Chapter Five

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I had expected Turin and Cillian to bring me to a dining area where the pack members ate, but instead they brought me straight to the kitchen. Their pack house wasn't as old and dingy as I was used to. Instead of feeling like a large warehouse with chairs, it actually felt like a home. The floors were all wooden, and there were plenty of large windows that showed off the forest outside. The walls were decorated with colorful paintings, and they even had plants placed in the hallways and on side tables.

The room I had been in was on the third floor of the large house. The walk to the kitchen wasn't too far, but I was so absorbed in the decor that I knew I would be lost trying to find my way back. Once we made it to the first floor, the stairs led to a large, open living room with tall ceilings. My eyes traced the stone fireplace against the far wall, with the stonework leading all the way up to the second floor.

There was an opening to the second floor, and I saw a woman peaking over the bannister to watch us as we walked. She was half hidden behind a pillar, but I made out short, brown hair before she disappeared. I watched the spot where she'd been curiously, wondering why she felt the need to hide.

As big as their pack house was, I hadn't seen a single other wolf as we made our way down another hallway and into the kitchen. I was used to the pack house being full of activity no matter what time of day, and the lack of other wolves made me wary.

Turin set to work making me a sandwich, ignoring my insistence that I could make it myself. Cillian forced me into one of the barstools at the island, shutting me up with a sharp glare. I narrowed my eyes at both of them, but didn't argue anymore. Cillian poured me a glass of water that I chugged eagerly. Turin laughed at me as Cillian refilled the glass.

"Here you go." Turin told her, plopping a plate with a large sandwich in front of me. He grabbed a bag of chips from a cabinet and tossed it towards me.  It flew way over my head, but Cillian reached a lazy hand up and caught it for me.

"Thanks." I grumbled out. I wasn't used to people doing things for me, and I think I much more preferred to be the one doing the work. But I was still grateful for the food, and was more than happy to scarf down the sandwich.

"Where is everyone?" I asked as I munched on my food. Cillian stood next to me, his hip leaning against the counter as he studied me. I ignored his staring and directed my question at Turin, who had busied himself with his own bag of chips across the counter.

"They're being respectful," Turin answered with a shrug, popping a barbecue flavored chip into his mouth, "and also hiding in case Cillian decides to lose his shit."

"What?" I asked, lowering the sandwich I was about to take a bite of. I saw Cillian glaring at Turin, but he didn't say anything. His eyes were dark and full of warning, and I found myself wanting to move away from him. Turin, however, did not seem fazed by the Alpha's intense glare.

"When I brought you in you were covered in blood, unconscious, and shaking from hypothermia. Once Cillian realized who you were and saw the state you were in...well he didn't react to well. The pack was worried about you, and worried about the Alpha if something were to happen to you. They're being respectful and giving you both space."

Cillian finally stopped glaring at Turin after his explanation , turning his stare to me as he waited for my response. His intensity scared me, and I felt my breathing pick up with his eyes on me

"Oh." Was all I could manage to spit out. My head felt fuzzy with all of the information, but I knew they wanted me to say more, so I offered the next thing I thought of, "The blood wasn't mine."

Turin snorted loudly, his laugh loud and genuine as he crumpled up the bag of chips and tossed it in the trash can across the room. I glanced at Cillian, noticing his intense stare had softened slightly as he looked at me curiously.

"Whose was it?" He asked me, his head tilting to the side as he spoke. I sucked in a breath, looking away from him as I chewed on my lip. I wasn't sure if should tell them what really happened to the rogue in the woods. Alpha Howard would surely have punished me for killing the rogue. Women weren't supposed to fight. But on the other hand, I'd already done and said many things around Turin and Cillian and they didn't seem to mind.

"After I left a rogue attacked me in the woods, and I killed him." I tried to make my voice even as I spoke, not wanting to appear weak. But I couldn't help the small crack in my voice at the end of my statement. I didn't regret defending myself, but that didn't make me feel any less guilty for killing someone.

"By yourself?" Cillian asked, his eyebrows lifting in surprise. I nodded, looking between the two men cautiously. Turin grinned at me, nodding his head in approval. I couldn't help my the corners of my lips twitching up at his approval.

As exhausting as it had been, my time in the woods was the only time in my life I wasn't under someone else's watchful eye. The Kline Pack was all I had ever known, and there I was just a helpless human. I was a slave - only there to do chores, and to entertain the Alpha when he got bored. When I escaped, I wasn't a slave anymore. I was just Finn.

"That's impressive," Cillian finally spoke. My pride swelled again, but it was immediately squashed by the next words out of his mouth, "but incredibly dangerous. The next rogue won't take it so easy on you. It's a good thing we found you when we did."

My disappointment quickly turned to anger, and I couldn't help the glare I sent his way. My inability to filter my feelings had always gotten me in trouble, and that wasn't about to change because he was supposedly my mate.

Just as I opened my mouth to retort with a snarky comeback, I watched Cillian's eyes glaze over. He was still staring at me, but it didn't seem like he could actually see me. I turned to Turin to question it, and saw him in the same state

"I have to go." Cillian snapped out of his trance as quickly as it came on, pushing himself away from the counter. I saw Turin moving in my peripheral, coming around the counter to stand next to the Alpha.

"What was that? What's going on?" I questioned, jumping up from the barstool. When neither of them responded, I narrowed my eyes in annoyance.

"Everything's fine, but I do have to go. I'll be back soon, I promise." Cillian repeated, taking a step towards me. I tensed at the movement, unsure what he wanted to do. He seemed to be just as unsure, and hesitated in front of me for a moment.

He eventually decided on pulling me into a tight hug, my arms awkward as they wrapped around his waist. His body was warm wrapped around me, and I felt the familiar tingles and shocks of the mate bond. Cillian was much taller than me and had to crane his neck as he put his head in the crook of my neck. I heard him take in a long, deep inhale, but within seconds he had pulled away and disappeared from the room entirely.

My body felt cold in his absence, and I mentally cursed the mate bond for making me want him to come back. I barely knew Cillian, and I know in my mind that I wasn't going for trust him just because we were supposed to be mates. But I couldn't help the way my body reacted to his presence.

I had expected Turin to follow him out, and when I turned back around I was surprised to see the Beta leaning against the counter in the spot where Cillian had stood moments earlier. He offered me a small smile full of pity, which I hated.

"Don't worry about him, he'll be fine. Just pack stuff." Turin told me, which wasn't as assuring as he thought it was. I wasn't worried about Cillian getting hurt. He was an Alpha and I trusted that meant he could take care of himself. It only made sense he'd have other duties to attend to.

"It's not him getting hurt that I'm worried about." I mumbled, begrudgingly returning to my seat at the island. I pushed the plate in front of me away, the last couple bites of food very unappealing now.

"Cillian would never hurt you, Finn. You're his mate. His wolf would never let him lay a hand on you." Turin's tone was more serious as he tried to convince me I was safe. I just shrugged, not at all swayed by his words. I knew there was more than one way to hurt someone, if not physically. And I wasn't convinced Cillian wouldn't hurt me in some way, whether intentionally or unintentionally. 

Turin watched me curiously as I nervously picked at a thread on the sweatshirt he had given me. My leg bounced and I chewed on my lip as my thoughts raced. I felt Turin's eyes on me, but I didn't offer any conversation. I knew he was just here to babysit me for Cillian anyway. 

"Do you want to go meet some of the other pack members?"

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