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"God dad, don't worry, the wound on my face hasn't healed yet."

  Miao Shuyu suppressed the disgust in her heart, but she was very shy on the surface.

  The scene that made her sick in the hospital a few days ago remained in her mind and could not be dissipated.

  She did not expect that Lin Dongliang, who looks polite, is actually a beast with special hobbies!

  At that time, thanks to her wit, she used the pain in her face to escape the disaster.

  Although she didn't get caught, this perverted man actually smeared that kind of thing on her neck.

  It just makes her sick!

  If it wasn't for her needing his help, she wouldn't give in.

  She must find a way to escape this person by then! !

  Miao Shuyu's watery eyes flickered twice, she raised her neck obediently, and said softly,

  "Dad, why don't you do it yourself like last time..."

  Lin Dongliang smiled in his eyes.

  Holding her hand, her eyes fixed on her white neck obsessively:

  "You girl, you said this because you wanted to reject me. Why, you dislike the old godfather, don't you?"

  Miao Shuyu smiled awkwardly. He shook his head and said, "How can you, godfather, you are my savior, how could I dislike it."

  Lao Se embryo, you are not old, do you have no point in your heart!

  "Really?" Lin Dongliang looked at her with a smile like an old fox: "I think about it too. You are disfigured now, and I don't despise you. You shouldn't have the courage to disobey me. " A throbbing pain.

  The disfigurement dealt a huge blow to her.

  She can't even look in the mirror now.

  This old man just purposely poked her sore spot, so hateful!

  Miao Shuyu bit her lip and glared at him deliberately with tears in her eyes:

  "Godfather, your words make me so sad, I don't want to talk to you anymore." After speaking, she turned around and left her back to the other person.

  "I just said it casually, why are you still angry."

  Lin Dongliang sighed, turned her body around, pinched her shoulders with both hands, and said,

  "Don't be unhappy, if the country can't cure your face, godfather will come. I can arrange a foreign doctor for you." Miao Shuyu's eyes were shocked, and then she said in surprise: "Foreign doctor...really?!"

  "Well." Lin Dongliang smiled He touched her neck and kneaded gently:

  "I met a friend who would go to study abroad when I was young, and I can ask him for help if I need it."

  "But it would be bad if someone found out.. ...."

  Miao Shuyu ignored the hand on her neck and hesitated.

  These days are very exclusive.

  Anyone who has a relationship with a foreigner is likely to be suspected of being a spy.

  Lin Dongliang smiled: "Don't worry, my friendship with that doctor friend is well known from above, so there won't be any problems."

  "Really?" Miao Shuyu raised her eyebrows and said eagerly, "When will he be? Can you come over?"

  "Don't worry." Lin Dongliang said with a smile on his lips,

  "My friend is in country M, it's not easy to come here, it will take at least two or three months.

  Besides, It also depends on how I feel, if I'm in a bad mood, I don't want to contact him."

  Hearing this, the light in Miao Shuyu's eyes immediately dimmed.

  This old man is still taking Joe with her.

  I just want to use this on purpose to make her obey.

  Miao Shuyu felt a tickling hatred in her heart.

  But had to endure the humiliation.

  If what he said was true, then her appearance might be saved.

  How could she miss this good opportunity.

  Miao Shuyu lowered her eyes and asked obediently,

  "Godfather...if I take good care of you. You will help me, right?"

  She had to get a guarantee.

  Otherwise, she wouldn't be foolish enough to send it up.

  "Of course." Seeing Miao Shuyu finally giving in, the corners of Lin Dongliang's mouth twitched slightly.

  He likes well-behaved and obedient girls, but he doesn't want to be tough.

  "Don't worry, I will definitely help you."

  "Well, I believe in you." Miao Shuyu tugged her fingers tightly with a smile, but stuck her body to it.

  Seeing her being so active, Lin Dongliang showed a satisfied smile.

  He raised his eyes, staring at her neck.

  Two big hands embraced her and began to wander restlessly around her.

  Miao Shuyu shivered, gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.

  For her looks, she can endure everything...

  Lin Dongliang is a veteran.

  In less than a while, Miao Shuyu felt that something was wrong.

  "Godfather...my face still hurts..."

  "It's okay, I don't need your face."

  "Then...then take it easy..."

  "Well...godfather will love you so much..."

  . . .

  half an hour later.

  Lin Dongliang put on his clothes contentedly.

  Looking at someone wrapped in the quilt like a silkworm chrysalis, he gently comforted him:

  "Don't be ashamed, you will get used to it in the future. Godfather has left beforehand and will come to see you in a few days."

  After a while, there was no movement in the ward.

  Miao Shuyu suddenly kicked the quilt away.

  She cried and cried, "Ahhhh!!"

  Her first time, her body!

  It was so inexplicably taken away by an old man!

  Woo woo woo...

  She has lost her innocence.

  Brother Han will definitely not want her anymore.

  Do not! She hates Han Lingzhi because he ruined her!

  She must never miss him again!

  From today onwards, Han Lingzhi is her enemy! !

  Thinking of this, Miao Shuyu felt despair in her heart.

  "Woo woo... I hate it so much..."

  She hugged the quilt and cried helplessly...


  Lin Dongliang returned home with a contented face.

  As soon as he arrived at the door, he found his wife Jiang Man waiting for him in the living room.

  He looked slightly, tidied up his clothes, and stepped forward with a smile:

  "Why don't you go to the room to rest and wait for me here."

  "How is Shu Yu?" Jiang Man raised his eyes and asked.

  Lin Dongliang: "Well, she's feeling better. The doctor said she's recovering well."

  "That's good." Jiang Man's eyes relaxed, and he continued: "Lao Lin, I want to discuss something with you."

  "What? What?" Lin Dongliang asked.

  Jiang Man said seriously: "I'm thinking of arranging someone to send Shu Yu back to her home in a few days."

  After careful consideration, she decided to send Miao Shuyu away to avoid endless troubles.

  "No!" Lin Dongliang, who had always been gentle, suddenly became angry, and he said with a stern face:

  "Why are you so cruel, she hasn't recovered yet!"

  He hadn't had enough fun, so how could he let someone go.

  "What do you mean by that?" Jiang Man's temper was also explosive. Hearing her husband's accusation, she immediately became dissatisfied:

  "Where am I being cruel? I'm not good enough for her? She can't do anything now, we can't raise her. Has she lived her whole life?!"

  "I didn't mean that." Lin Dongliang sighed when he saw his wife was angry:

  "Now Shu Yu is disfigured, and her spirit is not very good. If you send her back so rashly, it is very likely that something will go wrong. Take care of her for a while, and when she is almost healed, arrange her to go."

  Seeing Jiang Man's hesitation, Lin Dongliang continued:

  "Taking care of her for a few months at most won't cost much. Shu Yu It's the goddaughter you personally recognized, do you have the heart to see her hurt?"

  Hearing this, Jiang Man flashed a trace of guilt in his heart.

  She nodded: "Okay, at most 3 months, no matter what happens to her then, I won't take care of her anymore."

  They can't delay their Lin family for the sake of a useless person.

  "Well, okay." Lin Dongliang took his wife's shoulders with a smile and whispered:

  "You are still good-natured, Shu Yu will definitely be grateful to you..."

Rebirth 70: Fat Girl Educated Youth Has Spiritual Spring SpaceWhere stories live. Discover now