Chapter Nine

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I walked aimlessly around the woods for a while, letting the cool air calm my racing mind. I regretted storming out without grabbing a jacket or shoes, but I refused to go back so soon because I was cold. My head was finally feeling clearing now that I was out of the house, and I knew Cillian needed the time to calm down as well.

My anger spiked again as I thought about his words. I had promised myself I would give him a chance and let myself trust him, but he was making that very hard. If it hadn't been for Rory and Turin telling me how he had wanted his mate for so long, I would be convinced he despised me. He treated me like a responsibility, not a partner, and certainly not like someone he cared about. And if that's what the next couple hundred years would like with him, I wasn't going to be a part of it.

I grumbled to myself as I walked, stomping my feet like a child having a tantrum. I knew I tended to be dramatic and impulsive, but I also knew how to be an adult. Having a legitimate conversation while this upset is never going to end well, which is why I needed to leave. Cillian seemed to be used to getting his way through sheer force, and that didn't surprise me. Unfortunately for him, his Alpha voice had no effect on me, and I had no intentions of making it easy for him.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I wasn't paying attention to where I walked. I felt my right foot come down on a sharp rock, instantly wincing at the pain that shot through my foot. I pulled it away quickly before I put my full weight down, but the sudden movement threw me off balance. I stumbled to the left, my feet colliding with a large log that sent me tumbling to the ground. I fell onto my side, muttering curses under my breath.

Once I had pulled myself up and sat leaning against a tree trunk, I inspected the bottom of my right foot. The rock had torn through my sock, and left a nasty, jagged cut that was bleeding. I removed the sock completely as it was torn and covered in blood, but luckily the cut wasn't too deep. I picked out a couple of pieces of dirt, knowing I wouldn't be able to do much until I got back to the house and cleaned it.

I groaned, leaning my head back against the rough bark of the tree. I cursed myself for being a klutz and not paying attention. I knew that the wound was superficial and would heal quickly, but I also knew Cillian would freak out. I found myself wishing I had been born a werewolf. I wouldn't have to worry about things like this if I was a werewolf. Hell, I wouldn't have to worry about most of the things in my life if I were a werewolf. I'm sure there would be other difficulties, but I wouldn't have to worry about being a slave for an Alpha, or not being able to defend myself. I'd understand more about the mate bond, and maybe figure out why Cillian felt so protective.

"Finn?" Turin's voice broke me out of my thoughts, and my head snapped towards the sound. He appeared seemingly out of nowhere, calmly walking towards me as he took in my appearance, "what the hell did you do this time?"

"I fell."

"Yeah, I can see that." Turin laughed, crouching down to inspect my injured foot. I laughed with him, but it had no energy behind it. Once he established I wasn't going to bleed out, he plopped down next to me in the dirt.

"So, Cillian asked me to come find you and make sure you were okay." Turin stated, crossing his legs underneath him as he turned towards me. He tilted his head to the side, wordlessly asking me if I was okay. His blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, such a contrast from the black of Cillian's eyes.

"I'm fine." I told him with a shrug. Turin rolled his eyes, clearly not believing me. He gently nudged my knee with his hand.

"Very convincing, Finn. Come on, what happened?"

"I'm sure you already Cillian yelling?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him. I knew werewolves had exceptional hearing, which meant half of the pack house had already heard Cillian and I arguing. Not to mention they had the pack line, which meant Cillian likely already talked to him about it and sent Turin hear to convince me to listen to him.

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