Chapter Forty-Four

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Chapter Forty-Four

Turin's POV

"Any updates?"

I perked up when Rory entered the downstairs office where I was typing away on the computer. She told me to take Cillian's office, but I couldn't bring myself to go in there yet, so we were sharing hers.

"Nope. The same as yesterday, and the day before, and the day before..." Rory trailed off, flopping down into one of the chairs across from the desk. I frowned at her, furrowing my eyebrows as I finished typing the email to a nearby pack. Once it was sent, I pushed the keyboard away and turned to Rory.

"Did she at least eat something today?" I asked, my voice full of hope that had no reason to be there. Finn had barely eaten anything since we got back, so I wasn't sure why today would be any different.

"Nolan managed to get her to eat some toast this morning, and she didn't throw it up this time. That's a start," Rory answered with a half hearted smile. She leaned forward and rested her elbows on the desk in front of me, "do you think we should push back the ceremony?"

Rory and some of the other pack members had planned a ceremony to honor Cillian as the pack Alpha, and officially transfer the title to me. I had tried to defer to Nolan, since he was technically Beta at the time, but he refused. I was honored the pack welcomed me with open arms and wanted me to be Alpha, but I wished it didn't have to be in the shadow of my best friend. Despite everything that had happened between him and Finn, he was a great leader, and the pack respected him. He gave his life to save mine, and I was having a hard time taking over his role in the pack.

"No...the pack needs this. It's already been a week. They need to have closure and be able to start healing. We all do." I answered Rory with a heavy sigh. We had avoided the heavy ceremony for long enough. Although it would be emotionally exhausting, it's what we needed as a pack.

"Do you think she should go?" Rory asked nervously, her fingers fiddling with the stapler on the desk. She hadn't sat still since we got back. She had always been very involved with the pack, whether or not she had a title to go along with it. But Nolan and I decided to officially name her as our Gamma.

The role, historically, never went to women, as the Gamma is expected to fight if the time comes. But if anyone had earned the role, it was Rory, and she had proved that ten times over in the last week. Nolan and I were both injured when we got back, and she basically ran the pack while we recovered. She was a natural leader, and the constant tasks kept her busy enough to distract from her own thoughts.

"I don't think we could stop her if we wanted to. You know how stubborn she is." I teased, a small smile coming to my face at the thought of Finn's face all scrunched up and red when she gets angry. When it wasn't directed at me, it was the cutest thing in the world.

Although right now, I would gladly take her anger. I would rather her yell at me and curse me out than sit quietly and stare at me as she's been doing. I missed her voice, and her smile. Her body was healing well, but whatever Howard had done to her had damaged her mentally. We all hoped it wasn't permanent, but I'd still love her even if she wasn't the same Finn from before.

"Well Nolan is with her right now. He claims she needs some laughter, so he's making her watch cartoons with him. I think it's just an excuse for him to watch cartoons, but I decided not to argue with him," Rory laughed, leaning back in her chair and pushing herself to her feet, "but we've got some more stuff to prepare before tonight. Come on, Alpha."


"Hey you." I knocked on the open door of my bedroom to let Finn know I was there, smiling when I saw her curled up on the beanbag in the corner. She had a blanket wrapped around her and a book in her hands. It was the same one I saw her reading yesterday, and it didn't seem like she had made much progress. But attempting to read was a step up from staring into space, so I would take it.

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