." Miao Shuze greeted obediently.

  He was still curious at first.

  Now that I see myself, I finally understand.

  This cousin is much prettier than he imagined.

  It's also comforting to look at.

  No wonder grandpa and uncle are so looking forward to it.

  Miao Shukai stood beside her mother and reminded: "Mom, you don't seem to have introduced me yet."

  Li Jie looked at him puzzled: "Didn't you meet Jiaojiao long ago?"

  Miao Shukai has A hint of embarrassment flashed across his indifferent face: "Jiaojiao hasn't called me yet..."

  He waited for "Second Brother" for a long time.

  Upon hearing this, Li Jie knew what he meant.

  Li Jie looked at Miao Jiaojiao with a smile: "Jiaojiao, this is your second brother, you should know it."

  Miao Jiaojiao had heard the conversation between the two just now.

  She smiled and nodded and said, "Hello, second brother."

  "Cough cough..." Miao Shubai coughed lightly and came over: "Jiaojiao, I'm your third brother."

  Miao Jiaojiao called out obediently . : "Hello, third brother."

  "Hey~" Miao Shubai felt a sense of relief in his heart.

  Jiaojiao finally called his brother!

  (Miao Shulang, who is far away in Ning City: My eldest brother hasn't called yet, I'm jealous!)

  "Jiaojiao..." Old Master Miao also ran over eagerly: "Then what... Grandpa's ears are behind, I didn't hear it before..."

  He also wanted to ask Jiaojiao to call Grandpa a few more times.

  Miao Jiaojiao:.........

  "Oh, you didn't hear what?" Miao Jiaojiao teased him deliberately. 
  Mr. Miao looked expectantly.

  Some people said awkwardly: "What do you say..."

  Seeing this, the others almost couldn't hold back their laughter.

  "I don't know, Grandpa."

  Miao Jiaojiao said this loudly.

  In particular, the word "Grandpa" was bitten very hard.

  Hearing the old man Miao's face was happy, he immediately started to smile.

  Everyone looked at each other, smiled and shook their heads.

  This old man is an old urchin.

  Miao Jiaojiao introduced Meng Baobao to everyone.

  This is her best best friend. She will often walk around in Beijing in the future, and the Miao family should also know about it.

  "This girl is very watery, but she is really blessed!" Li Jie smiled and patted Meng Baobao's hand: "Baobao, come to our house to play more in the future, and treat it like your own!"

  "Well, I will. Yes!" Meng Baobao blushed a little embarrassedly.

  She cried so loudly just now that she was embarrassed.

  Others knew that the little girl was thin-skinned, and they didn't mention it, so they all praised her.

  But Mr. Miao didn't answer this question, and said directly:

  "Hehe, this girl is a good-looking girl with a loud voice, and she is as energetic as I was when I was young!"

  In an instant, Meng Baobao's whole face looked like a boiled shrimp.

  Seeing this, Miao Shubai whispered in his ear:

  "Baobao, my grandfather has such a carefree temper, you don't need to pay attention to what he says."

  "Well...Thank you." Meng Baobao replied in a low voice With a sound, the little face turned even redder.

  Miao Shubai had always called her Comrade Meng Baobao before.

  Why are you calling her Baobao now?

  Listen... embarrassingly embarrassing.

  I really want to cover my face (*/ω\*) ah...

  Miao Shubai saw her like this.

  There was a strange feeling in my heart.

  This girl is really cute.

  He couldn't help but want to touch her head.

  Hold back, Comrade Miao Shubai!

  You are a hooligan, you will scare this girl!

  Miao Shubai put his fist to his mouth and coughed twice, to hide the ripples in his heart:

  "It's okay, you are Jiaojiao's good friend, that is, my sister. Come and play a few more times and then let go."

  "Okay." Meng Baobao nodded his head.

  I suddenly felt lost.

  It turned out that he was just treating himself as a sister


  at noon.

