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61. Talking Business With Black Market Boss

 In less than half an hour, all the things in Miao Jiaojiao's back basket were sold out.

  These things are more expensive than those aunts and aunts who sold them before, so she made a total of more than 100 yuan, plus the previous more than 90 yuan, she sold more than 200 yuan in one day today.

  In addition to her original savings of more than 100, the total is more than 300 yuan, plus a few bills and a few antique objects.

  But these are not enough. If you go to Beijing to buy a courtyard, a small courtyard will cost several thousand, so she has to work hard to earn money.

  She just put the basket on her back and walked towards the exit, when the thin monkey she saw at the door ran over: "Comrade, wait!"

  Miao Jiaojiao turned her head: "What's the matter?"

 The thin monkey smiled: " Brother Hao has something to discuss, please come with me."

  Miao Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows and said calmly, "Let's go, you lead the way.

  " It took almost 5 minutes to get there.

  There was a big man standing at the entrance of the yard. It was the one he had seen at the exit before. The other party nodded to her and then brought her into the yard.

  The big man whispered respectfully to the people sitting in the living room: "Brother Hao, that person brought him here."

  "Well, go get busy." The speaker was a man in his 30s wearing black-rimmed glasses.

  He was reading a book with a book in his hand, and when Miao Jiaojiao came in, he quickly stood up: "Comrade, please take a seat, the monkey will serve tea!"

  "Okay!" I brought a cup of tea and put it on the table.

  "Thank you." Miao Jiaojiao sat on the side without moving the cup. She raised her eyes and asked, "What are you looking for from me here?"

  Brother Hao noticed her movements and didn't care, and said directly, "I'm the person in charge of the black market here, and our people found that the things you sell are all good stuff, so I want to cooperate with you."

  Miao Jiaojiao became interested as soon as she heard it: "How do you want to cooperate?"

  Brother Hao put his hands around his chest: "Then I have to see what you have and how much you can supply."

  Miao Jiaojiao thought for a while: "I have the most food, vegetables and fruits here, and there are other miscellaneous foods, so the supply of goods is very good. Reliable, it depends on what you need."

  Hearing this, Brother Hao's eyes lit up, and he quickly responded: "Okay, then I'll make a list for you, you can take a look first?"

  There are so many people living in such a big town, Many scarce goods are difficult to obtain, not to mention that he is facing the city and the provincial capital. If he really finds a good source of goods, he will have no chance to rise in the future.

  He doesn't care where this young man got the goods, who doesn't have any secrets these days, it's all for the sake of living, as long as he can make money!

  Miao Jiaojiao nodded: "Okay, you can write it to me."

  Brother Hao then lowered his head and wrote a lot of things with a pen brush, then handed the paper to Miao Jiaojiao and said, "Look at it, Mark what you have on it, and we can talk about the price."

  Miao Jiaojiao took a look at the list in her hand, and the other party needed a lot of things, mainly coarse rice, polished rice, white flour, soybean oil, vegetables, and brown sugar. All kinds of fruit and meat.

  It happened that these spaces were the most in short supply, so she raised her head and said, "I can get these for you, you can quote a price."

  Brother Hao didn't want to miss this transaction, so he said frankly: "Well, if you can make a long-term Cooperation with me, I will give you a high price here.

  Rough rice is 3 cents a pound, polished rice is 9 cents a pound, white flour 1 yuan a pound, soybean oil 2.5 cents a pound, vegetables 2 cents a pound, brown sugar 8 cents a pound, All kinds of fresh fruit are 2 yuan a pound, and meat is 2.5 yuan a pound, these are all without tickets."

  These prices will be higher on the black market if they are sold in bulk, but if he collects them wholesale, he will naturally have to lower the price. But overall the price is fair.

  Miao Jiaojiao also thought of this reason, she just happened to lack a way to make a lot of money, and she didn't have to take the risk to sell in the black market.

  With this opportunity in front of her, she would naturally agree, so she nodded immediately and said, "The price is fine, but I still need some tickets, except for food stamps. Jewelry, jade, calligraphy and painting are all very interesting, why don't you help me collect it in the early stage, how much I will charge, and then deduct it directly from the transaction money." The
bills are for the convenience of shopping when going out in the future, and the stamps are purely for storage. Just wait for the appreciation in the future. Of course she doesn't want to let go of good things.

  "Okay, I'll pay attention to you if you want!" Brother Hao nodded with a smile, but he was a little puzzled.

  At this time, those stamps, gold and silver jewelry are the most worthless things. I didn't expect that some people like to collect them.

  Seeing his straightforward answer, Miao Jiaojiao said, "Okay, I usually ship a big deal once a month or two, and the next time will be in a month, when we meet in the woods by the town. Goods, I will bring you all the goods I have."

  Brother Hao nodded: "Okay! I'll write it down, and I will be on time for the appointment!"

  Before leaving, Brother Hao originally wanted to make a note, but Miao Jiaojiao gave it to him. Refused.

  It's not a safe thing to leave a note these days. If the other party's house is searched, it's not good if they are involved.

  She is also not afraid that this person will go back on his word. The person who can manage such a big black market and has someone on it should not be too treacherous in reason.

  However, she decided to take out less goods in the first transaction, and if she was really cheated at that time, then she could take away the goods in time and run away immediately.

  After negotiating with the other party, Miao Jiaojiao left the yard and went to the junkyard.

  The last time she found an expensive huanghuali dressing table in the junkyard, this time she deliberately doubled it carefully, but she did not expect to find a good thing.

  In the room with waste books and waste paper, she found a piece of work by a painter from the Republic of China at the bottom of a corner. She couldn't take it out directly, so she secretly received it in space.

  By the way, I took a few children's books and some study materials for the old man to check, and the other party charged her 2 cents and let her go.

  Afterwards, Miao Jiaojiao took off her makeup in a hidden place, and went to the supply and marketing agency to buy two sets of ordinary ready-to-wear clothes.

  After finishing these, she put the things in the backpack, and then walked back slowly.

  When they got home, the others hadn't finished work yet, so Miao Jiaojiao made a fire and cooked some meat porridge and vegetables to eat.

  After eating, there was no movement in the front yard. She said hello to Lin Ju and others, and went to the next village to find Meng Baobao.

  Meng Baobao has been here several times before, and last time she promised the other party that she would pass by today.

  This time, she also went to the next village from Widow Liu's side path. She never thought that just after walking the path, she saw two people standing in the reeds not far away.

  She knew both of them. The one with her back to her was Bai Yan, an old acquaintance who often opposed her.

  And the other one standing diagonally... was the ice cube face that she had roasted sweet potatoes in the cave last night.

  Good guy, it really is a narrow road for the enemy, both of them have had entanglements with her.

  So, did she stay to eavesdrop, or did she just go back and take another route ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿?

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