Chapter Fifteen

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"Guess what!" Rory exclaimed as she rushed into the office, throwing the door open. I jumped in my seat at the loud noise, gripping the edge of the desk to keep myself from falling.

"Goddess, Rory," I breathed, clutching a hand over my heart. I glared at the wolf who was bouncing in excitement on the other side of the desk, "knock next time!"

"Sorry, Finley." She chuckled, flopping into one of the chairs in front of the desk. The office wasn't very big, and was decorated very plain, but it served it's purpose. Cillian had his own, much larger office on the second floor, and Turin and Nolan shared one next door to him. Rory and I had taken up the spare office that was for the pack and claimed it as our own.

"So what is it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. I pushed aside the paperwork she'd given me to work on, eager for a distraction from the boring job. I had already been sitting there for hours, and my muscles groaned as I stretched them out.

"We're going to have a double date." Rory told me with a huge grin. I loved her enthusiasm, but I couldn't help the snort that escaped at the idea.

Ever since the intruder, Cillian had been busier than ever. He had increased patrols, and instructed that every patrol at least him, Turin, or Nolan. When they weren't out patrolling, they were working with the remaining groups to train them. They were all out late almost every night, meaning Rory and I only got to see our mates in the morning before they left. There's no way we'd be able to pull off a date night.

"There's no way they have time for that, Rory." I told her with a frown. I expected her enthusiasm to drop at my negativity, but if anything her smile grew bigger.

"I've already gotten it approved with Nolan and Cillian," She beamed with pride, her shoulders rolling back, "it's been almost two weeks since the intruder was last seen, so they're fairly certain they didn't stick around. They're giving the pack a break from training this Friday since they've been working so hard."

"And what about patrols?" I asked cautiously. I knew Cillian would never leave the pack completely unprotected by giving the whole pack a night off. That meant someone had to be out on patrol.

"They're appointing Andrew - you remember him? - as Lieutenant. He's been training the longest, and has already been leading a lot of patrols by himself. He'll be patrolling on Friday, which means our mates are completely free!" Rory clasped her hands together in excitement. I hadn't expected her response, but after hearing she'd worked it all out I couldn't help but get excited with her.

"Well okay then. I shouldn't have doubted you," I laughed, shrugging my shoulders as I leaned back in the oversized leather desk chair, "what are we going to do?"

"I'm thinking a picnic." Rory answered thoughtful. I saw her mind already spinning trying to plan the perfect menu and perfect ambience.

"In November?" I asked with a chuckle, a shiver instinctually running through me at the thought. Rory rolled her eyes.

"Oh right, I forgot. Humans." She told me with a wink, "okay how about a fireside picnic, with hot chocolate, plenty of blankets, and a werewolf ready and willing to keep you warm?"

"Alright, fine." I agreed with a loud laugh. We spent almost all of our time cooped up in the house, so I could handle a little bit of cold if it meant getting some time outside.

"Speaking of keeping you warm..." Rory leaned forward in her chair, her smile turning into a smirk as she wiggled her eyebrows at me, "has Cillian been doing a good job of keeping you warm at night?"

"Rory!" I gasped, picking up a pen next to my hand and chunking it at her. She cackled, dodging the utensil easily as my face turned bright red.

"We haven't even done anything yet." I muttered to her, hoping there were no werewolves eavesdropping outside. I knew Cillian was very private, and would probably die if he knew I was talking to Rory about our relationship. She was quite the opposite, and had no issues making out with Nolan in front of me.

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