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181. Miao Shuyu Tore up the Photo

 Miao Shuyu's face was white, and she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

  Didn't the third brother say, this is a photo sent by a friend.

  How could he get together with someone like Miao Jiaojiao?

  Also, this time, the third brother was obviously working in the Lake Province Army Corps, while Miao Jiaojiao was in the countryside.

  How did these two meet?

  Miao Shuyu glanced at the sleeping person on the bed, and then looked at the photo again.

  In the photo, the third brother is standing on the left, and Miao Jiaojiao is standing in the middle.

  On the right is the savage girl who pulled her hair and scratched her face before.

  The three stood together, looking at the camera and smiling happily.

  Seeing this smile, Miao Shuyu only felt dazzling.

  Unexpectedly, the third brother deceived her for an outsider!

  He looked at Miao Jiaojiao in the photo again.

  A nameless anger suddenly surged in my heart.

  Alright, Miao Jiaojiao, you vixen!

  Don't talk about seducing Brother Han, but now you still want to seduce my brother? !

  Hmm, don't even think about it!

  Don't you have a fox face?

  Just like you, you will never be able to enter the door of my Miao family!

  This Miao Jiaojiao is to see one and love another!

  Otherwise, why would he suddenly go to the provincial capital to meet the third brother!

  Because the photo is in black and white, the performance costumes and makeup of Miao Jiaojiao and Meng Baobao in the photo could not be reflected, so it was naturally misunderstood by Miao Shuyu.

  Of course, even if Miao Shubai explained it to her personally, she probably wouldn't believe it.

  At this moment, her mind was full of feeling worthless for Han Lingzhi. https://www.hei66.com

  thinks he must have been confused at first.

  But she couldn't tell him face to face.

  Thinking of this, Miao Shuyu suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

  She only recently learned that Brother Han had been back in Beijing for several months.

  If she hadn't overheard her second brother chatting with her parents last time, she would have been completely in the dark.

  I heard from the second brother that Brother Han was very brave and active in the army, and he became the squad leader in less than half a year.

  After hearing the news, she was overjoyed and could not wait to find someone the next day.

  But in March, because she went to the countryside to find someone and caused her third brother to be injured accidentally, they punished her for not going to other places except the art troupe for half a year.

  In half a year now, she has no chance to go out at all.

  And whether Big Brother Han will see her is unknown.

  The last time he was so heartless to her, he was going to slash her face with a knife.

  To tell the truth, she was heartbroken at the time.

  I want to have the guts to say give up.

  But she couldn't do it...

  The person she has identified since she was a child, she has liked for more than 10 years.

  How can you say give up just give up.

  She really wasn't willing to let it end like this!

  Miao Shuyu's eyes flashed with determination.

  In any case, she has to find a chance to be with Brother Han.

  He was originally her fiancé, why should he give it to someone else!

  Miao Shuyu gritted her teeth and tore the photo in half angrily.

  Just after tearing it up, a surprised voice came from behind: "Xiaoyu, what are you doing in my room..."

  Miao Shuyu's face froze.

  Coincidentally, the third brother woke up at this time.

  Can't let him see her tearing up the picture!

  Thinking like this, Miao Shuyu hurriedly hid the photo with one hand behind her, turned around and said with a smile,

  "Third brother, you are awake, I have nothing to do, I'm here to wake you up for dinner."

  Miao Shubai just caught Her little gesture: "What are you hiding behind your back?"

  Miao Shuyu's eyes flashed quickly with a guilty conscience, and she shook her head and said, "No...it's nothing..."

  "Show me." Miao Shubai lifted the quilt, He got out of bed and walked over.

  "No, go out to eat when you wake up, I'll go first!" Miao Shuyu's brows jumped, and she hurried out the door.

  But she was still a step slower.

  Miao Shubai had already grabbed her arm.

  He said solemnly: "Take it out!"

  When he saw the notebook on the desk being opened, he vaguely knew what the other party had taken.

  "Third brother... I didn't mean to..." Miao Shuyu knew there was no way to hide it, so she carefully took out the photo that was torn in half.

  Miao Shubai frowned tightly and took the photo.

  When he saw in the photo that there was a crack between him and Miao Jiaojiao, he still couldn't understand.

  He raised his eyes and scolded: "Why did you tear up my photos?!"

  "I said I didn't mean to..." Miao Shuyu bit her lip, her eyes blushing aggrieved: "Third brother, I am you. My little sister, you murdered me for an outsider..."

  Miao Shubai was stunned by her anger.

  He took a deep breath, rubbed his back molars and said, "You flipped through my notebook and tore up my photos without my permission, and just wanted to fool you.

  Are you only allowed to lie and I even speak out loud? Have you lost your qualifications? Is it reasonable for you to do something wrong?!"

  "No...it's not like that." Seeing that the third brother was really angry, Miao Shuyu quickly explained:

  "Your notebook was blown away by the wind when I came in. I went up to wake you up and saw the photo by accident."

  Miao Shubai looked at her with disappointment: "Then tell me, why did you tear it up? Don't tell me it wasn't intentional for my photo!"

  Hearing his questioning voice, Miao Shuyu felt unhappy: "Yes, I did it intentionally! Third brother, you haven't lied to me yet.

  Didn't you say yes? Why did Miao Jiaojiao and that wild girl take pictures with you!"

  Miao Shubai couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows: "If I told you that I met you by accident, would you believe it?"

  Miao Shuyu raised her eyebrows: "I don't believe it, it must have been that fox spirit Miao Jiaojiao doing it on purpose!"

  "Then what do you want me to explain to you?" Miao Shubai sighed, and really didn't want to continue communicating with this sister. .

  He definitely wouldn't tell her about Miao Jiaojiao's work in the art troupe.

  Otherwise, with the little sister's temperament, wouldn't it be another quarrel.

  He didn't regret taking the photo, but he blamed himself for not putting the photo properly and causing a quarrel for no reason.

  But I didn't expect that the little girl resented Miao Jiaojiao so deeply that she didn't even let go of a photo.

  If this person stood in front of him, wouldn't he be able to do even more extreme things.

  It can't go on like this, sooner or later, something big will happen.

  He must have a good talk with his parents.

  Miao Shuyu didn't notice that his expression was wrong.

  He was still complaining to himself: "I just want to know why she took pictures with you.

  Third brother, you clearly know that she stole my brother Han, and I hate her so much.

  You are still with her. Laughing so happily, it hurts my heart too much!"

  Hearing this, Miao Shubai's face sank, and his tone was very annoyed:

  "What nonsense are you talking about, what is robbing? Han Lingzhi has never liked you!"

  Miao Shuyu, have you forgotten what you promised in front of your family a few months ago? ! 

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