Chapter Fourteen

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Bonus weekend upload to get you through the three day weekend!! Haha - comment and let me know what you think so far!


"Where's Turin?" I asked when neither of them responded. My heart rate picked up again as I looked around for the Beta. I was sure he'd be with them, and when I didn't immediately see him my brain jumped to the worst.

"Right here!" Turin's voice appeared behind me, and I jumped at the sound. I spun around to face him, seeing him leaning against the wall next to the closet we'd just come out of. He must have been there the whole time, I just hadn't seen them. I didn't even care to be embarrassed about missing him the first time because I was so relieved he wasn't hurt or missing.

"Oh, thank goddess!" I breathed out, my voice shaky as I dropped Cillian's hands and moved to hug Turin. He laughed at me, making a joke I didn't hear as I threw my arms over his shoulders. Turin hugged me back, lifting me off of the floor slightly. My feet dangled in the air as they did every time he hugged me, and I couldn't help but smile. The anxiety in my chest faded to the side once I knew the three of them were okay.

"What happened?" I asked as Turin set me back on the ground. I turned back to Nolan and Cillian, waiting for someone to finally answer my question. Cillian grabbed my hand the second I let go of Turin, and he pulled me back towards him. I stumbled on the uneven wooden floors, falling into chest. He wrapped an arm around me, keeping me there as if he'd planned that all along.

"Nothing happened, really. Someone was in our territory, but we didn't catch them. They weren't a rogue, and no one recognized their scent from the neighboring packs." Nolan finally answered, his arm wrapped around Rory in a similar way.

"Whoever they are they're fast. Our quickest guys couldn't catch up with them." Turin said with a frown. Rory let out a low growl, narrowing her eyes.

"I could've caught them." She argued to no one in particular. I had seen her speeding around the house before, and I knew she was fast. I'm sure in wolf form and on a mission, she was easily the fastest.

"We've discussed this, Rory." Nolan told her in her ear, his voice clear despite his attempts to whisper to her. She growled again, but dropped the subject. I furrowed my eyebrows at them, wanting to know what had been discussed, but Rory wouldn't meet my eyes.

"Can't you follow their scent?" I asked after a moment, turning my head to look up at Cillian. He shook his head, his jaw set as he stared out the window next to the front door.

"The trail disappeared at the edge of the territory. They're smart, and they're covering their tracks. They don't want to be found."

"Well if they're so smart, why did they come into our territory just to turn and leave? They were by themselves, so they had to know they couldn't take on our whole pack." Rory asked, voicing the questions I had running through my head. I watched Cillian again for a response, but when he didn't answer I looked at Turin. He shrugged, leaning his shoulder against the closet door we'd emerged from.

"I'm not sure. If it was a rogue or someone just traveling through, they would have sensed the territory lines and gone around. This person intentionally crossed into our land. They got about a hundred feet in before patrol caught wind of them, and then they disappeared." Turin explained the intruders movements, his eyes glancing up to Cillian. They shared eye contact, some unspoken conversation moving between them.

Turin seemed to be asking permission to say more, but Cillian shook his head before breaking eye contact. Turin sighed, his eyes moving down to me. He looked between Cillian and I for a moment, but then he opened his mouth and spoke before Cillian could stop him.

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