  Li Jie and Bao Yulan prepared a large table of delicious food.

  Everyone kept adding vegetables to Miao Jiaojiao until she couldn't fit in her bowl.

  Looking at everyone's smiling and caring eyes.

  Miao Jiaojiao suddenly felt an unprecedented feeling in her heart.

  So this is what it feels like to be cared about by family members.


  very warm.

  Hope the days ahead will be so happy...

  after lunch.

  Li Jie said she was going to the department store.

  Jiaojiao came back today and will definitely stay.

  After everyone received the news in the morning, the time was too fast, and nothing was prepared at home.

  So she has to take Jiaojiao to buy a special one!

  Li Jie: "I have prepared the room and daily necessities, so don't go back today.

  This time we will go to the department store, mainly to buy some clothes and shoes for you, as well as all kinds of things you need. Look, mom will buy you whatever you like, don't be polite to me!"

  Miao Jiaojiao: "So soon..."

  She didn't really want to live in Miao Shuyu's room before, and she was always a little nervous.

  Seeing her like this, Li Jie guessed what her daughter was thinking.

  She smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll replace your room with your eldest brother's original room.

  His room is at the innermost point, with not only a balcony but also a study room, which is the largest in the family. I cleaned up his study in two days, and then my mother will buy you more clothes and shoes to put in, so you can change your clothes every day!" The

  Miao family is a big family with a rich heritage and a lot of savings. .

  Although this era is not too ostentatious, her Jiaojiao was finally recovered.

  Missing 19 years of maternal love, no matter how pampered it is!

  It happened that she also helped Meng Baobao to buy something, and thanked the other party's family for taking care of Jiaojiao.

  Miao Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment: "Big brother's room, is it a little bad..."

  "It's fine!" Li Jie waved her hand indifferently: "He's a big man, it doesn't matter if he lives in a smaller room!"

  (Miao Shulang touched his nose: I went out this time, and I don't even have a room...)

  Miao Shukai and Miao Shubai looked at each other, and a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes.

  The big brother's room is really big, and everyone envied it very much when I was a child.

  Miao Shuyu used to roll around trying to change rooms, but was beaten by Li Jie before she stopped.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as Jiaojiao came back, her mother changed the room for her.

  But they also felt that their mother did the right thing.

  Jiaojiao has suffered so much outside, it is time to enjoy the care of the Miao family, and of course she must use the best!

  Aunt Bao Yulan is the manager of the department store, so she knows which counter has good products, so she has to follow.

  Mr. Miao was reluctant to let the granddaughter who had just recognized his relatives, and also shouted that he wanted to go with her.

  At that time, he will also have to help his granddaughter, and buy it for her when he sees a good-looking one.

  If the old man didn't go, Miao Shubai would drive, and Bao Yulan would take the co-pilot.

  Li Jie, Miao Jiaojiao, and Meng Baobao sat in the back, and a car was just right.

  But now the old man is going too, and the uncle's car has to be driven there too.

  If Miao Shukai was driving, there were still a few vacancies in the car.

  When Miao Yinghao heard this, he quickly said that he wanted to be together.

  He hasn't gone out for a walk with his family since he served as a *ji.

  Jiaojiao hasn't come back in 19 years, so she definitely wants her family to go shopping in an orderly manner.

  Besides, Jiaojiao had been relying on his wife just now, and he was still jealous.

  When I went to the mall, I had to perform well.

  My uncle Miao Yingjie thought that he was going to inspect the work of the department store, so he followed.

  In the end, Miao Shuze, the son of the uncle's family, was left.

  In fact, he really wanted to stay at home and read books.

  But seeing Mr. Miao's threatening look, "If you don't go, it's not my grandson".

  he had no choice but to compromise: "Okay."

  Miao Jiaojiao, who had watched the whole process, was a little confused: ...

  it was originally a shopping among several women.

  How did it become a family out? ?

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