Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-One

Turin's POV

Elizabeth's high pitched voice was ringing in my ears, her shrill laugh echoing through the trees as she cackled at her own joke. I stopped listening to the nonsense coming out of her mouth days ago. She liked to hear herself talk, and was more than happy to babble on and ignore my obvious lack of interest.

If it weren't for the silver chains keeping me tethered to a tree, I would never be forced to listen to her. Which, of course, was the entire purpose. I hadn't seen Elizabeth since the day I rejected her almost eighty years ago, but she seemed to think no time had passed.

"Don't worry, lovely. As soon as you've had enough time away from those mutts, you'll realize your rightful place with me." Elizabeth hummed, her hand reaching out to brush the hair out of my face. I flinched away from her, but didn't get very far with my back against the tree. She didn't seem deterred by my scoff, and continued brushed her hand over my matter hair.

"That little bitch brainwashed you, but I'm going to make it all better. And then we can be together again. Isn't that great, lovely?" Elizabeth grinned down at me as she rose up from her crouched position on the ground in front of me. Her blonde hair flowed around her like an ethereal halo, which matched perfectly with her pale, almost translucent skin. She looked very much the part of a helpless, innocent girl. But the blood on her teeth as she grinned wildly at me gave away her true nature.

After Howard's men found us in the woods and drugged us, I woke up chained to this tree with Elizabeth hovering over me. She cried and hugged me and acted like she had been so worried about me. I was convinced I had died, and this was my punishment in hell. When she tried to kiss me, I pushed her away and yelled and fought, demanding to know where Finn was. She didn't like that.

Her sickly sweet words disappeared then, and her eyes turned dark. She went completely feral, only she never shifted. I'd never seen a wolf act so much like an animal without an ounce of fur on them. She scratched at every piece of skin she could find, and snapped at me with teeth that were not quite human and not quite wolf. She took a chunk out of my shoulder and my leg, and left several deep scratches up and down my arms and chest. Then, just as quickly as she turned feral, she ran into the woods and disappeared.

I couldn't heal with the silver blocking my abilities, and Elizabeth appeared the next day with a picnic basket full of food, acting as if nothing had ever happened. She force fed me bread and sweet desserts, not a piece of meat in sight. I was fully convinced I was hallucinating or in some twisted form of mental torture. If it weren't for the other wolf that came to get her that day, I would still think that.

It was one of Howard's men, one of the ones who found Finn and I in the forest. He muttered to Elizabeth that she was needed back at camp, and she complained and argued with him for ten minutes before finally giving in. She forced a kiss out of me again, which I decided not to fight this time, and then promised to visit me again the next day.

That was two days ago, and I was starting to think I was going just as crazy as Elizabeth. She'd tried to greet me with a kiss today, and I fought back again, despite knowing how angry she would get. She went feral again, only it didn't last as long. She snapped out of it, and plopped down next to me to rattle on for another twenty minutes.

Luckily, when she finally left, she didn't lean in for another kiss. She just grinned at me with her bloody teeth and then skipped away into the forest humming a song under her breath.

I couldn't see what benefit Howard would have from teaming up with Elizabeth, but they were both crazy. Different brands, sure, but still crazy. They shared the same mentality that pure bloods were superior, and I was positive that's the only reason the left me alive. My blood was too pure to be wasted unless absolutely necessary.

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