Chapter Six

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"Do you want to go meet some of the other pack members?"

My head snapped up at Turin's words, a mixture of excitement and anxiety settling in my stomach. I was eager to see what their pack was like outside of the two I had met, but the idea of being surrounded by more wolves was unsettling. What if the pack decided they didn't like me? Would Cillian's promise of protection as his mate extend to the members of his pack? I didn't know much about werewolf mates or the mate bond, but based on how Cillian had been acting around me I assumed I was safe with his pack.

"Really? I'm allowed to?"

"Of course. You're our Luna now. You should meet your pack." He told me with a large smile. He jerked his head over his shoulder at the entrance to the kitchen, urging me to follow him into the living room.

As we walked into the large room, I felt my stomach twisting at his words. I vaguely knew about the role of the Luna. As the Alpha's mate, she was a leader of the pack, and a mother figure for all pack members. She was supposed to be a caregiver, a protector. Things that I knew I would never be.

"I can't be your Luna - I'm not a werewolf." I told Turin, shaking my head. I would never be able to protect the pack like they needed, and they would know that. They'd never trust me as their Luna, and I didn't blame them.

"You don't have to be a werewolf to be our Luna," Turin flashed her another smile, but he didn't push any further. He turned his attention up to the second floor, where I had seen the flash of a girl earlier. Turin raised his voice as he spoke, "you can come out now."

Before I could question what he was doing, there was a flash of brown across the second floor landing. A figure came barreling down the staircase, stopping abruptly in front of me. They moved so quickly I stumbled back in surprise, tripping over the thick socks on my feet. Turin steadied me, putting his palms flat against my back as he pushed me back on my feet.

"Rory, calm down." Turin snapped at the woman who had appeared in front of me. Rory eyed me nervously as I regained my balance, but once I was steady a wide grin broke out on her face. She was taller than me by several inches, but still shorter than Turin. She wore jeans and a light t-shirt, seemingly unbothered by the November chill in the air.

"Hi! It's so nice to finally meet you." Rory's grin didn't fade as she stuck a hand towards me. Her nails were perfectly manicured and painted a light pink color, which stood out against her tan skin.

She was undoubtedly very beautiful. She had long legs, cropped brown hair that framed her face perfectly, and light makeup that accented her eyes. I was suddenly very self conscious standing next to her in someone else's sweatpants and sweatshirt, with hair that been brushed in days. Rory was beautiful, put together, and poised. I was a mess.

"Hi," I finally blurted as I broke out of my trance. I shook her hand, hoping neither of them noticed my hands shaking, and offered a polite smile, "I'm Finley."

"I love that name!" Rory complimented with a lot of enthusiasm. I heard Turin chuckle from behind me, and turned to see him leaning against the back of the couch.

"Finn, this is Rory. Her mate is our Gamma, Nolan. She's taken on a couple of the Luna responsibilities since Cillian and I weren't mated." Turin explained, gesturing to the woman who smiled proudly. I felt myself want to shrink even more in her presence, feeling very out of place.

"I don't want to take your job, Rory. I'm sure you've been doing a much better job than I could anyway." I told her, laughing lightly at the idea of me trying to be Luna. I was still adjusting to the idea of having a mate, and even that still seemed far fetched.

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