Chapter Forty-Nine

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Chapter Forty-Nine

Turin's POV

"How was patrol?"

Nolan shrugs at my question as he slips a shirt over his head. He looks bored at the uneventful patrol, but that's exactly what we need. Boring.

"How was training?" Nolan counters, raising an eyebrow as he plops onto the grass next to me. The rest of the patrol filter out of the forest and yell to their counterparts taking over, joking around, and shoving at each other as they change shifts.

"It was fine," I answer with a similar shrug, "I think we should take Rory up on getting some of the women to train with us."

"Really?" Nolan perks up at my comment, his face breaking into a grin, no doubt at the idea of telling his mate the news. I roll my eyes at his excitement but can't deny it will be good to see Rory get excited about something.

"Yeah, I think it will be good for the guys to switch things up. Besides, they might be able to teach us all a thing or two."

"Rory is going to be –"

Nolan's statement was cut off by the sound of his mate's voice through the pack link. It always came across sort of distorted, especially the further apart we were, but even with that I could tell something was wrong.

Alpha? You're needed at the pack house!

Nolan and I exchanged a worried look at the urgency in her tone. We were off the ground in a second and heading towards the pack house.

I'm on my way.

I trusted Rory that she wouldn't call for me unless it was necessary, so I didn't think to ask what was going on. She'd fill me in once I got there.

Hurry, Turin. It's Finn.

Rory's voice made panic shoot through my body, and my brisk pace turned into a full sprint before I could even process what I was doing. The pack house wasn't that far from the training grounds, at least not for a werewolf. I made it there within a minute and burst through the front door, nearly knocking it off the hinges.

"Oh thank goddess." Rory was pacing the living room and breathed out a relieved sigh when she saw me and Nolan. I immediately set my senses on high alert, looking for any signs of Finn. She almost never left our room, so expected to hear her up there. Instead, I nearly choked on the smell of her blood in the air.

"What happened? Where is she?" I asked Rory with a little too much intensity, judging by the look Nolan shot me. Rory didn't seem to care and nodded her head towards the kitchen and lead us through the door

"She cut her finger chopping potatoes and it wasn't even that bad, but then she saw the blood and just..." Rory's panicked ramble trailed off, but she didn't have to explain. The scene before us spoke for itself.

Finn stood on the other side of the large island with Sarah and Paula on either side of her. Sarah held Finn's injured finger in her hand, clutching a paper towel over it to stop the bleeding. Paula had her arm around Finn and was trying to talk to her, but Finn wasn't responding.

There was blood all over the front of her shirt and on the counter in front of her, but it seemed to have slowed down with Sarah applying pressure. Still, Finn's eyes never moved from the pool of blood on the marble countertops. Even when Nolan and I entered the room, she didn't look up.

I'd seen the same look on her face before, when she got lost in her head, but this was so much worse. Even from across the room I could see how badly she was shaking, and I knew it wasn't from the cut on her finger. It was from whatever nightmare she was reliving in her head, and it didn't seem like Rory, Sarah, or Paula could snap her out of it.

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