Chapter Fifty-Three

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Chapter Fifty-Three

"Finn!" Turin voice was panicked when he got closer and saw a wolf on top of me. The second he got close enough, the wolf got to its feet and jumped away, running into the forest, and seemingly disappearing into thin air.

"Fuck, are you hurt?" Turin fell to his knees next to me in the snow, his hands hovering over every part of me to check for injuries. All I could do was grin at him and shake my head.

"No, no, I'm fine. It didn't hurt me." I told him, though he didn't seem to listen. He wasn't satisfied until he had inspected me himself and saw no blood. When he finally was sure, he sat me up and pulled me into a tight hug.

"You scared me, Finn." He breathed out a relieved sigh and squeezed tighter, as if convincing himself I was real and I was okay. I didn't mind; in fact, I found myself doing the same to him.

"I know, I'm sorry. It won't happen again. No more nature walking privileges for Finley." I joked with an awkward laugh. Turin pulled away to look at me but kept his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm not going to forbid you from doing anything, Finn; you're your own person. Just please tell me before you go next time, okay?" He told me with a small smile. I felt the warmth in my chest explode at his words. I had never realized how much it meant to me that he valued me as my own person, but the second the words came out of his mouth I knew I couldn't go another second without showing him how much he meant to me.

Before I could second guess myself, I leaned forward and kissed Turin. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, and I knew I never wanted to be apart.

He was shocked at first and stayed still for a couple of seconds before he realized what was going on. The second he did, he it was like electricity went off. He kissed me back hard, his tongue slipping into my mouth as he did. His arms went around my waist and lifted me into his lap so I was straddling him, and he continued exploring my mouth like he might never get to kiss me again.

The feeling in my chest had spread throughout my entire body now and I felt like a lit wire. The snow didn't even feel cold anymore. Everywhere he touched me I was on fire, and I couldn't get enough of it. I pulled him closer to me, despite already being as close as we could get. It wasn't enough through my layers of snow protection, I needed to feel him closer. I needed to feel him inside of me.

I rocked my hips down on his lap and couldn't help but grin at the groan Turin let out as he kissed me. I pulled away so I could pull at the sweatshirt he was wearing, trying to yank it over his head, but Turin stopped me.

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down a second, Finn," he said as he grabbed my hands to stop me from taking off his clothes. He intertwined our fingers as he continued, "I might hate myself later for asking this, but are you sure you're okay? You didn't hit your head? You do know I'm Turin, right?"

"Yes, of course I know you're Turin," I told him with an eyeroll, but my smile couldn't be hidden, "and I'm perfectly fine. I just had a very enlightening walk and realized some things."

"Oh yeah? What kinds of things?" Turin asked with raised eyebrows. His hands had moved from being intertwined with mine to moving up and down my arms and down my back, and every movement made my skin feel warm even underneath layers of clothing.

"I realized how stupid I was for avoiding you the past four days because I was afraid of admitting my feelings. I was so afraid of what everyone else would think, and so consumed with guilt about Cillian. But then I realized that he would want me to be happy, and to spend my life with someone who loved me." I told him as I tangled my fingers in his mop of blonde unruly hair. His hands were on my hips now, rubbing slow circles on the exposed skin below my jacket.

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