Chapter Twenty

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Turin's POV

I grunted when his fist collided with my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. I stumbled backwards, shaking my head to regain my composure. My head was not in it today, and Andrew could tell. He took advantage of me being distracted and used it to beat the shit out of me during training.

"Come on, man," Andrew taunted with a loud laugh. He had adrenaline pumping through him, and a wide grin on his face at the idea of beating me. He raised his fists in the air, urging me to keep going, "at least put up a good fight."

I glared at him, my wolf growing angry at the whistles and shouts of the rest of the pack as they watched us. As much as I wasn't into it, I wasn't going to let him kick my ass in front of the rest of the pack. I pushed away my thoughts, putting all my focus on him as I squared my shoulders and held my fists up.

Andrew opened his mouth to throw another taunt at me, and I didn't waste any time. He'd grown cocky after getting a few hits in, and let his hands drop where they should have been blocking his face. I sent a quick jab into his nose, hearing a loud crack as it snapped. He yelped in pain, holding a hand to his bleeding nose and stumbled backwards.

I knew it would heal quickly, so I didn't feel bad about spinning on my feet and swiping a leg under him. He fell to the grass on his back with a loud thud, and within a second I was on top of him. I pinned him to the ground easily as he struggled against me. He threw a wild punch at me and barely missed my face, while his other fist sunk into my side. I growled at him, sending my fist across his face one more time before pinning his arms down.

"Alright, alright," Cillian's voice came from behind me, chuckling as he put a hand on my shoulder, "I think you proved your point Turin."

I sent Andrew another warning growl before hopping off of him. He scrambled off the ground and wiped at the blood on his face before grinning at me. He held a hand out to me and I shook it, laughing at the crooked bone in his nose.

"One of these days I'm going to beat you." Andrew warned with a laugh. I just shrugged, knowing he still had a lot to learn before it got there. But he was doing much better than when he first joined the pack. I waved him away and told him to get cleaned up before he had to go on patrol.

"What's got you so distracted?" Cillian asked after he dismissed the rest of the pack. He'd seen me spar countless times, and he knew it was unlike me to get distracted in the middle of a fight. I turned away from him, pretending to busy myself with gathering my things as I shrugged.

Cillian rolled his eyes at my silence, but didn't push any further. We'd known each other a long time, and we both shared the same stubborn mindset. He knew better than to try and get me to do something I didn't want to do, and I knew the same for him.

"I think I'm going to patrol with Andrew today," He told me, changing the subject. I lifted my bottle of water to my mouth, taking a large swig as I cocked my head at him. He shrugged at my unspoken question, "He needs some more experience before leading on his own. I'll just be there just in case."

"Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of appointing him as Lieutenant?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him as we started down the pathway towards the house. The training field was on the other end of pack grounds, but we took our time leisurely strolling along the gravel walkway.

Cillian had been considering appointing a Lieutenant for a while, but after the intruder incident and everything that happened with Finn, he was eager to have another helping hand. The increased patrolling and training made it hard for him or Nolan to spend time with their mates, and I knew it was taking a toll on them.

That's what made Cillian accompanying Andrew on patrol so aggravating to me. He'd appointed him so he could have more time with Finn, and here he was choosing to spend his night in the woods instead of with her.

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