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 "Are you deaf?!"

  Miao Shuyu glared at her viciously, gritted her teeth and said,

  "I don't have a mother like you, you don't deserve it!!" She's just a sinner, why should she admit it.


  Li Qin heard this.

  The heart exploded like a burst, and the whole body was torn in pain.

  She staggered back two steps.

  His eyes widened as if he couldn't believe it.

  In the end, he met Miao Shuyu's resentful eyes, wishing her to die.

  Finally, he couldn't help but slumped to the ground.


  Li Qin grabbed her hair and screamed in pain. 

  This is the daughter she has been looking forward to for more than 10 years!

  I didn't expect to be so vicious! !

  She regrets it!

  She shouldn't have mistaken herself for such a wolf-hearted thing!

  All the beautiful visions before are just fantasies!

  Li Qin, Li Qin, you are really trying to figure out what the agency has done!



  When everyone in the Miao family saw this scene, they sneered a few times in their hearts.

  Look, this is the so-called "mother-daughter love".

  Miao Shuyu is indeed a white-eyed wolf who "lives up to expectations".

  "Shu Lang, Shu Kai, tie Li Qin and Miao Shuyu for me!"

  Mr. Miao ordered in a deep voice.

  After the play is over, it's time to clean up.

  He asked the first leader of China for instructions a few days ago.

  Just by virtue of the Miao family's many years of service for the country.

  No matter what the Miao family did to Li Qin, they would not ask any more questions.

  What's more, Li Qin has committed so many crimes, and the death penalty is a sure thing!

  What Miao Shuyu did to the Miao family before could not be tolerated.

  You can't be imprisoned at will, but you can still get a few whips.

  Mr. Miao: "Shu Bai, you go and take down the ancestral whip of our Miao family!" 

The three brothers nodded in agreement.

  Upon hearing this, Miao Shuyu's pupils shrank, and she subconsciously wanted to run out.

  Miao Shulang put his hands in his pockets and caught up with her in a few steps.

  He didn't take pity on Xiangxiyu, and directly and violently locked her hands behind her back.

  Pick up the rope prepared by the side and quickly tie a knot.

  "Uuuuu..." Miao Shuyu shivered in pain, tears streaming down her face.

  Even so, she did not dare to resist.

  Because Miao Shulang's expression was so terrifying, she didn't dare to act rashly.

  Soon, Li Qin was also tied up by Miao Shukai.

  Miao Shubai brought the ancestral whip from the big study upstairs.

  It was a thick red whip, covered with thorn-like bumps, and it was very painful when it was pulled.

  Miao Yinghao and Miao Yingjie looked at each other.

  This ancestral whip is something passed down by the Miao ancestors, and is generally used to educate unfilial descendants.

  When they were young, the two brothers ran out to watch out of curiosity during the war and were almost killed.

  After returning, the old man gave him a severe lesson with a whip.

  The pain was so unforgettable that I will never forget it for a lifetime.

  Mr. Miao weighed it twice with the whip in his hand.

  Lifting his eyelids, he said slowly, "Shu Bai, go to the kitchen and get a basin of salt water."

  Just whipping is not enough, the whip soaked in salt water is the most ruthless.

  Miao Shuyu's face was pale and begged: "Grandpa! Let me go!"

  She couldn't be whipped.

  If you are drawn, you will not be able to go to work for the next few days.

  At that time, everyone who knew her would guess.

  If they heard about today's incident, they would definitely ridicule her behind their backs.

  Not to mention, the whip looks horrible.

  A careless estimate will kill her.

  "Grandpa, I beg you, let me go." Miao Shuyu begged for mercy frantically, and she burst into tears:

  "If you want to fight, beat this crazy woman next to you. It's obviously her fault, why should I take the blame?!"

  "!" Li Qin, who was crying with his head down, raised her head suddenly.

  A pair of eyes were full of blood red.

  The torture of jail!

  The pain of being insulted!

  The poison pill is coming slowly!

  It's not as good as what my own daughter said, it hurts! !


  Li Qin's eyes flashed with madness, and she couldn't help laughing loudly.

  She Li Qin is really blind!

  Do you think Miao Shuyu is pure and kind?

  She is so regretful, she knew that she should not have changed children in the first place.

  We should let that old godly woman torture this loser!

  The two fell to the ground with their hands and feet tied, and the only thing that could move was their heads. Suddenly hearing

  Li Qin's laughter, Miao Shuyu was irritable in his heart:

  "What do you laugh! Pleasant ... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  "You let go!!" Miao Shuyu screamed in pain.

  Li Qin stared at her with a split canthus, and insisted on not letting go.

  All the madness of anger goes to the teeth.

  Fiercely, vigorously, tearing.

  Soon, Miao Shuyu's ear was ripped out of blood.

  Miao Shuyu's wailing like killing a pig grew louder.

  Miao Wei, who was on the side, couldn't bear to see it, and wanted to go up and pull his wife away.

  It was stopped by the cold eyes of Mr. Miao and others.

  Miao Wei shuddered, and could only stay on the side and dare not go forward.

  Li Qin bit his mouth full of blood, and even stopped when there was a little bit of meat in his mouth.

  "Bah!" She spat out blood in her mouth, her chest heaving constantly.

  She looked at Li Jie, who was sitting on the sofa not far away.

  Li Qin suddenly laughed.


  SHe smiled, tears streaming down her face.

  Funny, she's been comparing herself to this person all her life.

  Unexpectedly, in the end, she lost so badly.

  She is a complete loser...

  Miao Shuyu almost had half of her ear bitten off.

  The blood was constantly flowing from the ears.

  There were also some minced meat residue on the ground.

  She lay on the ground, dying of pain.

  If it is not treated in time, it is estimated that it will be difficult to deal with in the future.

  "Grandpa..." Miao Shulang asked the old man to see what to do.

  Mr. Miao touched the whip in his hand, raised his eyes and said,

  "Since she is so seriously injured, she will be spared. However, our Miao family is not so kind to send her to the hospital. She is not Jiang Man's goddaughter . Well, send the person to the Lin family and let Jiang Man take care of it."

  "Okay." Miao Shulang quickly brought the medicine box and bandaged Miao Shuyu.

  He wasn't so kind either.

  He just didn't want Miao Shuyu's blood to dirty his car.

  Miao Shuyu's hands and feet were untied, and she was led into the car groggy.

  20 minutes later, the car arrived near Lin's house.

  Miao Shuyu got out of the car and watched her walk to the Lin's yard before Miao Shulang turned around and left.

  Jiang Man went out with a few friends today and hasn't come back yet.

  Lin Dongliang rested at home in the afternoon and was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper.

  Seeing that Miao Shuyu was covered in blood, she stumbled in.

  "Dad Lin, save me, take me to the hospital!"

  Lin Dongliang's eyes were startled, he got up and quickly stepped forward to support her:

  "Shu Yu, what's wrong with you?"

  Miao Shuyu's face was pale, and her tears were slowly shining Falling down:

  "It's the Miao family..." The two were close to each other, and they seemed to be very close from a distance.

  Jiang Man saw this scene as soon as he walked to the door of the living room.

  SHe raised her eyebrows and said furiously,

  "You...what are you doing?!"

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