Chapter Eighteen

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Rory kept me constantly busy for the rest of the day. She offered no mercy as she ordered me around, making me do the heavy lifting while she stayed in the comfy office chair. She made fun of me when I messed things up, gossiped about pack drama, and told me all about the outfit she had planned for our date night the next day. It was exhausting, and I loved her for every second of it.

"Rory!" Nolan's voice carried down the hallway as he called for his mate. He had finished his patrol an hour before, and had come in every ten minutes begging Rory to stop working. Every time she snapped at him to leave us alone, and he'd stomp out of the room and grumble to himself.

"What?" Rory asked when he pushed the door open and stuck his head inside. She looked up at him innocently, as if she didn't know what he wanted from her. I bit my lip to keep from laughing at the couple.

"Are you done yet?" Nolan asked with a pout. Rory rolled her eyes at him and shook her head. We weren't very close to finishing, but it wasn't something we had to complete in one day. Rory knew that, but I think she liked that she was helping me by keeping me busy.

One of the responsibilities as Luna was making sure we were stocked up all the supplies we'd need, and at the end of the month we did a full inventory check. Rory and I had spent the majority of the day accounting for all the food in the pantry, medical supplies, cleaning supplies, soaps and toiletries, and any other miscellaneous items the pack might need. Anything we were low on, we made note of and placed an order for more.

"If you're so eager for us to finish, why don't you just help us?" Rory told her mate. She looked up at him with a challenging smirk, raising one eyebrow at him. Nolan groaned loudly, but took a step into the room and nodded his head. As much as he pretended to complain, I knew that Rory had him wrapped around her finger. He would happily do anything she asked of him.

"Alright, alright. What're we working on?" Nolan agreed, throwing himself  into the seat next to mine and propping his feed up on the desk in front of us. Rory swatted his feet off of the wooden desk while I chuckled at them.

"We're doing inventory," Rory told him, eliciting another groan. She rolled her eyes as she stood from her leather chair, waving a hand towards the tower of cleaning supplies next to me, "you can help Finley finish up the cleaning supplies while I go help Doc with the medical equipment."

I saw Nolan move to argue with her, clearly not liking that he wasn't even going to be spending time with his mate. Rory shot him a look and he fell silent, reluctantly turning towards me as she disappeared through the door.

"Sorry she stuck you on babysitting duty." I told him with a chuckle. She had been stalling going to help Doc all afternoon because she didn't want to leave me alone, so Nolan offered her the perfect opportunity.

"You don't need a babysitter," Nolan told me with a small shrug, "I've seen you yelling at Cillian. I think you can hold your own."

I snorted at the comment, my laugh echoing around the small room. Nolan perked up at the noise, excited that he got me to laugh. He was different from Cillian in that way. Cillian was always trying to maintain his stoic, strong composure, constantly afraid he wouldn't be taken seriously as a leader if he showed too much empathy or laughed too much.

Nolan didn't care about any of that. He took every opportunity to make those around him laugh, even in serious situations. It wasn't that he couldn't be serious, he just knew how powerful a laugh could be. I'd seen him cheer Rory up countless times by telling her jokes or funny stories, or diffuse two pack members who were arguing with a clever line. It had just worked effortlessly with me, and I appreciated his own attempt to not treat me any differently than he normally would. 

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