Chapter Twenty-Two

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After I stormed into the house, Rory followed me up to Cillian's room and helped me grab some clothes. I begged her to let me spend the night with her and Nolan, wanting to be as far away from Cillian as possible. She was reluctant to go against her Alpha, but she eventually gave in when she me on the verge of tears.

Rory snuck me back out of the house through the side door in the kitchen, leading me down a path in the dark. I had never been to the house she and Nolan shared, since they spent so much time in the pack house. It was pretty close by, and we were able to make it without running into Cillian.

As my anger started to fade, I began to grow worried that Cillian would take his frustration and anger with me out on Turin. I knew he could defend himself, but all I'd done is piss Cillian off and left him alone with Turin. I felt a wave of guilt as Rory led me in the darkness, but it quickly disappeared when she ushered me into her small living room.

The house was a one story, with a tiny living room right as you walked in the door. It led directly into the kitchen, and then there were two rooms to the right with a shared bathroom. It was small and cramped, but it had little decorations and throw blankets and photos and plants everywhere. It felt very much like Rory and Nolan: warm and welcoming.

"Hi." Turin's voice caught me off guard, and I spun in the room to search for the source. He stepped out of the kitchen with Nolan once they heard the door open. He offered me a small smile as Nolan pulled Rory into a hug.

"Hi." I greeted, not even attempting a smile as I searched him for any signs of more wounds. I frowned when I saw his arm, which was bruised and misshapen, but I didn't see anything new.

I took a step closer to him, gently picking up the arm to inspect how bad it was. It looked like it had already healed significantly, but it was hurt enough for him to flinch when I touched him. I stared down at the purple bruise, my eyes starting to water at the sight. Logically, I knew Cillian was completely at fault here. But a small part of me felt guilty that he'd been hurt because of me.

"Hey, none of that." Turin told me in a calm voice, cutting me off as I opened my mouth to apologize. He took his arm out of my hand, moving it behind his back so I couldn't see it. He used his other hand to gently wipe away a tear that had escaped, "you don't need to apologize, because you did nothing wrong. This isn't your fault."

He seemed to notice I wanted to argue with him, but Turin didn't give me a chance. He swept me into a tight hug before I could say anything. My view of the room disappeared as I buried my face in his chest, letting a few more tears fall down my face and onto his t-shirt.

"I just wanted to come make sure you were okay. We can talk about it more tomorrow, okay?" Turin muttered in my ear. I nodded, pulling away from him as I sniffed and wiped at my face with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. Rory appeared next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Let's get you to bed." She told me with a small smile. I nodded gratefully, my limbs suddenly feeling heavy. Turin and Nolan told me goodnight and I muttered an incoherent response, letting Rory steer me out of the living room. I heard Nolan snort when I tripped over the edge of the couch, and I turned around to glare at him.

"Come on." Rory urged, rolling her eyes as she laughed at me and her mate. She tugged on my arm and pulled me into the room farthest from the front door. It was dark, and my eyes were already half closed, so I barely took in the decor of the room. All I saw was the queen sized bed in the middle of the room.

I didn't really need Rory to help me get to sleep, but I was grateful for her company. She was like a worried mom that I'd never had, tucking me into bed and making sure I had enough blankets to keep me warm. Once she was satisfied that I was comfortable, she pressed a kiss to my temple and whispered good night. I was asleep by the time she made it through the door.

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