Chapter Twenty-Six

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After leaving Rory's house, I went straight to Cillian's office. Rory's news meant we needed a plan of action more than ever, and I wasn't going to let him keep me out of it this time.

"Finley? What are you doing?" Cillian asked, shooting up from his desk as I shoved the door open and barged inside. I didn't bother knocking, and I immediately plopped into one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"We need a plan," I stated, crossing my arms over my chest. Cillian hovered at his desk, unsure what to do with me as he watched me closely, "we only have two more weeks, and I'm not letting him slaughter the entire pack. I know you care about me, but your pack has to come first. You're their Alpha, Cillian. It's your job to protect them."

"I'm not handing you over Finley," Cillian sighed, running a hand through his hair as he sat back down in his chair. My anger flared as I thought he was shutting me down again, but this time he continued, "yes, partially because I love you and I would never do that to you. But also because I know Howard would kill us either way."

"Why would he do that?" I asked, frowning at him. I knew Howard wasn't a good person, but if he had what he wanted, why go through the trouble of killing an entire pack?

"Because he hates our kind, and thinks it's his duty to cleanse us."

"What?" I asked, tilting my head as I looked at him. I had no idea what he was talking about, "you're both werewolves?"

"It's a long story, Finley..." Cillian started, turning his head away from me as he let out an annoyed sigh. I narrowed my eyes at him, another spike of anger coursing through me.

"Don't fucking do that. Don't shut me down like I'm a child that's too stupid to understand anything," I snapped, his condescending tone irritating the part of me that had been sleeping for days and waiting to lash out, "if it's complicated, then take five minutes and explain it to me. I'm not an idiot."

"I know that." Cillian muttered, hanging his head as he his annoyed expression disappeared. It was replaced with guilty eyes and an apologetic smile, which I scoffed at. I raised an eyebrow, urging him to continue his story.

"There are different werewolf blood lines that can be traced back for centuries. In the ancient days, there were three main blood lines that were the origins of werewolves. Over the years, certain blood lines got diluted as werewolves mated with humans, or with wolves from other blood lines." Cillian explained, standing from his desk as he spoke. He moved around to the front so he could sit on the edge in front of me. He picked my hand up and played with my fingers while he talked, trying to ease the anger I'd felt for him with his touch.

"Some people believe that those with mixed blood are bastard versions of true werewolves. They think those with pure blood are stronger and faster, and therefore better than others. And then there are those who believe this to an extreme, and take it upon themselves to eradicate any 'bastard' werewolves with unclean blood."

I had no idea werewolves had so much history and politics. At any other time, I would have been fascinated to learn more. I remembered when Turin would go on walks with me around the pack grounds and tell me about werewolf history. I felt a pang in my heart as I thought about him. I wondered if he was okay, wherever he was. I hoped he managed to get far away before Howard showed up.

"Is that why he kept calling you guys mutts?" I asked Cillian with a frown. I remembered the strange way Howard had referred to the pack. I had found it odd at the time, but no less concerning than anything else he had said.

"Yeah. Most of the wolves in our pack are considered to have mixed blood. There are some packs who only allow pure blooded werewolves, and only allow their members to mate with other pure bloods. I'm guessing that's what Howard did with your old pack."

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