Chapter Four

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"You're lying."

After I recovered from my initial shock at Cillian's confession that I was his mate, I felt myself grow angry. He stood close to me, still stopping me from leaving, and I craned my neck to glare up at him.

"I am not." Cillian responded with a low growl. I scoffed at the response.

"I'm not an idiot. Werewolves don't have human mates," I told him with a scowl, "you're just making this up to try and keep me here."

"It's rare, but not unheard of. I know you can't feel the mate bond, but he's not lying." Turin defended his Alpha. I wanted to turn and question him, but I didn't. My eyes stayed fixed on Cillian, challenging him silently. He watched me with intense, dark eyes, and I saw his eyebrows twitch slightly as he studied me.

"Finley, I have no interest in holding humans against their will. Why would I lie to keep you here? What do you think I want?" Cillian questioned. I thought he was asking a rhetorical question, but the look he gave me said he was expecting a response.

"Nothing." I responded quickly, not wanting to give him any ideas if he was being honest. The idea of him being my mate sounded ridiculous, but a part of me knew it was far better than every other outcome my brain had imagined.

"Now who's lying?" Cillian quirked an eyebrow at me, a small smirk appearing on his face. I felt my face heat up at his words, and I tore my gaze away from his face and looked nervously at my feet.

"Finley, I'm telling the truth." Cillian insisted, reaching a hand towards me, "you're my mate."

I couldn't help the reaction my body had to his movements. He moved too quickly, with jerky motions as he reached towards me. I flinched away from his touch, and felt myself cower backwards. Cillian let out a low growl, which only made me shrink back onto the bed behind me. I mentally cursed myself for not get putting up more of a fight.

"Hey, we're not going to hurt you." Turin insisted in a soft voice when he noticed my actions. I looked between him and Cillian with wide eyes, my heart racing in my chest. Turin offered a small smile, his blue eyes appearing to look into my soul. On the other hand, Cillian's face was pulled into an angry scowl as he watched me.

"You thought we were going to keep you here as a slave?" Cillian asked. My eyes flickered to him, but when I didn't respond he continued, "That practice is ancient and barbaric. I can assure you we have no intentions of keeping humans as slaves."

My body visibly deflated at his words, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I still didn't say anything to the two, my eyes shifting between them uncomfortably. As much as I wanted to believe them, I was still cautious.

"Is that why you were in the forest? Another pack was keeping you as a slave, and you escaped?" Turin questioned, his eyebrows furrowed as he watched me. I gulped, avoiding eye contact as I stayed silent. My lack of a response seemed to be enough of an answer for them. Cillian let out another growl, this time much louder. The sound sent a shiver down my spine.

"How long were you out there when I found you?" Turin asked quietly. I shifted uncomfortably on the bed, avoiding his eyes as I spoke.

"Three days."

"Three days?" Cillian's deep voice bellowed loudly. I flinched at the sound, but he didn't stop, "You were wandering around for three days with no food, water, shelter, or destination? You could have died out there, Finely!"

"You think I don't know that?" I snapped, my anger flaring at his tone. I pushed myself to my knees on the bed, willing myself to look taller as I met his gaze. I narrowed my eyes, "Some things are worse than death, Alpha Cillian."

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